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Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 956260)

2 different issues entirely. Lower wages vs. raising the minimum wage. Welcome to the global economy where engineers in Bangalore, India are happy to do your job for 40% of what you are being paid. I don't have a clue what the answer to this is, short of absolute Protectionism.

jms62 12-06-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 956266)
2 different issues entirely. Lower wages vs. raising the minimum wage. Welcome to the global economy where engineers in Bangalore, India are happy to do your job for 40% of what you are being paid. I don't have a clue what the answer to this is, short of absolute Protectionism.

You come across as highly intelligent to me. Do you see that if we continue on this path Deflation is the only logical outcome?

Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 956254)
edited for brevity.

so, you just want to keep the status quo, low pay and taxpayers fill in the gaps?

No, I want to pay 11.50 for a Big Mac so that the burger flipper can meet with his accountant to manage his 401K.

Funny how you are going to pay others irresponsibility either way, it just incenses some that they are paying for it on the back end (taxes). Of course that is until they get their 15.00 an hour raise and you pay for it daily in groceries, clothing, restaurants, etc.

GPK 12-06-2013 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 956267)
You come across as highly intelligent to me. Do you see that if we continue on this path Deflation is the only logical outcome?

You don't know him very well.

Danzig 12-06-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 956268)
No, I want to pay 11.50 for a Big Mac so that the burger flipper can meet with his accountant to manage his 401K.

Funny how you are going to pay others irresponsibility either way, it just incenses some that they are paying for it on the back end (taxes). Of course that is until they get their 15.00 an hour raise and you pay for it daily in groceries, clothing, restaurants, etc.

i was asking for a genuine answer. not hyperbole regarding the price of a big mac and sarcasm about 401k's. and again, the conversation I was involved in had to do with minimum wage being around $10 an hour, which is where it should be according to economists who track those things. had it increased as it did in the past (and during past economic crises at that) it would be around 10. not 15.

so, how do we put an end to subsidizing millions of workers thru taxes?

Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 11:12 AM

By giving them govt jobs I guess. Of course they are paid for with....

41% of the Net New Jobs in November were in Government:

>>> Federal, state and local governments hired a net additional 338,000 workers in November, equaling 41 percent of the total of 818,000 net additional jobs created in the United States during the month.

At the same time, the unemployment rate for government workers fell from 4.4 percent in October to 3.2 percent in November. (The overall national unemployment rate fell from 7.3 percent to 7.0 percent.)<<<

Danzig 12-06-2013 11:18 AM

great idea, rudeboy. so glad we had this conversation, it's been very enlightening.

dellinger63 12-06-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 956270)

so, how do we put an end to subsidizing millions of workers thru taxes?

Getting them thru High School would be a start. Last year Chicago Public High Schools celebrated a record graduation rate at 65.4%. That means 34.6% failed and will now go thru life as a high school dropout and likely needy, whether they be working or not. Sadly the graduation rate for African American males is 44%. More than half don't graduate.

Ultimately I think setting up McD's CEO Donald Thompson as a role model would be much more serving to the community rather than say Chief Kieff, an 18-year old rapper-gangbanger currently in rehab avoiding more jail time. Yet you'll never hear that from the imposters posing as community saviors, Jesse Jackson Sr. being one of the most obvious.

dellinger63 12-06-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 956273)
By giving them govt jobs I guess. Of course they are paid for with....

41% of the Net New Jobs in November were in Government:

>>> Federal, state and local governments hired a net additional 338,000 workers in November, equaling 41 percent of the total of 818,000 net additional jobs created in the United States during the month.

At the same time, the unemployment rate for government workers fell from 4.4 percent in October to 3.2 percent in November. (The overall national unemployment rate fell from 7.3 percent to 7.0 percent.)<<<

Why don't we lower the retirement age to 50. That will free up a ton of jobs. :zz:

bigrun 12-06-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 956274)
great idea, rudeboy. so glad we had this conversation, it's been very enlightening.

Stewart covered the min wage issue last nite 'The amazing raise'..:D
Tues nite he covered Fox and their 'war on Christmas' campaign..:D

dellinger63 12-06-2013 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 956277)
Stewart covered the min wage issue last nite 'The amazing raise'..:D
Tues nite he covered Fox and their 'war on Christmas' campaign..:D

Unbelievable. Tuesday, some kid won the grand prize on Bozo's Circus. :zz:

bigrun 12-06-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 956278)
Unbelievable. Tuesday, some kid won the grand prize on Bozo's Circus. :zz:

Oops, forgot you are a Fox's story you will like..

