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Danzig 11-22-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 819496)
Re-training should be mandatory at all levels of law enforcement, and psychological exams should be more than a formality....those looking to join law enforcement for power and those who project an overly macho mindset should be excluded.

i agree with that as well.

i wonder if they do psychological profiles?

Riot 11-22-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 819496)
Re-training should be mandatory at all levels of law enforcement, and psychological exams should be more than a formality....those looking to join law enforcement for power and those who project an overly macho mindset should be excluded.

The psychological tests do try to weed that out. But police look for those that can make individual decisions, versus a fire department that looks for a follower/team player. So they do get a different personality.

Some cops are just insecure - like pepper spray boy. He pepper sprayed because his little ego was bruised by the nasty protesters. He was too impressed by his own uniform. He couldn't handle telling them what to do, and they would not do it. And it was in front of his men, too. He was "leading" when he sprayed the kids. He was teaching them a lesson for embarrassing him in front of his men.

Remember that campus police are often "real police" wanna be's. There is usually a reason they are not on a municipal force.

Riot 11-22-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 819546)
i agree with that as well.

i wonder if they do psychological profiles?


Honu 11-22-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 819558)
The psychological tests do try to weed that out. But police look for those that can make individual decisions, versus a fire department that looks for a follower/team player. So they do get a different personality.

Some cops are just insecure - like pepper spray boy. He pepper sprayed because his little ego was bruised by the nasty protesters. He was too impressed by his own uniform. He couldn't handle telling them what to do, and they would not do it. And it was in front of his men, too. He was "leading" when he sprayed the kids. He was teaching them a lesson for embarrassing him in front of his men.

Remember that campus police are often "real police" wanna be's. There is usually a reason they are not on a municipal force.

Thank goodness he has Union Reps, otherwise he might lose his job for being an azshol e.

geeker2 11-23-2011 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Honu (Post 819564)
Thank goodness he has Union Reps, otherwise he might lose his job for being an azshol e.

ROR! :tro:

Alabama Stakes 11-23-2011 07:53 AM

what would you do if that was your daughter getting sprayed by that coward ? i would hope as many pepper spray/taser happy cops could watch the result on you tube as possible. Then they would think twice before pulling that crap.

Danzig 11-23-2011 08:40 AM

i'd imagine my daughter would have moved on when they said to move on.

Alabama Stakes 11-23-2011 10:27 AM

what if she showed some guts and stayed. Do you do everything some mall cop tells you to do ?

Riot 11-23-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 819600)
i'd imagine my daughter would have moved on when they said to move on.

But legally you don't have to "move on". That's the point. Just because some cop - or Michael Bloomberg - doesn't want you there, or doesn't like what you are doing, doesn't mean he can stop you on a whim.

Wow. I cannot believe how many people so readily give up their basic rights in this country, after 9-11.

Where are all the ultra-conservative Libertarians and Ron Paul believers on this board? Why are you not screaming over this? It's supposedly the very basis of your political beliefs - freedom from a military force oppressing your legal, constitutional rights?

Local municipal police are not "in charge" of you. You have rights they - or the United States army, or a state national guard - cannot take from you.

Danzig 11-23-2011 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 819614)
what if she showed some guts and stayed. Do you do everything some mall cop tells you to do ?

nope. but i don't go to malls....or protests for that matter.
all i know is, the people who sit and refuse to listen are looking to get arrested, it's what they're seeking. did he go too far? yeah, i'd say he did. but i do know that the police don't give one order and then spray either. i also know that none of us were there to see what happened. i'd think there are those who give benefit of the doubt, and those who automatically assume he overstepped his bounds, because they always think cops overstep.

Riot 11-23-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 819627)
nope. but i don't go to malls....or protests for that matter.
all i know is, the people who sit and refuse to listen are looking to get arrested, it's what they're seeking. did he go too far? yeah, i'd say he did. but i do know that the police don't give one order and then spray either. i also know that none of us were there to see what happened. i'd think there are those who give benefit of the doubt, and those who automatically assume he overstepped his bounds, because they always think cops overstep.

Please - there are multiple videos from different people on-line, including a couple videos that are an hour long and show everything. Different points of view, that all show the police violence.

The only reason the police were caught in overt police brutality, and the police chief was caught lying about what happened, was due to citizen journalism. The videos do not lie.

I worked with police as professional partners for years. I have every respect for cops. Believe me, I'll side with a cop's side of the story until I see different. What happened at UC Davis was disgusting and illegal, and everyone from the cops to the police chief to the Chancellor should lose their jobs. This campus has a history of abusing the legal rights of it's students by inflicting violence upon them, during the tuition hike protests of 2008. Nothing has changed. They are still violent. And they trying to privatize this particular wonderful public college system.

Riot 11-23-2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Honu (Post 819564)
Thank goodness he has Union Reps, otherwise he might lose his job for being an azshol e.

