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pointman 05-11-2012 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 859490)
I'm sure someone will say that in all seriousness on Faux within the next 24 hours.

It's about time. The "evolution" thing was taking longer than Australopithecus ---> Homo. Thank you, President Obama, for at least talking like you belong in the 21st century world. About time a US President said it publicly.

This is going to turn out to be a great election for this country: the Republicans are doubling down on Evangelical John Birch Tea Party Anti-Gay Anti-woman crazies (see Dick Lugar loss yesterday), and the Dems (shadows for what used to be moderate Republicans) are finally developing a vocal progressive wing.

We get to choose. Like France ;)

We should all be glad that President Obama has finally caught up to Dick Cheney's stance on this issue.

bigrun 05-11-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860046)
We should all be glad that President Obama has finally caught up to Dick Cheney's stance on this issue.

Did Obama shoot someone in the face?

Also on Cheney, heard his insurance company was not going to cover his new heart...They said he was heartless before the surgery...:D

Danzig 05-11-2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860078)
Did Obama shoot someone in the face?
Also on Cheney, heard his insurance company was not going to cover his new heart...They said he was heartless before the surgery...:D

i think that's between him and his wife....


pointman 05-11-2012 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860078)
Did Obama shoot someone in the face?

Also on Cheney, heard his insurance company was not going to cover his new heart...They said he was heartless before the surgery...:D

What does an accidental shot have to do with Cheney's and Obama's position on this issue? The fact of the matter is that it took until now for Obama to adopt the same position that the "evil" Dick Cheney has previously adopted on this issue.

bigrun 05-11-2012 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 860080)
i think that's between him and his wife....



Coach Pants 05-11-2012 03:45 PM

I watch my dog lick my cats as.shole. I don't have a problem with it. What they do is their business.

Rudeboyelvis 05-11-2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860082)
What does an accidental shot have to do with Cheney's and Obama's position on this issue? The fact of the matter is that it took until now for Obama to adopt the same position that the "evil" Dick Cheney has previously adopted on this issue.

He does what he always does, waits until it too late ( had a real opportunity to actually look presidential by holding this opinion and expressing it prior to the NC decision) and winds up looking cowardly and half-hearted.

I'm surprised it took him this long to inject himself into the middle of it (RE: Beer Summit, another after the fact abject failure) but it is a complete non-issue - if he felt this way it would not have taken him 3 and a half years to recognize the overwhelming % of the gay/lesbian/transgendered population that supported him in the first place.

The painful truth is, (and this really gets the lefty's going because they see it with their own eyes, yet refuse to acknowledge it )that he is EXACTLY like his predecessor - a servant to no one but the elite bankers of the federal reserve - NOT gays, not women, not the American people. His actions prove his motives once again.

Antitrust32 05-11-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 860087)
I watch my dog lick my cats as.shole. I don't have a problem with it. What they do is their business.

do you have a problem when your dog then tries to lick your face? :)

bigrun 05-11-2012 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860082)
What does an accidental shot have to do with Cheney's and Obama's position on this issue? The fact of the matter is that it took until now for Obama to adopt the same position that the "evil" Dick Cheney has previously adopted on this issue.

So do millions of others agree with him...why bring up Cheney....what do you think his position would be if his daughter wasn't a lesbian?...

Coach Pants 05-11-2012 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 860092)
do you have a problem when your dog then tries to lick your face? :)

Nah my cat eats organic food. Plus I'm not a germophobe sissy. Hand sanitizer is the next step to interstate video store glory holes.

pointman 05-11-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860093)
So do millions of others agree with him...why bring up Cheney....what do you think his position would be if his daughter wasn't a lesbian?...

You don't see the irony in that Cheny was more progressive on this issue than Obama? Do I really have to spell it out for you or are you just trying to troll my point?

Coach Pants 05-11-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860096)
You don't see the irony in that Cheny was more progressive on this issue than Obama? Do I really have to spell it out for you or are you just trying to troll my point?

You have to treat Formula One like he's a 4 year old. Talk to him like you would a child that's asking for help with a big block puzzle.

Antitrust32 05-11-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 860095)
Nah my cat eats organic food. Plus I'm not a germophobe sissy. Hand sanitizer is the next step to interstate video store glory holes.

LOL :)

Isnt it strange how germaphobes seem to get sick much more often then people like me who enjoy playing in dirt.

