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Rupert Pupkin 10-05-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
OJ should have gone to a rehab. But that's a completely different case.
So, answer this...if you're accused (see above), and you're not really an "enemy combatant" you still have to sit in a cell if you can't raise bond?

If you're accused of practically anything, you will have to sit in jail until trial if you don't have the money to post bail.

By the way, if you don't like the stuff going on right now then you can blame both parties. Nothing is going to change if a democrat becomes President. The Patriot Act and all that kind of stuff has bipartisan support. The most important thing to the mainstream of both parties is keeping the country safe.

99% of the criticism you hear about the Patriot Act is simply partisan rhetoric. If a democrat was President right now, there would be some republicans crying that the President is taking away our rights. For the most part, the only people that fall for this nonsense are the extremists in both parties.

ezrabrooks 10-05-2006 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Hey Rupert, leave me totally out of this...and good luck to you and those that you believe in.
I didn't resign and hide in a rehab so my lawyer could make excuses for me.
I didn't make a 100K "contribution" to the Repub party fund boss.
I didn't script any "news" stories for Fox.
I'm totally innocent. Nor am I responsible or accountable.
Though, I'm guessing that with all the spinning that's going on, somebody is.
Maybe more.
So, is the issue "age of consent"?
That's avoidance.
Blaming the "media" for reporting?
That's more avoidance.
Will answers be presented to the "real" questions be presented before the November elections?
I sure hope so, because I've always thought that the Republicans stood on "truth".
err...uh... How did we get into Iraq?
Oh! WMD, Regime change, democracy and "stable government"...
Keep believing. (notice the middle syllable).

DTS, you are almost giddy.. I hate to break your bubble, but nothing is going to change....Red will stay Red....and the bluebells will lose. The American Public will see through this...and in the end, the conservatives will stay in power. Live with it..


pgardn 10-05-2006 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by ezrabrooks
DTS, you are almost giddy.. I hate to break your bubble, but nothing is going to change....Red will stay Red....and the bluebells will lose. The American Public will see through this...and in the end, the conservatives will stay in power. Live with it..


I think you may be in for a suprise.

ezrabrooks 10-05-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by pgardn
I think you may be in for a suprise.

Trust me, it won't be the first time I have been surprised, but I really don't think so. The bad is overblown, but I really feel the electorate will see through all of this, not voting based on a knee jerk reaction.

You seem to be a sensible sort, so I will respect your opinion...unless you give Kinky a shot!


Danzig 10-05-2006 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Good one Danzig!
I never thought of that! You really think "outside the box"!!!!
It's the parents' fault. They should be made to answer.
I can't wait until they're cross examined.
"Why didn't you call the police?"
"It's all your fault for not doing so!"
"You parents don't care about your children, now, do you?"

So creative!

excuse me? what i said was had a law been broken, i would have called and i don't understand why no one did. why didn't they? had the first victims of this vile man called, the latter ones would not be victims, as he'd have been stopped long ago. i didn't say any parents were at fault here for what happened, i just don't understand why no one sought legal help. it's the same as the priests--why would you call a bishop if you thought your child was molested, but not the police? i think it's a valid question--altho i don't think your twisting of my words is valid. i don't quite get your point.

pgardn 10-05-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by ezrabrooks
Trust me, it won't be the first time I have been surprised, but I really don't think so. The bad is overblown, but I really feel the electorate will see through all of this, not voting based on a knee jerk reaction.

You seem to be a sensible sort, so I will respect your opinion...unless you give Kinky a shot!


If you think Rick Perry running the State of Texas again has anybody happy, even Republicans you got it wrong. Perry is running at about 32%. Kinky, Strayhorn, and the Democrat without a plan are all in the teens. That shows you how much Texas likes Perry. I will take anyone BUT Perry. So I will give Kinky a shot. It actually does not matter that much until jokes like Craddick and some other Republican idiots get the swift kick. Now if we go back to the Mark White Democrat days, I may leave the state. So many bad choices. And I really dont like being a cynic but this year is really bad in Texas. Again our best Governor since I have been alive was ANN Richards... Despite her bad taste with the silver foot in the mouth thing.

Kinky will get my vote. Desperation has set in.

