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Rupert Pupkin 10-21-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by GBBob (Post 897268)
Really? I've always assumed he was a republican..At best he's a rightie who uses his heritage to pretend he's a Democrat to get ratings.

I've watched Geraldo dating all the way back to when he was on 20/20. He's always been very liberal. I just did a search and it says that he considers himself to be a liberal republican. That is very surprising to me. Maybe he's gotten a little more conservative as he's gotten older. He is still pretty liberal on most issues.

dellinger63 10-21-2012 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin (Post 897318)
I've watched Geraldo dating all the way back to when he was on 20/20. He's always been very liberal. I just did a search and it says that he considers himself to be a liberal republican. That is very surprising to me. Maybe he's gotten a little more conservative as he's gotten older. He is still pretty liberal on most issues.

Geraldo is nothing more than a Snooki only with a sheepskin.

How'd that Al Capone vault go?

bigrun 10-21-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 897337)
Geraldo is nothing more than a Snooki only with a sheepskin.

How'd that Al Capone vault go?

How bout the first Gulf war, he's over there somewhere drawing our troop locations in the sand for the world to see...:eek:

dellinger63 10-21-2012 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 897343)
How bout the first Gulf war, he's over there somewhere drawing our troop locations in the sand for the world to see...:eek:

With hired friendlies shooting over his head on purpose?

Ever see him boxing?

Comparing him to Snooki was insult to that poor girl come to think of it.

Riot 10-22-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by GenuineRisk (Post 897247)
What a difference 30 years makes for the GOP. Once, they understood it was American first, Republican second. Not anymore.

True. It's sad. I've watched my lifetime party self-destruct and become political poison. Former shell of itself.

The Minority Leader of the senate announces his first and main priority is to undermine the newly elected President of the United States. Pathetic. An international embarrassment.

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