Though I do wash my hands after using the restroom and when I am around someone who is sick. And vitamen C is my friend.

Coach Pants 05-11-2012 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32 (Post 860103)
LOL :)

Isnt it strange how germaphobes seem to get sick much more often then people like me who enjoy playing in dirt.

Though I do wash my hands after using the restroom and when I am around someone who is sick. And vitamen C is my friend.

Yeah. Hell I took a few runs on the slip and slide in the infield on Oaks day. Wasn't enough mud though. :mad:

Antitrust32 05-11-2012 04:12 PM

damn that sounds fun.

Riot 05-11-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860046)
We should all be glad that President Obama has finally caught up to Dick Cheney's stance on this issue.

I laughed :tro:

Republicans have historically been in favor of gay marriage (or at least not against it). It's an "Evangelical loon" thing rather than a "Republican" thing. The Evangelical loons control a good portion of the party now.

Romney caving to the gay-haters running out his foreign policy advisor, without raising any defense at all, was so pathetic that even the head of the anti-gay bashers that did the deed turned around the next day and called Romney weak and a caver for folding to their demands. Ouch.

pointman 05-11-2012 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 860119)
I laughed :tro:

Republicans have historically been in favor of gay marriage (or at least not against it). It's an "Evangelical loon" thing rather than a "Republican" thing. The Evangelical loons control a good portion of the party now.

Romney caving to the gay-haters running out his foreign policy advisor, without raising any defense at all, was so pathetic that even the head of the anti-gay bashers that did the deed turned around the next day and called Romney weak and a caver for folding to their demands. Ouch.

I don't disagree with you that it is a disgrace that in the year 2012 that Romney's foreign policy advisor resigned because he is gay. Romney should have taken a stance against it and was weak and wrong not to do so.

People need to get over this crap already and stay out of other people's private affairs. I am as much against the evangelical nuts who preach that marriage can only be between a man and a woman as anyone here regardless of political affiliation.

The scary thing about this is that 30 states have proposed referandums to define marriage as limited to between a man and a woman and every single one of them passed. It is dispicable IMO.

bigrun 05-11-2012 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860096)
You don't see the irony in that Cheny was more progressive on this issue than Obama? Do I really have to spell it out for you or are you just trying to troll my point?

Not trolling...Just don't understand the significance of using Cheney to make your point...His daughter is gay!..what other position could he take...and who gives a shiit about anything Cheney says....JMHO....

pointman 05-11-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860127)
Not trolling...Just don't understand the significance of using Cheney to make your point...His daughter is gay!..what other position could he take...and who gives a shiit about anything Cheney says....JMHO....

If you despise him so much then you should understand the irony that Cheny was more progressive than Obama on the issue. Obama claims to have drawn his position from his daughters also (not that they are gay, but their feelings with regard to it). If anything, I give Cheney the credit of going against those around him as he understood the importance of this issue by seeing its effect on a person who he loved close to him and abandoned the party line to support his convictions.

But let's not slap Mr. Obama on the back just yet. As RBE correctly pointed out, this is an issue that Obama has flip-flopped on and was trying to sit out on making a decision until after the election (one of many things that he is attempting to put off until after the election) and only took this position when his gay and lesbian donors threatened to pull money from his campaign and forced him to make a decision.

That is hardly the qualities of a strong and decisive leader who should be given credit. He has still fallen short of the real issue which is that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry nationwide. Period.

IMO this is not a State's rights issue. This is a fundamental Constitutional issue.

bigrun 05-11-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 860130)
If you despise him so much then you should understand the irony that Cheny was more progressive than Obama on the issue. Obama claims to have drawn his position from his daughters also (not that they are gay, but their feelings with regard to it). If anything, I give Cheney the credit of going against those around him as he understood the importance of this issue by seeing its effect on a person who he loved close to him and abandoned the party line to support his convictions.

But let's not slap Mr. Obama on the back just yet. As RBE correctly pointed out, this is an issue that Obama has flip-flopped on and was trying to sit out on making a decision until after the election (one of many things that he is attempting to put off until after the election) and only took this position when his gay and lesbian donors threated to pull money from his campaign and forced him to make a decision.

That is hardly the qualities of a strong and decisive leader who should be given credit. He has still fallen short of the real issue which is that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry nationwide. Period.

OK I :wf:wf and agree to bad, i still suffer from Bush/Cheney syndrome...I wasn't defending Obama, just ragging on Darth.

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