Cajungator26 10-05-2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by dalakhani
The state law does not differentiate between male and female. The law says that the consenting age is 16 IF the other adult is less than 24 years old and 18 if older. However, it is not illegal if the minor is MARRIED to the adult.

dalakhani 10-05-2006 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cajungator26

Isnt that what i said?

ezrabrooks 10-06-2006 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by pgardn
If you think Rick Perry running the State of Texas again has anybody happy, even Republicans you got it wrong. Perry is running at about 32%. Kinky, Strayhorn, and the Democrat without a plan are all in the teens. That shows you how much Texas likes Perry. I will take anyone BUT Perry. So I will give Kinky a shot. It actually does not matter that much until jokes like Craddick and some other Republican idiots get the swift kick. Now if we go back to the Mark White Democrat days, I may leave the state. So many bad choices. And I really dont like being a cynic but this year is really bad in Texas. Again our best Governor since I have been alive was ANN Richards... Despite her bad taste with the silver foot in the mouth thing.

Kinky will get my vote. Desperation has set in.

I figured you were part of the jack booted education lobby. That message will not work, outside of your Union comrades..


Cajungator26 10-06-2006 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by dalakhani
Isnt that what i said?

"However, for the sake of argument and clarification, if a person is less than 24 years old, they may enter into sexual contact with a person who is at least 16 years old."

I read somewhere recently that if the "minor" was a MALE, then the age was 16. Once I find that, I'll post that. I'm just trying to get this straight...

GenuineRisk 10-06-2006 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by pgardn
If you think Rick Perry running the State of Texas again has anybody happy, even Republicans you got it wrong. Perry is running at about 32%. Kinky, Strayhorn, and the Democrat without a plan are all in the teens. That shows you how much Texas likes Perry. I will take anyone BUT Perry. So I will give Kinky a shot. It actually does not matter that much until jokes like Craddick and some other Republican idiots get the swift kick. Now if we go back to the Mark White Democrat days, I may leave the state. So many bad choices. And I really dont like being a cynic but this year is really bad in Texas. Again our best Governor since I have been alive was ANN Richards... Despite her bad taste with the silver foot in the mouth thing.

Kinky will get my vote. Desperation has set in.

The candidate's last name is really Kinky? I thought you were making a joke the last time you posted about him. Holy cow. Talk about a guy who had better NEVER get himself involved in any sex scandals... I can just picture the headlines...

GenuineRisk 10-06-2006 11:41 AM

Wait; I just googled him. His first name is Kinky. Now I get it.

Well, hey, Minnesota voted in a wrestler...

BellamyRd. 10-06-2006 11:42 AM

Republicans need to take some responsibility for their actions
whenever the spotlight falls on them for their immortal conduct
they point at Chappaquiddick or Monicagate
I think Americans are smart enough to know now when they're being spun
and it really is insulting to their intelligence when the GOP contines to do it
the same GOP, who claims to be the "morally superior" party
now come across as the biggest hyocrites on the planet
you can smell a changing of the tide towards Democratic majority
the White House is ours in '08!

repent 10-06-2006 11:46 AM

so can I legally do a 17YO in the state of TX or not?

there is a high school close to my townhome and I run at their track sometimes.


SniperSB23 10-06-2006 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by repent
so can I legally do a 17YO in the state of TX or not?

there is a high school close to my townhome and I run at their track sometimes.


Only 17-19 year olds can do 17 year olds in Texas. Once you turn 20 you lose your legal right to do 17 year olds.

repent 10-06-2006 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by SniperSB23
Only 17-19 year olds can do 17 year olds in Texas. Once you turn 20 you lose your legal right to do 17 year olds.

thanks for the response.
at least I know.


Danzig 10-06-2006 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by BellamyRd.
Republicans need to take some responsibility for their actions
whenever the spotlight falls on them for their immortal conduct
they point at Chappaquiddick or Monicagate
I think Americans are smart enough to know now when they're being spun
and it really is insulting to their intelligence when the GOP contines to do it
the same GOP, who claims to be the "morally superior" party
now come across as the biggest hyocrites on the planet
you can smell a changing of the tide towards Democratic majority
the White House is ours in '08!

immortal conduct!!

and everyone needs to take responsibility, from ted kennedy to foley!!

Downthestretch55 10-06-2006 04:31 PM

ezrabrooks 10-06-2006 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Wait; I just googled him. His first name is Kinky. Now I get it.

Well, hey, Minnesota voted in a wrestler...

Yeah, that photo op with Jessie and Kinky...kinda tells the whole story. What an well whoever backs the guy (Kinky).. Give me the Demo if that what is in store....but, if either Strayhorn (the fight'n grandma) and/or Kinky gathers any support..other than the whackos... I might have to move.


PS Kinky is backed by Imus (all the way from NY City!!)... What is the over/under before Wyatt is in some kind of trouble.. He is a friggen disaster waiting to evolve..

Downthestretch55 10-07-2006 01:07 PM

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