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Cannon Shell 12-08-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823282)
This is meaningless and could be used to describe 99% of NFL players. There aren't a lot of lazy slugs who don't give two craps about winning in the NFL.

That's not true

Cannon Shell 12-08-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by GPK (Post 823288)
He's probably still a virgin. And he has to be about 50 now.

He did finally get married so he isnt getting any anymore

RockHardTen1985 12-08-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell (Post 823312)
So it helps that he is white. Ok then
if he was black he wouldn't be getting the attention he is getting?

I don't a single person who watches or is interested in Tebow because he is white.

Ok this will really sound wrong, but this is not Bball and I agree with you. This is not really how I feel, but I think there is a consensus that hoops is a black mans game. I have heard the debate many times about a black QB never winning a Super Bowl and the question of if it can happen? I think in this case and with him being white it does not mean a thing. If he was a superstar winning point guard who was a white virgin and a religious freak then maybe race might matter.

ateamstupid 12-08-2011 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell (Post 823312)
So it helps that he is white. Ok then
if he was black he wouldn't be getting the attention he is getting?

I don't a single person who watches or is interested in Tebow because he is white.

You're confused again. There's a difference between actively rooting for someone because they're white and giving a white guy more credit than an equal black guy. Don't act like the media doesn't lionize the David Ecksteins of the world while ignoring similarly undersized black athletes. There's no way in hell Tebow would get this kind of attention if he were black or another minority.

RockHardTen1985 12-08-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823316)
You're confused again. There's a difference between actively rooting for someone because they're white and giving a white guy more credit than an equal black guy. Don't act like the media doesn't lionize the David Ecksteins of the world while ignoring similarly undersized black athletes. There's no way in hell Tebow would get this kind of attention if he were black or another minority.

I dont think thats true, a guy winning is a guy winning. Vick won last year, after the world hated him. Then he got 100 million this year, and was on ESPN every day last football seasson.

ateamstupid 12-08-2011 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by RockHardTen1985 (Post 823321)
I dont think thats true, a guy winning is a guy winning. Vick won last year, after the world hated him. Then he got 100 million this year, and was on ESPN every day last football seasson.

Oh please. Vick got the same kind of attention Tebow's getting? Tebow is the most ubiquitous guy in sports right now. I'm not saying it's only because he's white, but it sure as hell helps.

ateamstupid 12-08-2011 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell (Post 823313)
That's not true

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be an NFL player?

RockHardTen1985 12-08-2011 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823328)
Oh please. Vick got the same kind of attention Tebow's getting? Tebow is the most ubiquitous guy in sports right now. I'm not saying it's only because he's white, but it sure as hell helps.

Vick got a lot of attention. More then a lot of people felt he deserved after what he did. He then got $100 million for the second time. Tebow is getting a lot of attention he is also winning, and the QB of a first place team. A first place team with a rich history who has sucked and had no real reasson to be excited the last 6 years now.

ateamstupid 12-08-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by RockHardTen1985 (Post 823333)
Vick got a lot of attention. More then a lot of people felt he deserved after what he did. He then got $100 million for the second time. Tebow is getting a lot of attention he is also winning, and the QB of a first place team. A first place team with a rich history who has sucked and had no real reasson to be excited the last 6 years now.

Yeah, the Broncos are basically America's team. And Vick's contract has nothing to do with this. He's beaten nobody. The best he did was barely beat the Jets on a cross-country trip four days after one of the most demoralizing losses in franchise history. If he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

RockHardTen1985 12-08-2011 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823335)
Yeah, the Broncos are basically America's team. And Vick's contract has nothing to do with this. He's beaten nobody. The best he did was barely beat the Jets on a cross-country trip four days after one of the most demoralizing losses in franchise history. If he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

