Suffolk Shippers |
09-11-2006 07:11 PM |
Tonight, tomorrow, whenever...when you kiss your wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, sister, brother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle...say a prayer for all the people that lost their loved ones, soul mates, children, etc. They still live with a loss that none of us can understand, unless we felt the same fate for one of our own.
Know that someday, the world will be a better place, free of the evil and hatred that fueled the most unfortunate day many of us have ever seen.
What I will forever take with me the heroic acts on that day and subsquent days. It just goes to show you, that despite race, gender, politics, social class, we are all held together by a common bond that has tied many of our generations past. We are all Americans. We push comes to shove, we dont see any of the things that we perceive to divide us, we see a neighbor, a brother, a friend, an American.
God bless the victims, survivors and all Americans, as we all feel overwhelming grief and sorrow today.