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Coach Pants 02-15-2012 12:33 PM

Wednesday Plays
GP 3
$10 wps 9

jms62 02-15-2012 12:36 PM

GP 3

20 Win 10-Sunshine Rambler

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 12:40 PM

:{>: that chalk

Aqu 4
$10 wp 6

ateamstupid 02-15-2012 12:41 PM

Hyper looked absolutely dead on the turn. But because he was a favorite I played against, he gets shot out of a cannon in the final sixteenth to get up.

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838778)
:{>: that chalk

Aqu 4
$10 wp 6

2nd $30

Tampa 4
$5 wp 7

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:02 PM

GP 4
$10 wps 2

jms62 02-15-2012 01:02 PM

GP 4

20 Win 5-Stage Deli

ateamstupid 02-15-2012 01:07 PM

Nice ride by Nunez on J J's Prophet. This is why I don't bet Gulfstream once the real jockeys leave.

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:11 PM

Aqueduct 5
$25 win 5

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:22 PM

Tampa 5
$10 wp 10

DJARUM 02-15-2012 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838790)
Aqueduct 5
$25 win 5

nice Coach!!!

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838790)
Aqueduct 5
$25 win 5

winnah $150

thanks DJARUM

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:28 PM

GP 5
$5 wp 2

fantini33 02-15-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838790)
Aqueduct 5
$25 win 5

Nice call!

fantini33 02-15-2012 01:29 PM


Race #5) $20 Ex --- 4 / 5 6 --- = $40

jms62 02-15-2012 01:34 PM

GP 5

20 Win 7-Vindicated Ghost

jms62 02-15-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838798)
winnah $150

thanks DJARUM

Nice Job... 10+ Winners are an endangered species at AQU

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:37 PM

Dickey get a real jock. That horse was ready but had an idiot on board.

Dahoss 02-15-2012 01:39 PM

Anything worse than getting nipped by a Ramsey horse?

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:45 PM

$10 wps 7

ateamstupid 02-15-2012 01:48 PM

Aqueduct 6
$.50 PK4 1,4,7,9,10 / 3,4 / 1,2,3,6 / 4,6

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:52 PM

Cornelio will never figure out how to rate a closer properly. Knew it was over when sh.itheel pressed him wide. Be patient, midget.

ateamstupid 02-15-2012 01:53 PM

Not sure why I'm surprised that my 12-1 horse comes flying to just miss running down the 9-5 chalk by one stride. I don't even know why I bother.

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 01:57 PM

Tampa 6
$10 wps 3

fantini33 02-15-2012 02:01 PM


Pick 5

6) 5 6 7 11
7) 1 7 10
8) 2 4 6
9) 8 11
10) 3 7


Coach Pants 02-15-2012 02:01 PM

Done with Tampa...completely unplayable racing

GP 6
$5 wps 10

fantini33 02-15-2012 02:03 PM


$10 Pick 3

7) 3
8) 1 2
9) 1 6 8


jms62 02-15-2012 02:07 PM

Late post... Bet 20 to win on 10-Gold Knife :zz: that hurt///

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 02:07 PM

4-5 wins. FML

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838825)
Done with Tampa...completely unplayable racing

GP 6
$5 wps 10

2nd $69 Nah 68 and I'll owe ya one, Chalkstream.

Aqu 7
$10 wp 5

jms62 02-15-2012 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 838832)
2nd $69 Nah 68 and I'll owe ya one, Chalkstream.

Aqu 7
$10 wp 5

Nice Hit Coach... I did nothing underneath all I got was a thrill.

golfer 02-15-2012 02:18 PM

Gulfstream Pick 4:


knickslions2 02-15-2012 02:18 PM

Aqueduct 8

$20 box exacta 3,5


Coach Pants 02-15-2012 02:25 PM

I get tired of seeing Lebron James play the Washington Generals every f.ucking day...or should I say Ramon vs Aqueduct tards.

I mean really...the whole family excuse is just irritating at this point.

GP 7
$10 wp 3

fantini33 02-15-2012 02:27 PM


Race #8) $60 Win --- 1 --- = $60

$10 DD --- 1 / 1 8 --- = $20

$20 Tri --- 1 / 2 / 6 --- = $20

pointman 02-15-2012 02:29 PM

Gp 7

$20dd 1,7/2

fantini33 02-15-2012 02:30 PM

Gulfstream Park

Race #7) .50 Super --- 1 3 7 9 / 10 / 1 3 7 9 / ALL --- = $54

jms62 02-15-2012 02:31 PM

GP 7

20 Win 9-Barra D'oro

ateamstupid 02-15-2012 02:33 PM

Gulfstream 7
$.50 PK4 1,4,7,10,12 / 1,2,3,4,6 / 7,8 / 1,7

Coach Pants 02-15-2012 02:44 PM

$20 wp 5

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