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slotdirt 08-18-2011 03:55 PM

I don't dispute that shady dealings are happening, as I said before. But come on, read the report. 72 players, Frank Haith, and other coaches all received some sort of illegal benefit from Teddy Dupay (love the pseudonym, by the way). Throwing a party and having loose sorority girls available is a lot different than renting a room for a night and paying strippers to play hide the salami.

P.S. - debatable that 4/5ths of the Big East could be considered major college football, even with Temple's departure from the league.

Antitrust32 08-18-2011 03:57 PM

did you see the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on Marcus Dupree?

that was interesting... "My son wont play for Oklahoma unless I get my double wide!!!"

Antitrust32 08-18-2011 04:08 PM

slotdirt 08-18-2011 04:19 PM

Like I said, big difference between a hostess program (read: loose college co-eds who really love their football) and rounding up a dozen girls at Bare Xposure or Delilah's (couple of Philly references for you) and paying them to do a couple recruits or players.

Antitrust32 08-18-2011 04:38 PM

thats if you really believe Miami is the only place where boosters supply athletes with strippers.

But I personally believe that a university employing hostesses to get underage recruits drunk and blow them is just as bad. I highly doubt they are volunteering their time.

Antitrust32 08-18-2011 04:41 PM

I moved out of PA when I turned 18 so I dont know a lot about the Philly stripper scene. I have more experience at South Florida, Daytona and Tucson Arizona strip clubs. :o Stripper boat parties are tons of fun! I would definately be joining if I was a U football player!

clyde 08-18-2011 04:42 PM

"But I personally believe that a university employing hostesses to get underage recruits drunk and blow them is just as bad. I highly doubt they are volunteering their time."
================================================== ====

I firmly believe this benefit should also be provided to overage candidates being recruited for ..other stuff, like perhaps writing bad poyems for the university.

They wouldn't even have to get me...whoa!!...I mean these recruits drunk.

Cannon Shell 08-18-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by slotdirt (Post 801097)
Like I said, big difference between a hostess program (read: loose college co-eds who really love their football) and rounding up a dozen girls at Bare Xposure or Delilah's (couple of Philly references for you) and paying them to do a couple recruits or players.


dagolfer33 08-18-2011 10:36 PM

All of this discussion is REALLY making me want to go back to college and be a football star............:D

horseofcourse 08-18-2011 10:38 PM

Who did the U kill?? Why on earth would they be on death row? I feel bad I have had zero desire to read about this U stuff on any internets and I missed the first page here too. did it involve selling gold plated pants to an ex con for free tattoos?? Cause that's really, really bad stuff there.

dagolfer33 08-18-2011 10:40 PM

.....oh, and by the way, I've been to Dejavu's several times in Nashville and I never once saw a Vandy football player in there. Very academic school that Vandy is.

jms62 08-19-2011 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 801055)
oh yeah? buy a clue

the only uneducated comment is yours. At least I've heard my information from people who have worked in major division one football programs.

Pac 10 Stanford when was the last time any of this nonsense was attributed to them?

Bigsmc 08-19-2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell (Post 801134)

Because one is provided by the school (the girls in Gainesville were called Gator Getters :rolleyes:) and the other is provided by the booster. Only difference.

I am 100% in Antitrust's camp on this one. It is going on to varying degrees at all major college programs as well as some of the bigger lower level programs.

Bigsmc 08-19-2011 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 801196)
Pac 10 Stanford when was the last time any of this nonsense was attributed to them?

Just because they haven't been caught does not mean nothing is going on.

The NCAA rules are so insane, I truly believe if you looked close enough at Stanford, you'd find violations. Surely not to the degree of what went on at the U, but the random dinner, plane ticket for an underprivilidged player, couple hundred bucks tucked into a pocket.... It's happening there too.

dino 08-19-2011 05:05 AM

Good question. Let me preface this with I am definitly not a Hurricanes fan. If this is an isolated incident then there is no question they should. But if anyone believes that this is an isolated incident then they are a moron. This stuff happens everywhere. Miami just happenned to get caught.
In the last 5 years Miami has had 0 players arrested. Florida, who some people consider a clean program, had like 40 and Florida State had like 30.
Miami has rejected numerous 5 star high school players in the last 10 years because of shady backgrounds or poor academic persormance. The SEC schools couldn't sign these guys up fast enough.
The USA today published the graduation rate of all teams that made a Bowl game last year. Miami was second only to Stanford.

Bigsmc 08-19-2011 06:11 AM

Back to the original question. I don't know if they deserve it or not, I do not know the criteria.

I do know the NCAA will not give them the death penalty. They saw what it did to SMU and will not do it again. Too many people in and around a football program rely on that program to make a living. Not to mention hurting the City of Miami and the surrounding area. If the NCAA were to dole out another death penalty, it hurts many more people than just the University at fault.

clyde 08-19-2011 07:10 AM

Back to getting away from the original question......this is just part of the sell out in microcosm.

Colleges can't get enough money and perks;neither can their athletes.

What's fair is fair.

Clip-Clop 08-19-2011 11:36 AM

Former three sport recruit.
All different schools recruiting for different sports. (except Miami and Georgia).
Al Golden was a high school football coach at a school I may or may not have gone to. Many of my classmates from the area and time went to Div. 1 schools for various sports.
The recruiting trips were all very similar and an awful lot of fun for 17 and 18 year old kids. RPI for hockey did not treat us to much more than dinner and a tour of the facility.
Miami takes great advantage of the location/reputation and makes sure it is a damn good time.
I feel bad for the current administration there and think a lot of this will just go away over time. UM has a lot to lose and now has a legit guy at the helm of the football program.

clyde 08-19-2011 12:34 PM

One should be careful when visiting the Fountain of Eweth.

Coach Pants 08-20-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by clyde (Post 801039)
What hypocrisy the players just might have a few grand and some

Those old white guys in charge will take care of that malfeasance.

Those effin globalists.

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