horseofcourse |
06-05-2011 12:26 AM |
I'm pulling heavily for republican's in 2012 however. They are just flat out open in admitting they want to destroy the country right now. They just want flat out destruction. Flat line everything. I appreciate that. National democrats are spineless twits who really do not deserve oxygen. To be honest, I'm not sure why the republican's would want anyone but Obama in office. He's the man for them. Politically, he's about 8 zilllion miles to the right of say Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan. 10 cent beer night in Cleveland spelled the final end for Nixon. Poor man. National politics today could use someone with a fraction of the honesty and integrity of Nixon. I truly mean that. We get steaming imbecilic masses of flesh like Paul Ryan, John Boner, Barack Obummer, Fancy Pelosi, Whorin Flatch, and that steaming pile of crap from Virginia...what the heck's his name?? Scorch the earth baby, scorch it!! Cantner, that's his name!! Pure flatulence is he.