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The world simply is a quite different place today. I have no desire to give up the federal programs that keep us all safe, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Food & Drug Administration, FEMA to help with the rebuilding when something like Katrina strikes, etc. We are a socially interdependent country, not Galt's Gulch. We are the ones that elect our leaders. If our leaders suck, it's our own fault :D I personally am thrilled (and relieved) we elected Obama-Biden over McCain-Palin. Sarah Palin a heartbeat from the Presidency of the United States. Yes, we can't ignore our history. |
I think if Paine,Jefferson,Washington,Revere,Hale,et al.....all those who braved that wretched big ol' sea and an unsettled land to escape tyranny....if they put themselves in a bottle and had it thrown in another far off sea in hopes of returning here to take in what the future held...and they washed up in this room...
what would they say? I think it might be: "Oh boy." |
I think it would be, "You're kidding - you can drink the water?"
I think it would be, "You're kidding - you can drink the water?"
That was awful. |
So Governors and Presidents are immune to this rule? |
BTW, McCain's presidential election committee (during the primary) had him running as a "one term and out" promise (because he was old, had cancer, etc. They thought it would help with his election). He got all the way to the day he was going to make that announcement, then they backed off. They determined it would render him mostly useless in office. I agree. |
make weed,gambling,prostitution,speeding, legal.death penalty for cocaine/and smack.make horse racing the national sport. limit player contracts in all sports to 95k a year.fire obama and the rest of congress.start new elections for 2014. in all spots..get rid of the irs make a flat tax...and get pete rose in the hall of fame.
What a complete jackass. Google: rand paul speeches overthrow |
( ;) ) |
clyde for prez
The idea that CEO's simply fall into the positions that they are in is ludicrous. The idea that all upper management people are over paid buffoons is silly The idea that sports stars salaries matter to the economy is idiotic. As a matter of fact based on 98% of athletes spending habits they are the ultimate in economic stimulator's. Fairness can come into play when people start getting off their asses, taking responsibility for their own situations and stop worrying about what someone else is making. Charlie Finley lives... |
lil wayne should be forced to give byk his griiizile
Of course a bunch of players would have hated you. But screw the worker! :zz: |
interesting to read tho that pols were already accusing the opposition of attempting to destory the country. some things never change. |
So if I buy an NFL team for $300 million and get lucky enough to draft a Tom Brady who leads my team to Super bowls and increases the value of the team to say 1 billion dollars, I shouldn't be allowed to pay him more than $999,999? I'm glad that you are the arbitrator of all salaries in the US and have decided that 1 million is the cut off point. You effectively want to place the entire country under a nationwide salary cap? I just hope I qualify for the mid level exception... |
I would limit the owner of a business to two million profit a year and take the rest to fund wars and our excessive cocaine habit...
cause lets face it...only coke heads can f.uck s.hit up this bad. |
like i said, the tax breaks should be to those with money who provide jobs to those who need them. not tax breaks for shelters to grow the wealth, which sits there-or pays for the likes of paris hilton. the rich are those with the means to provide jobs-the trick is to entice them to do so. cutting top salaries isn't how to do it-it's encouraging higher bottom salaries, and more of them. tax breaks for providing benefits, encouraging more employment-not making it more sensible to work the employees you have 80 hours a week to avoid paying ss, workmens comp, and other costs of hiring. it shouldnt be cheaper to pay overtime rather than to hire more, but it is. besides, i'd imagine those top salaries include stock options-start giving some of those to your employees-paying a bit more to those you have makes them happier, and more productive. congress needs to rethink job creation, and taxes. |
You tell 'em, Chuck.
Survival of the fittest. |
That's way too low. There needs to be the right mix of both Capitalism, and Socialism. Conservatives hate Socialism until you mess with their Medicare, or a twister tears their shyt up....... The emphasis in this country has been on getting rich, and we've been willing to give our jobs away to people (in other countries) in order for rich people to keep making tons of money (off poor people.) We've finally come to the point where that has caught up with us. There aren't enough jobs here, and it's because we've given our jobs away to other countries. One of the reasons we would ever do such a thing is because we have a lack of concern for fellow citizens. Part of the reason for that is because we don't give value to American Citizenship. That's a huge mistake. The 1st thing I'd do is to treat our borders, immigration, and healthcare the way most other industrialized countries do it. We are paying about 7k a year per person for healthcare, and they pay roughly 4k. If we value citizenship rights, jobs for Americans, and the health of fellow citizens, then, we can start cleaning this up. You can't just give jobs away to people in other countries (because they will do it for almost nothing,) and then bring the products here to sell. O.K., we've tried that. We don't have enough people working anymore to buy those products. I can guarantee you the solution to most of our problems lies in giving more respect to citizenship rights of Americans. People need to know exactly what they belong to. They don't right now. We keep giving the club memberships out, and wonder why people don't care about fellow club members..duh. Put Americans 1st. Do that, and people will care a lot more about their country. That will lead to a better economy. We can't keep worrying about every stray from every culture that overproduces beyond their means. That's a problem they need to come to terms with. Our culture has specific problems that need to be dealt with, and that starts with giving citizens something definite to belong to. If we want to solve our problems, we have to care about us a lot more than we do now. |
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