"An ABC affiliate is reporting that the "Pepper Spraying Cop," Lt John Pike was named specifically in a hostile environment discrimination lawsuit in 2003 for use of an anti-gay slur. The suit was eventually settled out of court by the department for $250,000.

Lt. John Pike was specifically named in the lawsuit as having used a "profane" homophobic in reference to police officer Calvin Chang. Chang says he was subjected to harassment within the department before filing his lawsuit."

Danzig 11-24-2011 10:44 PM

just read this, hilarious and sad at the same time!

Pepper spray, its effects, and its appropriateness continue to be top of mind in the media.

Following the protests at UC Davis, during which Occupy protesters were sprayed with pepper spray by a campus police officer, Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly went on the Bill O'Reilly show.

Kelly appeared to downplay the physical effects of pepper spray. Kelly said pepper spray is "like a derivative of real pepper. It's a food product essentially."

reason #67439 why i don't watch fox news.

bigrun 11-25-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 819900)
Kelly appeared to downplay the physical effects of pepper spray. Kelly said pepper spray is "like a derivative of real pepper. It's a food product essentially."

reason #67439 why i don't watch fox news.

Lol, my number's in 6 figures....:D

geeker2 11-25-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 819900)
just read this, hilarious and sad at the same time!

Pepper spray, its effects, and its appropriateness continue to be top of mind in the media.

Following the protests at UC Davis, during which Occupy protesters were sprayed with pepper spray by a campus police officer, Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly went on the Bill O'Reilly show.

Kelly appeared to downplay the physical effects of pepper spray. Kelly said pepper spray is "like a derivative of real pepper. It's a food product essentially."

reason #67439 why i don't watch fox news.

Perhaps if you see the whole segment you will see that wasn't what she was doing...

bigrun 11-25-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by geeker2 (Post 819998)
Perhaps if you see the whole segment you will see that wasn't what she was doing...

"Today, Kelly explains it this way: “[O'Reilly] wanted me to tell him what is in pepper spray, so I told him what the active ingredient is. That’s all I meant to convey… not that I meant it’s a snack!”

Kelly, who has carried around pepper spray herself “for years” didn’t expect the blow-back that came with the comments. “I think what happened was people didn’t watch the whole segment and assumed I was diminishing it. In no way did I mean to diminish what was happening.”

“As I pointed out to [O'Reilly] moments later, I told him it was abrasive. And I told him that what these kids were doing was very American.”

Fox comments are all scripted...If he wanted to know what was in pepper spray why didn't he ask Martha Stewart or Chef Boyardee, why one of his airhead co-workers on his show...they wanted that soundbite
'It's a food product essentially' to be heard....

geeker2 11-25-2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 820013)
"Today, Kelly explains it this way: “[O'Reilly] wanted me to tell him what is in pepper spray, so I told him what the active ingredient is. That’s all I meant to convey… not that I meant it’s a snack!”

Kelly, who has carried around pepper spray herself “for years” didn’t expect the blow-back that came with the comments. “I think what happened was people didn’t watch the whole segment and assumed I was diminishing it. In no way did I mean to diminish what was happening.”

“As I pointed out to [O'Reilly] moments later, I told him it was abrasive. And I told him that what these kids were doing was very American.”

Fox comments are all scripted...If he wanted to know what was in pepper spray why didn't he ask Martha Stewart or Chef Boyardee, why one of his airhead co-workers on his show...they wanted that soundbite
'It's a food product essentially' to be heard

What sense would that make :zz:

Danzig 11-25-2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by geeker2 (Post 819998)
Perhaps if you see the whole segment you will see that wasn't what she was doing...

oh, i don't watch that bs channel. i just know what i read the other day. regardless of what else may have occurred...did she really say it was essentially a food product?

Danzig 11-25-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 820013)
"Today, Kelly explains it this way: “[O'Reilly] wanted me to tell him what is in pepper spray, so I told him what the active ingredient is. That’s all I meant to convey… not that I meant it’s a snack!”

Kelly, who has carried around pepper spray herself “for years” didn’t expect the blow-back that came with the comments. “I think what happened was people didn’t watch the whole segment and assumed I was diminishing it. In no way did I mean to diminish what was happening.”

“As I pointed out to [O'Reilly] moments later, I told him it was abrasive. And I told him that what these kids were doing was very American.”

Fox comments are all scripted...If he wanted to know what was in pepper spray why didn't he ask Martha Stewart or Chef Boyardee, why one of his airhead co-workers on his show...they wanted that soundbite
'It's a food product essentially' to be heard....

it's abrasive? no, sos pads are abrasive. colin cowherd is abrasive. it's not the word i would use to describe a crowd control device.
probably explains yet again why i don't choose fox 'news' to get my info from.

geeker2 11-25-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 820077)
it's abrasive? no, sos pads are abrasive. colin cowherd is abrasive. it's not the word i would use to describe a crowd control device.
probably explains yet again why i don't choose fox 'news' to get my info from.

I watch it for the hot women ;)

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