Bet she won't get a raise..;)

Ga. Wendy's worker drops pot in burger, arrested.

Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 956274)
great idea, rudeboy. so glad we had this conversation, it's been very enlightening.

Yup, back at ya. :)

I just don't feel as though the conversation is going anywhere. You apparently feel the answer is federally regulated profit margins, federally regulated wage scales, federally regulated price controls, etc. to address this. & I'm not buying it. No worries. I hope we can agree to disagree.

Common sense is a wonderful thing.

Ross Perot & his Nostradamus-like predictions of where we would be if we accepted NAFTA and by extension had to compete globally for goods and labor along with what our Federal budget would look like if we didn't address SS and entitlement issues 20 years ago, are haunting. He was big into common sense, if you recall.

Yet there were Economists, climbing all over each other, waiting for the opportunity to "explain" (because we are all too dumb to get it) how NAFTA was "good" for us.

20 years later, the "Giant Sucking Sound" of good paying jobs fleeing our country continues to whir loudly by today.

60% of our Federal budget going to SSI and Medicare because it was not politically expedient to address this 20 years ago when he foresaw exactly this.

He was a "nut", a "kook", a "fill in the derogatory slur". Yet he was 100% correct. It was common sense. But you couldn't swing a cat by it's tail without hitting an Economist's that would dispute him. Loudly and with charts!!

So forgive me for calling bullsh1t upon hearing how forcing companies to absorb a 20% increase in minimum wage labor costs is somehow "good" for the consumers and the economy.

Common sense.

And as for the anecdotal argument that executive compensation needs to be curbed and that profit reinvested into minimum wage labor costs (enforced by who, again? the Govt.?) - again, this is a pimple on an elephant's asz. and the math doesn't come close to making your case. You are simply looking for a bogey man to blame, and facts be damned. So I'm done with the conversation. Have a great day.

Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by GPK (Post 956269)
You don't know him very well.



Danzig 12-06-2013 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis (Post 956285)
Yup, back at ya. :)

I just don't feel as though the conversation is going anywhere. You apparently feel the answer is federally regulated profit margins, federally regulated wage scales, federally regulated price controls, etc. to address this. & I'm not buying it. No worries. I hope we can agree to disagree.

Common sense is a wonderful thing.

Ross Perot & his Nostradamus-like predictions of where we would be if we accepted NAFTA and by extension had to compete globally for goods and labor along with what our Federal budget would look like if we didn't address SS and entitlement issues 20 years ago, are haunting. He was big into common sense, if you recall.

Yet there were Economists, climbing all over each other, waiting for the opportunity to "explain" (because we are all too dumb to get it) how NAFTA was "good" for us.

20 years later, the "Giant Sucking Sound" of good paying jobs fleeing our country continues to whir loudly by today.

60% of our Federal budget going to SSI and Medicare because it was not politically expedient to address this 20 years ago when he foresaw exactly this.

He was a "nut", a "kook", a "fill in the derogatory slur". Yet he was 100% correct. It was common sense. But you couldn't swing a cat by it's tail without hitting an Economist's that would dispute him. Loudly and with charts!!

So forgive me for calling bullsh1t upon hearing how forcing companies to absorb a 20% increase in minimum wage labor costs is somehow "good" for the consumers and the economy.

Common sense.

And as for the anecdotal argument that executive compensation needs to be curbed and that profit reinvested into minimum wage labor costs (enforced by who, again? the Govt.?) - again, this is a pimple on an elephant's asz. and the math doesn't come close to making your case. You are simply looking for a bogey man to blame, and facts be damned. So I'm done with the conversation. Have a great day.

nope, it's not going anywhere. suggestions get booed down, but no alternatives are presented.

you have a great day, too. and weekend as well. hope everyone stays warm and dry enough, it's miserable in these parts.

Rudeboyelvis 12-06-2013 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 956291)
nope, it's not going anywhere. suggestions get booed down, but no alternatives are presented.

you have a great day, too. and weekend as well. hope everyone stays warm and dry enough, it's miserable in these parts.

Have a great weekend too. Warm and dry, not a problem - but we do pay for this all summer:

Danzig 12-06-2013 02:44 PM

well, enjoy it.
high of 36 today, with rain and then ice later. yippee.

bigrun 12-06-2013 02:54 PM

Beautiful day here today..then lookout sunday..brrrr..

77°F today

Hi:33° sunday maybe freezing rain..:eek:

40's and 50's next week..

jms62 12-06-2013 05:10 PM

Don't forget to tip your nanny during this Holiday season.

bigrun 12-06-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 956313)
Don't forget to tip your nanny during this Holiday season.


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