Im not a fan of his, but I dont dislike him either. I respect him for winning. I thought it was the Raiders division, but they are in trouble having to travel to GB this weekend. Its now Denvers division to lose. I dont think they could beat the Ravens, Pats or Steelers, but Im pretty sure they can beat the Texans. It would all depend on how things work out. Being Americas team now just adds to his legend. They have been irrelevant for a long time. Im still of the belief he can improve his throwing enough to be legit long term, plus they DO NOT have a lot of skill position players on that roster. They really have no one. They dumped there best WR and there best RB is a guy Baltimore felt was finished.

ateamstupid 12-08-2011 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by RockHardTen1985 (Post 823337)
Im not a fan of his, but I dont dislike him either. I respect him for winning. I thought it was the Raiders division, but they are in trouble having to travel to GB this weekend. Its now Denvers division to lose. I dont think they could beat the Ravens, Pats or Steelers, but Im pretty sure they can beat the Texans. It would all depend on how things work out. Being Americas team now just adds to his legend. They have been irrelevant for a long time. Im still of the belief he can improve his throwing enough to be legit long term, plus they DO NOT have a lot of skill position players on that roster. They really have no one. They dumped there best WR and there best RB is a guy Baltimore felt was finished.

The Texans would absolutely murder them. I don't care who's at QB. I was being sarcastic by the way. No one gives two sh its about the Broncos normally.

Cannon Shell 12-08-2011 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823316)
You're confused again. There's a difference between actively rooting for someone because they're white and giving a white guy more credit than an equal black guy. Don't act like the media doesn't lionize the David Ecksteins of the world while ignoring similarly undersized black athletes. There's no way in hell Tebow would get this kind of attention if he were black or another minority.

Seriously? David Eckstein? Had he not been on some World Series teams he would be an unknown.

The old undersized minority media bias. lol

Tebow has a huge following because not only is he a unique player who has this habit of winning, but he is unabashedly a christian. THAT is why he gets more coverage than any other players. You may not like it but Fox news gets huge ratings compared to its competitors. The same audience is Tebow fans. The competitors audience are Tebow haters. The thing is that they all have an opinion on him which makes them watch. Him being white is a sidebar.

Dahoss 12-08-2011 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by GPK (Post 823288)
He's probably still a virgin. And he has to be about 50 now.

He had a pretty cool jerry curl though.

Cannon Shell 12-08-2011 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823332)
Do you have any idea how hard it is to be an NFL player?

Hell Chris Carter said it the other day Money and memories, that is what you play for. I know guys, I have heard stories and there is no reason to believe that they arent credible. It really isnt any different in any of the big pro sports. We may not like it as fans but they are mostly playing for the money. The NFL has very few guaranteed contracts. Players look what happened to Forte.

Dahoss 12-08-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by RockHardTen1985 (Post 823308)
I dont think hes a virgin, did he actually say that?

If he can get through his college years at that school, while being one of the most talked about college players ever...and not get laid by choice, he really might be a saint. I mean, the 3rd string center at Hudson Valley is probably getting laid just for the jersey.

RockHardTen1985 12-08-2011 11:42 PM

lol cool link. I guess he is.

Danzig 12-09-2011 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823316)
You're confused again. There's a difference between actively rooting for someone because they're white and giving a white guy more credit than an equal black guy. Don't act like the media doesn't lionize the David Ecksteins of the world while ignoring similarly undersized black athletes. There's no way in hell Tebow would get this kind of attention if he were black or another minority.

knowing all the media coverage vick got, and all the credit from espn and elsewhere that he had turned over a new leaf, i just can't agree that tebow is getting the attention now because he's white. vick isn't white, he was all over the press. but he's not currently winning, while tebow is.
espn will latch onto anything they think will garner them more ratings. tebow is a hot commodity right now.
now, some of the dipshit fans might be cheering him on for what you mentioned, but i don't think the press is.

Danzig 12-09-2011 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823282)
This is meaningless and could be used to describe 99% of NFL players. There aren't a lot of lazy slugs who don't give two craps about winning in the NFL.

not necessarily. tebow could have taken the money and been happy to be on the sidelines. from what i've read/heard he's the first one on the field, the last one off. primadonna players get a lot of attention-sitting out, not reporting for camp, working out with their own trainers, showing up overweight or out of shape.
and no, some don't care if they win-look at many players' reactions after a loss. all smiles, hanging out in the field with their buddies from the opposing team. walking around on the sideline joking and laughing while the clock ticks down.

