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Mortimer 11-14-2008 11:58 PM

I bet he doesn't go nighty-poo.


Mortimer 11-15-2008 12:02 AM

Of course...if Ethel:p hears him screaming at the monitor she may stab him in the buttocks ( again)...and so---maybe he won't be back.

Mortimer 11-15-2008 12:12 AM

My guess is she stabbed him.

docicu3 11-15-2008 12:48 AM

I hope they grind up the Wizard of LowBlow Park into tiny little fat cells.[/quote]

Somehow I have this vision of Morty as a Bad Ass Coach who breaks ear drums at close range, gelds for missed blocks, smokes a Cuban while he and his team run up Mt. Rushformemore to do 100 gassers or up and downs like Lombardi on high test during the 60's......

Mortimer 11-15-2008 01:01 AM


I'm just a big sissy. I could never be a fb coach.....and certainly not a Parris Island Drill Instructor.

But I can spot a phony one booth away....I mean a mile away.

Mortimer 11-15-2008 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by pgardn
Give yourself a trophy.
Or a fecal pie.

Passing efficiency... whats that worth, 8 pts? ya meat head.
I like the kid. Once he learns how to actually run the plays the seeds
have, then the playbook will open up. Passing efficiency... Gets you third
place in the Bad 10.

But Pryor continues to improve.
You are safe. Next year you might have the best QB
in the country.

I knew I remembered you said something factually wrong.

I just had to go through all of your posts to find the one I was thinking about.

Uh..correct me if I am wrong, but Ohio State is tied with StatePenn at 5-1 for 2nd place and the Partys are first at 6-1.....only because they have played one more game...and Ohio has already beat them.

But I know you are just so jealous of the BT because their o.o.c. is just as bad if not a little tougher than the SEC,B12 and the PAC10.

When the B12 plays each other and the scores are 54-46 I would say you fellers have no concept of defense and will get mighty exposed come bowl per usual. I know Ohio State has treated your conference mighty disrespectfully. you know..passing efficiency is probably the key statistical ingredient when rating college and pro qb's...that's all it is.

And so-------------------blow me,Phil:D .

ddthetide 11-15-2008 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by pgardn
The Big Ten passing efficiency leader...
Akin to being the best field goal kicker
in 2nd grade Pop Warner football.

I will give your stat 3 mounds of bovine residue.
Please relish these awards... and Big Ten passing numbers.

after the Men of Troy swept the luckeyes from the national picture, there was NO need for anymore attention. psu just finalized the banishment.
iowa rid the national scene of the BT for good this season.

Mortimer 11-15-2008 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by ddthetide
after the Men of Troy swept the luckeyes from the national picture, there was NO need for anymore attention. psu just finalized the banishment.
iowa rid the national scene of the BT for good this season.

You know...if you had a brain then Phil:D would want one,too.

Mortimer 11-15-2008 02:18 PM

Well what do you know. The passing eff. leader is good for first place.

Makes sense--to the sensible.

Doorknobs are another thing all together.

Mortimer 11-15-2008 04:36 PM

I am proud to update my fine record to 16-10...with one more game to go.

And,lest we forget, doorknobs are the object by which we may open doors

But always remember;they are nothing without the human operator.


Mortimer 11-15-2008 09:54 PM

Bull Phooey.


Danzig 11-16-2008 09:21 AM

was unable to watch the game, wasn't on tv...but did anyone hear about lsu? they were laying down and dying to troy, pitiful troy, last night. this was the game that was postponed due to weather early in the season. not much of a crowd in death valley since it was expected that lsu would coast to victory.
troy went into the half leading 24-3. they promptly came out in the second half and scored yet another td, going up 31-3, lsu scored once in the third, making it 31-10. they then proceeded to score another 30 points in the fourth alone, scoring 37 unanswered in the second half, and won 40-31. yikes.

oh, and btw-huge PROPS to the running back for florida-percy harvin. Six rushes, over 20 yards average for a total over 120 yards and 2 td's. out of six touches. amazing!

and the highlight of that game has to be when fla kicked off to sc after a td, and then sc's player tried to get cute, pitched to another sc behind him, who misses the toss! fumble picked up, a tc on the kickoff for fla. lol i bet spurrier was going insane on that one.

Coach Pants 11-16-2008 09:24 AM

It's amazing how teams nut up against Florida.

Oh well...

The moneyline will be nice in the SECCG.

Cajungator26 11-16-2008 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants
It's amazing how teams nut up against Florida.

Oh well...

The moneyline will be nice in the SECCG.

You going to ATL for the game? We managed to score a couple of tickets ... I'm excited. :D

Coach Pants 11-16-2008 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cajungator26
You going to ATL for the game? We managed to score a couple of tickets ... I'm excited. :D

Was. Not Was. Now maybe. :rolleyes:

pgardn 11-16-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants
It's amazing how teams nut up against Florida.

Oh well...

The moneyline will be nice in the SECCG.

Would have been nicer had they kept the Miss St.
game a bit closer. Hope Florida destroys Fla ST.
if you gotta bet Bama this game.

Mortimer 11-16-2008 01:15 PM

Florida is still playing that cake ooc sched?

I believe Ohio State vaporized Troy.

The Philinator....mekin' copies.

pgardn 11-16-2008 06:06 PM

Paper shredder for the Big Ten Network.

Mortimer 11-16-2008 06:26 PM

^^^^ Shameful B12,SEC,P12 shill.

pgardn 11-16-2008 06:34 PM

Wears a D-cup Sweater Vest.

Its wearing thin, girls you know what to get him.

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