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clyde 06-04-2011 08:46 PM

Danny, did you or did you not f..................I withdraw the question.

Danzig 06-04-2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by clyde (Post 781775)
Danny, did you or did you not f..................I withdraw the question.

dumb questions are easier to answer.

clyde 06-04-2011 09:08 PM


Danzig 06-04-2011 09:32 PM


i don't know what you were about to ask intriguing.

clyde 06-04-2011 10:02 PM

Oh boy.

It's best forgotten.

horseofcourse 06-05-2011 12:02 AM

These presidential elections are beyond meaningless. ARe people still under the impression that there is a difference between the two political parties that have a chance to win an election in this country??

horseofcourse 06-05-2011 12:26 AM

I'm pulling heavily for republican's in 2012 however. They are just flat out open in admitting they want to destroy the country right now. They just want flat out destruction. Flat line everything. I appreciate that. National democrats are spineless twits who really do not deserve oxygen. To be honest, I'm not sure why the republican's would want anyone but Obama in office. He's the man for them. Politically, he's about 8 zilllion miles to the right of say Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan. 10 cent beer night in Cleveland spelled the final end for Nixon. Poor man. National politics today could use someone with a fraction of the honesty and integrity of Nixon. I truly mean that. We get steaming imbecilic masses of flesh like Paul Ryan, John Boner, Barack Obummer, Fancy Pelosi, Whorin Flatch, and that steaming pile of crap from Virginia...what the heck's his name?? Scorch the earth baby, scorch it!! Cantner, that's his name!! Pure flatulence is he.

Riot 06-05-2011 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 781849)
10 cent beer night in Cleveland spelled the final end for Nixon. Poor man. National politics today could use someone with a fraction of the honesty and integrity of Nixon. I truly mean that.

So that whole Watergate criminal lawbreaking thing that really caused his resignation and the end of his career was a demonstration of Nixon's honesty and integrity?


Antitrust32 06-06-2011 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 781847)
These presidential elections are beyond meaningless. ARe people still under the impression that there is a difference between the two political parties that have a chance to win an election in this country??

see Riot ; Dell ; Arl Jim ; Somer

jms62 06-06-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 781847)
These presidential elections are beyond meaningless. ARe people still under the impression that there is a difference between the two political parties that have a chance to win an election in this country??

:tro: Unfortunately there are, but the reality is that both parties need to keep the constituents locked in mortal battle convinced that the other party is responsible for all the ills of America.. Meanwhile they pick the last morsels of meat from the rotting carcass of America.

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