Who is going to pay for this then? We are just going to cover all the people that currently aren't insured with a government program and the health insurance costs are going to go down. I am not sure where you live, but in my book that is never never land.
I can't believe the GOP is not hammering on this. 2/3 is supposed to come from cuts in current Medicare misspending, 1/3 from the decreased tax deductions on those making over 250K a year.
My biggest question is that if that much stuff can be cleaned up from Medicare, why hasn't it been done already? Will it be done anyway independent of the health bill? How can one be sure that much can be realized? I want to see the details on this.
There are also provisions for people who are in the government plan to pay for their insurance, dependent upon their income, etc. It's not supposed to replace private insurance for the insured, it's suppose to cover the uninsured much like Medicare does now.
Everyone benefits costwise from that because now we pay (in our ER bills, our health insurance bills, our premiums, etc) for the 15% uninsured. Somebody has to pay for it, those costs are built into and spread around the entire healthcare industry.
What everyone benefits from immediately is the reforms to laws covering private insurance companies - no more dumping clients for no reason, no excluding grandpa from insurance because he retired and lost his company insurance and now wants to buy some but you won't cover him because he's had heart trouble, etc.
Half of all bankruptcies in the US are caused by people bankrupted due to paying for medical bills - and the majority of these people are insured by private insurance companies. That will end. That is great for the economy.
Great for the economy? Where is the $ coming from to pay for this?
The insurance companies that are insuring those people now. They will no longer be able to cap your yearly or lifetime benefits and stop paying, nor cap benefits for one condition and stop paying, nor kick you off your policy because you developed cancer, etc.
If you believe what the government is telling you and that they have no hidden agenda or direction where they are going to take this then you are correct, but you aren't really that naive are you?
Apparently, yes, I am that naive ;) No, I don't feel this is all part of a secret superplot to take over all my healthcare and control my life. We still have our three divisions of government, right? Executive, Legislative, Judicial? And we change off our Congressmen and Senators regularly, right, at our pleasure? BTW, no, I do not support single payer.
Really? Have you dealt with Medicare before? They do not cover a lot of things and if you have major medical problems you should have supplemental coverage to cover what medicare doesn't cover.
My regular private insurance doesn't cover alot of things. They cover this injection, but not that. They cover this procedure, but not that. They only cover generic drugs, although some drugs are better if not generic. They flat-out refuse to pay for some stuff. They only pay for XX days in hospital for XX condition, no matter what I may need. They tell me that after XXX dollars for one condition, they will pay no more and I'm on my own.
I'm in deep trouble, with private insurance, if I get a bad cancer than needs repeat treatments, long care, etc. They don't cover alot of preventive care - colonoscopies, mammograms, routine bloodwork, dermatologists, etc - that would decrease their costs if I didn't get those diseases, or caught them early.
Read the horror stories in the news associated with this - about the young girl who needed a liver transplant to live, her insurance company refused, her parents couldn't afford it, she died.
Private insurance is no model for excellence - they are a virtually unregulated industry, that can do whatever they want to the people who pay them monthly premiums.
I think most Medicare people have supplemental insurance, too, because they are usually older retired people on fixed incomes (part of which is that terrible socialist government controlled Social Security) and they don't want to risk losing what pension they have left.
Medicare has saved millions of lives. Think of all the people that would have no health insurance at all if they didn't have Medicare. Before Medicare - old people who couldn't afford it just got sick, were not treated, and died. I find that an appalling thing to happen in the richest, free-est country in the world.