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Your choice of SOS for Secretary of State is quite appropriate, and, if intended, witty! |
It's not fantasy Riot! They actually said it. Shamelessly blamed a youtube vid that nobody was aware of for a commando assault on our Embassy. And they knew it the whole time but lied anyway.
No, I disagree with your assumption that the public alters parties automatically. Hilary's chances of winning the Presidency are extremely good following Obama, because the economics are going to be so solid, and the GOP is going to continue into oblivion, with nobody viable (including Jeb) as a presidential candidate. That, plus, all the people (like me) that would never have voted for Hillary in a million years in 2008, now are looking at a quite successful, proven, accomplished Secretary of State. Now every knows she could be president and handle it well. These four years have only greatly enhanced her chances across all political spectrums. I think the GOP is done for quite some time as President, and I think they stand a good chance of losing the House, too. You can laugh at Kerry all you want, but I don't know why you would. He would make an outstanding SOS, he's extremely knowlegable, has tons of foreign experience - he was next on the list after Hilary. |
Hello! These things exist, and there is video to prove it. I posted the video. Watch it. The president's press statement the day after it happened is out there, too. Continuing to ignore those things actually exist is simply beyond crazy. Yes. It's fantasy. And it's a fantasy that only exists out there in Obama-Derangement land, populated by birthers, "He's a commie Muslim", and other wing nuts. |
If obama wins, hillary would be the top demo dog four years from now. |
Who do the Republicans have? Rubio? Bush? Christie? Portman? Condi? The GOP brand is virtually destroyed right now. That's why so many Republicans are steering clear of the current incarnation of the GOP. |
Okay, this is an example what drives me effing nuts about the lies and untruths and deliberately bad "USA journalism" that is tolerated in our political discourse nowadays (and yeah, that includes Romney's brazen lying, too)
You want objective journalism? You can't hardly get it any more in America. Try guardian.uk or aljazeera english Quote:
Is that a true statement? Is that an accurate portrayal of what happened in Libya? The fact that I used the word "terror" in there is meaningless. I still mischaracterized the whole incident and that is exactly what Obama did. He made statements almost identical to my statement. You can try to play with semantics and say that Obama did use the word "terror" in the Rose Garden. He did use the word "terrorist" on Letterman. Who cares? He still totally lied about what happened. By the time he came on Letterman, he knew exactly what happened yet he was still talking about the video. When Letterman asked him about what happened in Libya, Obama said, "Here is what happened. There was a video released......" |
Who takes responsiblity for Hillary?
To Republicans, see, 3,000 dead Americans in an attack on our shore under a GOP President was just one of those things that no one could have foreseen ("Bin Laden Determined To Attack In US" memo in August being a non-issue of course). And 4,000 dead Americans and billions and billions of dollars wasted in Iraq (money we borrowed) is just one of those things- how could a GOP President possibly know there were no weapons of mass destruction? How could we possibly expect him to do due diligence and not just go with what he wished was true?
But an attack on our embassy under a Democratic President? Well, clearly that is the personal fault of the Democratic President, see! Because shut up, that's why. The difference being, in the weeks after 9/11, when the GOP Administration was running around trying to figure out what happened, you didn't hear Democratic members of Congress saying anything resembling the crap the GOP is now spouting. Because pulling together as a nation is only for when there is a Republican in office. Here's what Reagan and Bush had to say in 1980, after the failed rescue attempt for the hostages in Iran: Reagan: "This is the time for us as a nation and a people to stand united." HW Bush: "I unequivocally support the president of the United States — no ifs, ands or buts — and it certainly is not a time to try to go one-up politically. He made a difficult, courageous decision.” What a difference 30 years makes for the GOP. Once, they understood it was American first, Republican second. Not anymore. |
The other thing that people are complaining about is Obama's lack of truthfulness after the fact. |
The fact a consulate was guarded by guards, hired by a British Company, armed with flashlights and batons is all anyone needs to know.
Job outsourcing at its best. When Hillary said she was taking responsiblity who knew it was for a job well done. Couple more bumps in the road to go. |
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sh...erage-not-so-s |
How many elite soldiers have died during "peacetime" under Obama, Genuine Chump?
24 minimum by my count. The Braggart in Chief had to disclose who killed bin Laden to toot his own horn. You can't have it both ways, scum hypocrites. You accept death if it fits your agenda. |
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