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somerfrost 04-04-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 766118)

Part A&B once you're paid in and not making over like 100k (I believe) the part B premium is $115/month 80% coverage...Medicare Supplement to cover the other 20% say worst cast $250/month.

If you told me, outside of prescription coverage, that I could get 100% paid-for health coverage for $365 a month I would do f.ucking cartwheels naked in the town square and jizz all over the war memorial each month.

No wonder why Medicare is broke.

But Coach, you aren't retired with a fixed income of $1061 a month either.

Antitrust32 04-04-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 766121)
But Coach, you aren't retired with a fixed income of $1061 a month either.

nobody should retire if all they have to fall back on is Social Security. Their own fault.

Coach Pants 04-04-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 766121)
But Coach, you aren't retired with a fixed income of $1061 a month either.

Well if you're only drawing that much then you should have some sort of subsidy for prescriptions and, in certain cases, your part b premium subsidized as well.

I have an uncle who draws Low-income subsidy and all he pays are $2 for generics and $6 for name-brand drugs. Plus his part b premium is paid for and all hospital bills written off.

It's crazy.

somerfrost 04-04-2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 766123)
nobody should retire if all they have to fall back on is Social Security. Their own fault.

It's my fault because I got sick and was forced into early retirement? Believe me, I'd work if I could. and since I'm only 64, I get no insurance, meds and dr visits come out of my pocket. I'm not complaining, got it better than lots of folks but fact is not everything in life goes as one expects!

Antitrust32 04-04-2011 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 766128)
It's my fault because I got sick and was forced into early retirement? Believe me, I'd work if I could. and since I'm only 64, I get no insurance, meds and dr visits come out of my pocket. I'm not complaining, got it better than lots of folks but fact is not everything in life goes as one expects!

being handicapped is different than choosing to retire. I'm all for supporting handicapped people who cant work.

But people who choose to retire with no money saved to plan for it, I dont have too much sympathy for.

jms62 04-04-2011 05:03 PM

Hmmm. How much money did it take from Insurance lobbyists to buy the criminals (er politicos) that thought of this idea.

Coach Pants 04-04-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 766131)

If you really want to be angry look at how the pharmaceutical companies made out on Dubya's MMA.

Antitrust32 04-04-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 766131)

Hmmm. How much money did it take from Insurance lobbyists to buy the criminals (er politicos) that thought of this idea.

I f-ing hate United Health Care.

Hmm I wonder why their stock is so high? Maybe because they significantly raised all their deductables so they have to pay out much less money?

jms62 04-04-2011 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 766133)
If you really want to be angry look at how the pharmaceutical companies made out on Dubya's MMA.

Dude I read this book.

Any more angry and I will commit myself in fear of doing something that will embarass my family.

Riot 04-04-2011 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by GenuineRisk (Post 766021)
And your appreciation will keep me warm when I and the rest of what once was the middle class are eating cat food ** 10 ** years from now.

Oh wait, no it won't. We're f*cked. Thanks, GOP voters!


timmgirvan 04-04-2011 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 766128)
It's my fault because I got sick and was forced into early retirement? Believe me, I'd work if I could. and since I'm only 64, I get no insurance, meds and dr visits come out of my pocket. I'm not complaining, got it better than lots of folks but fact is not everything in life goes as one expects!

Somer: you should look into SSDI! I did and am drawing enough to help out alot.......before that I was at the poverty level. I used Binder and Binder.

somerfrost 04-04-2011 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by timmgirvan (Post 766151)
Somer: you should look into SSDI! I did and am drawing enough to help out alot.......before that I was at the poverty level. I used Binder and Binder.

Timm, I looked pretty much at everything. If I get sick and the doctor puts me in the hospital (which happened dec 09), Medical Asst kicks in and pays most of the hospital bills, but otherwise, they say I make too much ($1061 a month is too much). I got IHEAP to help with heating bills and $16 a month in food stamps but otherwise nada. Like I said, I'm not complaining, other folks are far worse off, but I'm not driving around in a new caddy like some seem to think.

hi_im_god 04-04-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by timmgirvan (Post 766151)
Somer: you should look into SSDI! I did and am drawing enough to help out alot.......before that I was at the poverty level. I used Binder and Binder.

my head just exploded.

i feel the way you would if you found out my dad was a pastor and paid all my bills. and i let him. while maintaing my staunch non-theist beliefs.

Riot 04-04-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Indian Charlie (Post 766117)
One could always take responsibility for their health, stop eating ****, stop taking meds and break away from our health care system entirely (except for traumas).

Nobody can "break away from the healthcare system entirely", because wellness care and disease prevention are huge and important components which increase with age in the population.

That is, they are in other first-world countries where complete, real healthcare is affordable by the majority of the population. Not the US, of course, where we only put out healthcare fires, and rather inefficiently and expensively, for only some and not all.

Riot 04-04-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 766107)
This is a no-win situation. Cuts need to be made but how severe? You can't get rid of medicare completely. It would be akin to the government putting crack cocaine in the ghetto and then removing it in 10 years.

Or, we could open up Medicare to everyone in the country. Let everyone buy in. The addition of 100 million healthy young people into the program would lower the costs for everyone, and increase the benefits.

timmgirvan 04-04-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by hi_im_god (Post 766156)
my head just exploded.

i feel the way you would if you found out my dad was a pastor and paid all my bills. and i let him. while maintaing my staunch non-theist beliefs.

if only...

Riot 04-04-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by hi_im_god (Post 766156)
my head just exploded.

Wow. Yes. Timmi, we never knew ya :eek:

Riot 04-04-2011 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 766154)
Timm, I looked pretty much at everything. If I get sick and the doctor puts me in the hospital (which happened dec 09), Medical Asst kicks in and pays most of the hospital bills, but otherwise, they say I make too much ($1061 a month is too much). I got IHEAP to help with heating bills and $16 a month in food stamps but otherwise nada. Like I said, I'm not complaining, other folks are far worse off, but I'm not driving around in a new caddy like some seem to think.

And that this type of thing can occur in "the richest country in the world" is appalling.

I don't want "the government" to "pay for freeloaders". But there are indeed ways for we citizens as a country - for our goverment - to make sure everyone in the country can purchase good, complete healthcare and pay their own way.

The Republicans want to do the opposite.

hi_im_god 04-04-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by timmgirvan (Post 766160)
if only...

that won't actually happen but maybe i'll get esophageal cancer. apparently it's the aids of atheists.

Coach Pants 04-04-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 766159)
Or, we could open up Medicare to everyone in the country. Let everyone buy in. The addition of 100 million healthy young people into the program would lower the costs for everyone, and increase the benefits.

I'd like to see some statistics on that pipe dream. The way Medicare is now it will only increase the abuse and cost.

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