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Honu 05-19-2009 11:35 PM

I dont feel like it is so simple as " we hope there is another attack just to prove your man wrong " but more like we dont want to see the lackness of previous administrations when it comes to people harming Americans. Just think what might have happened if we had taken Bin Laden when he was offered to us , just think what might have not happened had we taken a more forcefull stand when our embassies and ships were attacked abroad by Muslim extremists. I expect and only want from our federal government to protect my freedom at any cost , whatever that entails , I dont want full disclosure on how they do it , I just want to be secure in knowing that it is done. I know that people dont agree with this and that is fine , hug a tree or a kitten whatever makes you feel secure , but what makes me feel secure is knowing that our country is willing to make people pay for wanting to kill me.

Antitrust32 05-20-2009 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by hi_im_god
no one wants a terrorist attack in the united states more than poor sulking rejected conservatives. you can almost smell the relish for that lovely day when they roll out triumphant "i told you so's". if we had just been allowed that 184th waterboarding session, none of this would have happened...

as a nation, you may have moved on america but your old boyfriend still holds a grudge. he's praying you have a car wreck with the new guy. then you'll be sorry.

i hope obama fails and thousands of you die.

Thats kind of f'd up. I'm a conservative and that is the absolute last think I hope happens. I hope that 9/11 is the worst attack that ever happens on OUR soil for the rest of my life. And I guess I have the potential to live another 75 years though I doubt I last that long.

dellinger63 05-20-2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by hi_im_god
no one wants a terrorist attack in the united states more than poor sulking rejected conservatives. you can almost smell the relish for that lovely day when they roll out triumphant "i told you so's". if we had just been allowed that 184th waterboarding session, none of this would have happened...

as a nation, you may have moved on america but your old boyfriend still holds a grudge. he's praying you have a car wreck with the new guy. then you'll be sorry.

i hope obama fails and thousands of you die.

I think this was plagiarized with names changed from an old Jeremiah Wright sermon. Makes me very suspicious!

Danzig 05-20-2009 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Thats kind of f'd up. I'm a conservative and that is the absolute last think I hope happens. I hope that 9/11 is the worst attack that ever happens on OUR soil for the rest of my life. And I guess I have the potential to live another 75 years though I doubt I last that long.

i doubt he meant all conservatives. but no doubt in my mind if there was an attack, there would absolutely be some i told you so's, with rush leading the charge.

joeydb 05-20-2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Thats kind of f'd up. I'm a conservative and that is the absolute last think I hope happens. I hope that 9/11 is the worst attack that ever happens on OUR soil for the rest of my life. And I guess I have the potential to live another 75 years though I doubt I last that long.

We all hope that it never happens. But we need to do better than hope. This administration's plans run counter to common sense in terms of the things that need to be done to safeguard the nation's security. Hope is not a plan -- Obama should learn that and fast.

And don't worry about the next 75 years. Unless you plan to go 75 years without any hospitalization or serious bouts, as the socialized medicine he is planning WILL lead to rationing, long waiting lists and a declining life expectancy. The government will see the older people as "cheaper when dead". That is where any cost savings will come from when the government controls all the spending, especially since government programs are never as efficient as private industry.

You likely do not have 75 years.

Antitrust32 05-20-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by joeydb
We all hope that it never happens. But we need to do better than hope. This administration's plans run counter to common sense in terms of the things that need to be done to safeguard the nation's security. Hope is not a plan -- Obama should learn that and fast.

And don't worry about the next 75 years. Unless you plan to go 75 years without any hospitalization or serious bouts, as the socialized medicine he is planning WILL lead to rationing, long waiting lists and a declining life expectancy. The government will see the older people as "cheaper when dead". That is where any cost savings will come from when the government controls all the spending, especially since government programs are never as efficient as private industry.

You likely do not have 75 years.

I 100% agree with this. As I've said many times on here, I've lived in two countries that have socialized medicine (Ireland and New Zealand) and the healthcare was absolutely horrible there. Took forever to get appointments and frankly the doctors didnt seem all that good compared to the health care I've had in America.

Socialized medicine is by far the worst thing Obama could do to America... but I dont think hes going to go that far with it.

