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Speaking of Uncle Joe...
Does anyone here, even the insane, believe that the policies of the Romney and Ryan will re-institute slavery in Virginia?
Should read SPEAKING |
I just hope they keep Joe on the ticket!....sure fire way to ensure Romney win!:D
it was a gaffe. i don't blame the romney campaign for pointing it out.
but i'm also absolutely clear that he wasn't suggesting republicans were going to reinstitute slavery. as i think you, as a reasonable person, also know. i personally think the pandering "y'all" to a mostly black southern audience was atrocious. politicians think people want you to be like them. most would be happier if you were just your own authentic self and not trying to ingratiate yourself with bad imitations of what you think they'd like to hear. |
Do you think Biden's statement, "removing the chains on Wall Street regulation will put you back in chains" statement is as bad as when Paul Ryan said the same thing, except using the word "schackles"?
I think Joe should step down and Obama should name Jesse Jackson Jr. as VP.
A man who is now out of the closet being crazy as opposed to ole Joe! |
Funny with our healthcare in shambles Jesse Jr. chose America to treat him what more leave all those great Gov. hospitals, Bethesda, Stroger LOL for the private world of Mayo. Why not Canada, England or someone ranking above us?
Hypocrites! Wake Up America! |
ok I did laugh I admit it ! |
Agree with you on all points. I doubt i will ever forget kerry asking can i get me a huntin license here? |
Which people in the history of our great nation were known to be kept in chains? |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1PVOIqQAns Obama has been able to keep a muzzle on him pretty much for the term...Now he actually has to go out in public and speak... This is going to be great to watch. |
The new Obama campaign slogan in honor of Biden is " a dope and chains"
Chains .. you mean aside from the Puritans in stocks, many prisoners from 1700's to 1900's, and oh, African Americans on slave ships or here? Paul Ryan said the exact same thing using the word "shackles". There was nothing wrong with what Joe said. How about if he said it this way, "They want to unshackle Wall Street from regulation ... that will put YOU back in schackles"? Gimme a freakin' break. The Faux Republican Poutrage - just screams, "Southern Strategy time - we gotta scream race, find us an opportunity!" And coming from the party that lives on the Southern Strategy, and has called this President every fuc.k.ing racist dog whistle from "you lie" to "welfare president" to "not a real American" to "Kenyan", it doesn't stand the smell test. GTF out of here, Republicans, with that baloney. |
Nice try Riot, even the MSM can't ignore the pathetic use of race by that complete moron Biden. Like I said, he is the gift that keeps on giving. Doesn't it suck for you Riot that you know something that stupid and inflammatory will never come out of Ryan's mouth? Hahahahaha
"Meek and obedient you follow the leader Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel." Roger has been trying to warn the likes of you for a very long time. |
"Hey, look over there! Obama wants to take your money and give it to welfare queens" Over the past 80 years, real income has concentrated only in the wealthy, while American productivity has skyrocketed. But no average Americans gained any benefit from it, and now the vast majority of the wealth in this country is in the hands of 400 people, who own our government. It's been the GOP strategy since it got Nixon into power. It's very, very sad. |
Speaking of Uncle Joe...
Really Mike? Ryan is fully upfront about his Medicare plan. I am sure you learned from Obama's own mouth that he is the one who has made cuts to Medicare right? Obama would never lie right? Hahahahaha
Speaking of Uncle Joe...
Yes, he is an up front kind of guy, all right:
http://www.salon.com/2012/08/17/paul...stimulus_flub/ What message will he deliver today? Probably something along the lines of the old Vietnam war shibboleth - "We have to destroy Medicare in order to save it." |
This is the real message... ![]() |
Speaking of being upfront, did you believe Obama when in a nationwide televised speech he said he never heard any of Wright's racist, hateful rhetoric?
By the way Ryan is correct when says stimuleses don't work. Obama's was the biggest, most corrupt giveaway to his big money donors in the history of this country. The mistake was voting yes for it in Congress. Once it was approved in Congress the money was going to be spent no matter what, so who cares if he asked for it. |
Compared to the lies, threats, kickbacks, bribes, and accounting tricks Obama used to pass Obamacare, Ryan's is nothing.
FTFY...I saw where he has almost zero body fat and catches big catfish with his hands!...someone tell him they invented rods and reels..Palin shot moose with a shotgun not bow and arrow..:).but that may come in handy running the country... |
Hey jackoff, speaking of original thought show me where you uttered just one..Even a dolt like you must have ONE..and please, not all that crap you pull down from Fox,Coulter,Rush and other wingnuts..it's not people like me that doomed this country, we built it. You and your ilk are so far right you went over the edge and destroyed it..You want a starting point, how bout the year 2000, i.e. G Dumya Bush..and downhill since..In a word IRAQ!!..I didn't vote for Obama, i voted against repukeism..You don't like my cartoons, good, i'll continue on course..and you should allow your sockpuppet to reply..and get back to chasing riot, i miss my laughs watching you guys get shot down at every turn..:) That avatar is an old Navy vet and best friend since Jr high, lost him last year..and he was further right than you bozos.. |
The Obama cuts to Medicare have been talked about - proudly - lead by President Obama and his administration - for the past two years, because the cuts were part of the ACA when it was passed,. The cuts saved seniors $600 a year average by closing the Medicare donut hole, and cut waste and fraud from Medicare Advantage, extending the life of Medicare by 8-12 years. Uh, yeah - Obama talked about that "a lot". Where have you been for 2 years that you are completely unawares of that? Out of country? Don't watch news? Don't read a news site? Your posts pretty much make it apparent that you don't pay any attention whatsoever to politics or the news, and you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Yeah, you hate Obama. Big deal. Haters are a dime a dozen. It's sad and hilarious when the haters reveal themselves as completely factually ignorant of what the President has done. |
At Walmart today and saw at least three groups of brown guys speaking Mexican i guess...just shopping, may be illegals, surely summer workers..see them every year about this time... |
i wonder how others feel, when people see them and automatically assume they must be illegal.
i had a lady comment to me one time how she had visited california and was amazed at how many mexicans were there. i said really? she said yeah, it's unreal how many have moved there. :eek: i said, you do know that california and much of the southwest had belonged to mexico, the people she saw might have lived there for more generations than anyone else in the state. she didn't know, and apparently didn't care about that part of history...it didn't gibe with how her thinking was going. |
Here's the sad thing: news then interviewed an elderly couple, asked them if they liked Ryan's plan. They said, "yes, at least he has a plan, Obama doesn't". Apparently these ignorant people are completely unawares that Obama's plan for Medicare was put into the ACA voted into law 2 years ago, and Obama's Medicare Plan is why this year they have free preventive medicine visits, and $600 less drug bills. Same thing with my senior parents - they hate Obama, yet are happy they are paying less money through their Medicare this year - they certainly noticed - but they refuse to give Obama any credit for it. I guess that change happened in a vacuum? Complete ignorance in the American voter - very, very sad. But I did like the MoveOn.org airplane circling overhead, with "Paul Ryan - keep your hands off our Medicare" banner playing out behind. That was fun. |
Reminds me of two years ago when Farm Workers of America Union offered a job to any unemployed America who was angry and thought their job was being taken by an "illegal" - they offered to hook up any unemployed American who wanted a job with a job in California, working the fields. They got 2-3 people who kept the jobs. |
I could have made that clear... probably should have. |
Here is a newsflash, Captain I need Riot to make a fool of herself in a fruitless attempt to save my moronic comments here, just because your position is that this country needs stricter enforcement of people committing crimes by laughing and flaunting our immigration laws does not equate in any way to a racial position. |
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