NTamm1215 12-09-2011 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823343)
The Texans would absolutely murder them. I don't care who's at QB. I was being sarcastic by the way. No one gives two sh its about the Broncos normally.

Thanks for handling that one.

Coach Pants 12-09-2011 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823111)
And isn't it interesting how nobody gives two sh its about Newton anymore but Tebow has been made into the most popular guy in sports. Part of it might be his team's record, but I think there's another huge reason.

Yeah Cam Newton is a phony, selfish thug with a pimp for a father.

Antitrust32 12-09-2011 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 823416)
and no, some don't care if they win-look at many players' reactions after a loss. all smiles, hanging out in the field with their buddies from the opposing team. walking around on the sideline joking and laughing while the clock ticks down.

why do you have to bring up the Eagles?? ;)

3kings 12-09-2011 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 823416)
and no, some don't care if they win-look at many players' reactions after a loss. all smiles, hanging out in the field with their buddies from the opposing team. walking around on the sideline joking and laughing while the clock ticks down.

I don't agree with this. Smiling and shaking hands with the other team after the game,
has nothing to do with whether you played hard or tried your @ss off. Nothing at all.

Danzig 12-09-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by 3kings (Post 823439)
I don't agree with this. Smiling and shaking hands with the other team after the game,
has nothing to do with whether you played hard or tried your @ss off. Nothing at all.

there's saying 'good game' and exhibiting good sportsmanship and then there's just not caring. these spoiled athletes care if they get paid, some care if the win but most just care that they get paid. contracts be damned, if they have a good season they hold out for more money whether they have a five year deal or not. have a less than stellar season, what do you think the reaction would be if the owner tried to pay them less?

horseofcourse 12-09-2011 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 823455)
there's saying 'good game' and exhibiting good sportsmanship and then there's just not caring. these spoiled athletes care if they get paid, some care if the win but most just care that they get paid. contracts be damned, if they have a good season they hold out for more money whether they have a five year deal or not. have a less than stellar season, what do you think the reaction would be if the owner tried to pay them less?

I thought standard operating procedure was you blow up a company you leave and get 30 or 40 million bonus for your destruction and walking away. These pro athletes just following the examples of those above them!!

MaTH716 12-09-2011 08:56 AM

I just think that the league/media have attached themselves to this guy for a couple of reasons. He was such a success in college and it was well publicized. Then so many people said that he wasn't going to cut it in the NFL and he's having some early success. Also he is very easy to root for (along the lines of what Joey has mentioned). It has all the makings of a CBS Sunday night movie.

What's also helping this story is the lack of other storylines going on in the league right now.

It's pretty much a forgone conclusion that the Pack are going to run the table in the regular season. I think the Pack has also taken away a lot of the spotlight away from the 49ers and the tremendous season they are having.

The Texans story is interesting, but really seems to be getting no play (even the Bears to an extent).

You have 2 mediocre teams battling for the NFC East crown and 3 in the AFC west (part of the Tebow story).

The Colts Manning/Luck debate will play out after the season

All the surprise/feel good teams seem to have started their declines (Bills, Bengals, Lions)

The demise of the Eagles has been a season long story and everyone is just waiting on Andy Reid's fate.

A lot of guys are staying out of trouble and others are keeping their mouths shut. Randy Moss and Brett Favre don't play in the league anymore and OchoCinco is a benchwarmer. Even guys like Rex and Jerry Jones have been relatively quiet.

Or maybe it's just the media playing everything else down, so it could be all Tebow all the time.

3kings 12-09-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by MaTH716 (Post 823465)
I just think that the league/media have attached themselves to this guy for a couple of reasons. He was such a success in college and it was well publicized. Then so many people said that he wasn't going to cut it in the NFL and he's having some early success. Also he is very easy to root for (along the lines of what Joey has mentioned). It has all the makings of a CBS Sunday night movie.

