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Danzig 05-11-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 860087)
I watch my dog lick my cats as.shole. I don't have a problem with it. What they do is their business.

oh jesus.

Danzig 05-11-2012 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860127)
Not trolling...Just don't understand the significance of using Cheney to make your point...His daughter is gay!..what other position could he take...and who gives a shiit about anything Cheney says....JMHO....

what other position could he take? there are plenty of parents out there who cling to homophobia even tho their children are homosexual. it's certainly not always accepted. far from it.
i remember a few years back a woman told a story about her daughter coming out to her. she was about 17-18 years old. the woman did nothing but constanly hound her daughter to change. her girl committed suicide at about age 24. that woman said she has to live with what happened the rest of her life, and said if she could go back and change things, she would. she knows full well if she hadn't acted as she did, her daughter would still be here. hell of a lesson to learn.
i applaud cheney for going against the party platform in that regard. honestly, i think it's about time many other moderate republicans started doing the same! past time really.

bigrun 05-11-2012 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 860144)
oh jesus.

Guy is a sicko...:D

Danzig 05-11-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 860150)
Guy is a sicko...:D

but, altho an interesting way to put it, he has a point. it's no one's business. if the cat doesn't care, and the dog doesn't care, why should i? :p dog probably eats 'kitty cookies' too.

bigrun 05-11-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 860168)
but, altho an interesting way to put it, he has a point. it's no one's business. if the cat doesn't care, and the dog doesn't care, why should i? :p dog probably eats 'kitty cookies' too.

Ok, but he watches the action....that's what's sick...:eek:

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