Health care DOES need to be looked at and costs must be affordable... we've allowed drug companies and malpractice lawsuits to rape our wallets over the years. Those are the aspects that need to be revised.

Socialized medicine is not the answer and will set this country and our great doctors and hospitals back so much.

Danzig 05-20-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Antitrust32
I 100% agree with this. As I've said many times on here, I've lived in two countries that have socialized medicine (Ireland and New Zealand) and the healthcare was absolutely horrible there. Took forever to get appointments and frankly the doctors didnt seem all that good compared to the health care I've had in America.

Socialized medicine is by far the worst thing Obama could do to America... but I dont think hes going to go that far with it.

Health care DOES need to be looked at and costs must be affordable... we've allowed drug companies and malpractice lawsuits to rape our wallets over the years. Those are the aspects that need to be revised.

Socialized medicine is not the answer and will set this country and our great doctors and hospitals back so much.

i like the coverage i have now, and hope they don't do anything stupid where i would end up paying the same amount that i pay now, for crappy service/care.

Cannon Shell 05-20-2009 02:47 PM

Liberals like Hi I'm Dog are more concerned about Republican reaction to a terror attack than safeguarding against the attacks themselves.

timmgirvan 05-20-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Liberals like Hi I'm Dog are more concerned about Republican reaction to a terror attack than safeguarding against the attacks themselves.

Obamas' kumbiya to the worlds nere do wells is all we need for protection!:rolleyes:

pgardn 05-21-2009 09:09 PM

And the liberals are getting on Obama for
increasing the drone attacks against terrorists
within Pakistani territory. Going in harder than

There is no way to please everyone.

People who think Obama is risking security
of this country need to take a hard look at
the bigger picture.

hi_im_god 05-21-2009 11:53 PM

what are the chances he's the nominee in 2012?

because otherwise, isn't he just stealing oxygen from whatever neonatal icu candidate you wind up with at the last minute?

again...not that i mind he keeps inserting himself in the conversation. i'm all for it.

but isn't the fact he remains the public face for your party enough evidence for the bankruptcy of idea's that you can get some troubled intellectual asset relief program funds?

CSC 05-22-2009 06:53 AM

Jesse Ventura absolutely destroys Hasslebeck...Loved his last comment of having Cheney confessing to the Tate murders.

gales0678 05-22-2009 07:36 AM

nice job by the fbi/nypd - for over a year they tracked these 4 guys who were intent on blowing up 2 Jewish Temples in riverdale (in the bronx) and then shoot down 2 military planes up in Newburgh - kudos guys thx for keeping us safe!

NY Post - Had it on the front cover yesterday with multiple pages on it

NY Daily News - the story was hard to find

CSC 05-22-2009 10:41 AM

How nice of Dick to come out of the gargage cellar or wherever he has been holding up to grace the world with his prescence once again, :rolleyes:

See he's now inventing words "enhanced interrogation methods", how about calling it torture, we all know what it is. What a bull-$hitter he is, atleast Bush has exited gracefully.

gales0678 05-22-2009 11:44 AM

he may be but he has a point - why not release to the american public what was gleemed from those terrorists and what was prevented because of the torture

Smooth Operator 05-22-2009 01:07 PM

Wunder if that lone surviving pirate thinks that BO is "soft" on terrorists?

timmgirvan 05-22-2009 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Smooth Operator
Wunder if that lone surviving pirate thinks that BO is "soft" on terrorists?

Yeah...Zero is gonna make him take a "timeout" in the corner!

Smooth Operator 05-22-2009 01:41 PM

Heard he was pretty upset cuz the Navy only recovered 14 pieces of his buddy's skull, timm.

Apparently a dozen or so pieces fell into the ocean and floated away.

Honu 05-22-2009 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Smooth Operator
Heard he was pretty upset cuz the Navy only recovered 14 pieces of his buddy's skull, timm.

Apparently a dozen or so pieces fell into the ocean and floated away.

Good. They should just shoot all those lil bastages on sight . Chop offa dem bulls and shuv em up dey iceholes.

alysheba4 05-22-2009 03:09 PM

waterboarding........f!@#$ing childs play.......i wish they were busting some pulp fiction type of torture on those c!@Ksuckers.

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