What's also helping this story is the lack of other storylines going on in the league right now.

It's pretty much a forgone conclusion that the Pack are going to run the table in the regular season. I think the Pack has also taken away a lot of the spotlight away from the 49ers and the tremendous season they are having.

The Texans story is interesting, but really seems to be getting no play (even the Bears to an extent).

You have 2 mediocre teams battling for the NFC East crown and 3 in the AFC west (part of the Tebow story).

The Colts Manning/Luck debate will play out after the season

All the surprise/feel good teams seem to have started their declines (Bills, Bengals, Lions)

The demise of the Eagles has been a season long story and everyone is just waiting on Andy Reid's fate.

A lot of guys are staying out of trouble and others are keeping their mouths shut. Randy Moss and Brett Favre don't play in the league anymore and OchoCinco is a benchwarmer. Even guys like Rex and Jerry Jones have been relatively quiet.

Or maybe it's just the media playing everything else down, so it could be all Tebow all the time.

The rest of the NFL is having fun with it:

After the media dispersed from his locker, Roethlisberger limped slowly to the trainer's room. He was going to get outfitted for a walking boot. On Friday, he'll have an MRI to find how bad the injury is.As Roethlisberger hobbled by like an old man, Tomlin shouted at him from a side door."Ben, that was magical, man!" he said, laughing. "That was Tebow-like!"

Clip-Clop 12-09-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by MaTH716 (Post 823465)
I just think that the league/media have attached themselves to this guy for a couple of reasons. He was such a success in college and it was well publicized. Then so many people said that he wasn't going to cut it in the NFL and he's having some early success. Also he is very easy to root for (along the lines of what Joey has mentioned). It has all the makings of a CBS Sunday night movie.

What's also helping this story is the lack of other storylines going on in the league right now.

It's pretty much a forgone conclusion that the Pack are going to run the table in the regular season. I think the Pack has also taken away a lot of the spotlight away from the 49ers and the tremendous season they are having.

The Texans story is interesting, but really seems to be getting no play (even the Bears to an extent).

You have 2 mediocre teams battling for the NFC East crown and 3 in the AFC west (part of the Tebow story).

The Colts Manning/Luck debate will play out after the season

All the surprise/feel good teams seem to have started their declines (Bills, Bengals, Lions)

The demise of the Eagles has been a season long story and everyone is just waiting on Andy Reid's fate.

A lot of guys are staying out of trouble and others are keeping their mouths shut. Randy Moss and Brett Favre don't play in the league anymore and OchoCinco is a benchwarmer. Even guys like Rex and Jerry Jones have been relatively quiet.

Or maybe it's just the media playing everything else down, so it could be all Tebow all the time.

He is getting all the coverage he gets because he (and the rest of the team) has made everyone one of them look like idiots for the coverage he got early on and the producers must love it.
Even Steve Young was recanting his statements of disbelief from the first few starts.

horseofcourse 12-09-2011 11:08 AM

The only starting quarterbacks with higher qb ratings than Tebow this year are Rodgers, Brees, Brady, Roethlisberger, Schaub, Stafford, Smith, Romo, and Manning. I'm guessing the standard reply would be that just proves how poor the qb ratings are!!

Dahoss 12-09-2011 11:13 AM

Why do people who criticized his play as an NFL QB look like idiots now? Because the Broncos are 7-5 in the 2nd worst divison in the NFL?

Impressive. Where is that Zenyatta song again?

ateamstupid 12-09-2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 823500)
Why do people who criticized his play as an NFL QB look like idiots now? Because the Broncos are 7-5 in the 2nd worst divison in the NFL?

Impressive. Where is that Zenyatta song again?

Once again, other than beating the Jets in an impossible situation for them:

Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

Like I said, if he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

Dahoss 12-09-2011 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823502)
Once again, other than beating the Jets in an impossible situation for them:

Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

Like I said, if he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

NTamm1215 12-09-2011 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823502)
Once again, other than beating the Jets in an impossible situation for them:

Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

Like I said, if he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

I'm surprised Tebow doesn't get credit for waking up the Dolphins since they're 4-2 since that game with close losses to Dallas and NY.

horseofcourse 12-09-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by ateamstupid (Post 823502)
Once again, other than beating the Jets in an impossible situation for them:

Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

Like I said, if he wins a playoff game, I'll leave the board forever.

If you're gonna do this let's actually list all of them and their records and not the ones who simply make your silly point.

Raiders 7-5
Jets 7-5
Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

The Dolphins despite their record are really good at this present time. He's played fine to this point. I actually have no clue about his future, Them going 0-4 their last 4 would not shock me nor would 4-0.

Dahoss 12-09-2011 11:39 AM

All kidding aside, the Broncos success reminds me an awful lot of the Chiefs last year. They had the benefit of playing in that shi.tty division and had a little bit of success. A lot of people failed to really look at who they beat and how and thought they were going to make a strong playoff run, with the thought their future was bright.

They got crushed first round and are 5-7 this year. I can see a similar thing happening to the Tebow's.

Dahoss 12-09-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 823508)
If you're gonna do this let's actually list all of them and their records and not the ones who simply make your silly point.

Raiders 7-5
Jets 7-5
Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

The Dolphins despite their record are really good at this present time. He's played fine to this point. I actually have no clue about his future, Them going 0-4 their last 4 would not shock me nor would 4-0.

Isn't it fair to mention they beat the Raiders who were being QB'd by a guy who was on his couch 2 weeks earlier? Or that the Jets were coming off a game 4 days earlier and had to travel?

MaTH716 12-09-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 823508)
If you're gonna do this let's actually list all of them and their records and not the ones who simply make your silly point.

Raiders 7-5
Jets 7-5
Dolphins 4-8
Chargers 5-7
Chiefs 5-7
Vikings 2-10

The Dolphins despite their record are really good at this present time. He's played fine to this point. I actually have no clue about his future, Them going 0-4 their last 4 would not shock me nor would 4-0.

The fish were 0-5 when they played the Broncos.

horseofcourse 12-09-2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 823512)
Isn't it fair to mention they beat the Raiders who were being QB'd by a guy who was on his couch 2 weeks earlier? Or that the Jets were coming off a game 4 days earlier and had to travel?

YEs, about the Raiders, but not the Jets. I'm not really very smart as all of you know. ANd your point about the Chiefs was good too, although I think them missing their star running back pretty much all year hasn't helped them either though even with him I think they struggle all year. I suppose I could use the excuse the Browns lost because they had a game 4 days earlier and had to travel to Pittsburgh but maybe that's not big enough travel?? No, I do not buy the Jets had a game 4 days earlier excuse or that they had to get on a plane.

horseofcourse 12-09-2011 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by MaTH716 (Post 823513)
The fish were 0-5 when they played the Broncos.

Maybe when they played that game they were starting to get pretty good. But I go back to my point that I'm not very smart. So perhaps they started getting good the NEXT week. I think the week after Denver they went to New York and led the Giants pretty much the whole game.

MaTH716 12-09-2011 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by horseofcourse (Post 823515)
Maybe when they played that game they were starting to get pretty good. But I go back to my point that I'm not very smart. So perhaps they started getting good the NEXT week. I think the week after Denver they went to New York and led the Giants pretty much the whole game.

They s.hit the bed very late against the Broncos and then proceeded to get better and better. Either way, you can't stress Tebow's record as a starter and then say they caught a 0-5 team that was playing very well at the time.

Antitrust32 12-09-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 823500)
Why do people who criticized his play as an NFL QB look like idiots now? Because the Broncos are 7-5 in the 2nd worst divison in the NFL?

Impressive. Where is that Zenyatta song again?

there is something incorrect in this post. they are tied for 1st in the division and own the tie braker

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