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Uvalde ~ Remember your child in 4th Grade? Or your 4th Grade teacher?
And folks think it’s ok for some 18 year old to go to the corner store and buy an assault rifle ? I don’t get it. It’s sadder than sad.
![]() ALITHEA RAMIREZ ![]() LEXI RUBIO ![]() |
Freddy you should read Justice Warren Burger’s thoughts on the second amendment.
The only way to curb this senseless violence is to make it more difficult for the wrong people to obtain weapons. You’re never going to stop it all, but stopping just one would make a huge difference in countless peoples lives. It’s more difficult to adopt a pet than obtain a gun in this country. There’s something wrong with that. If you’re a responsible gun owner, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about the 18 year old kid that was known to shoot at cars with a BB gun, who when he turned 18 went and bought two guns. No wait time, no mental evaluation, no background check. He just needed an ID and money to cause carnage. We’re the only nation that deals with this. Something needs to change. |
Doesn't work for me. It's Ok to have the debate it's ok to exchange ideas. No Blue Ribbon panel needs to tell me how to protect myself against tyranny, Steve remembers what they did in Germany, what did they do first disarm the population? Australia is beautiful this time of year, you want the military telling you that you can't surf on the beach because some blue ribbon doc feels it's unsafe because of COVID Godbless, Not for me. FYI I have had 4 jabs not to be confused with 0 1 2 or 3. If you want to be in lockdown in Shanghai, have your pets beaten with a shovel because you have COVID Godbless. The founding fathers are brilliant freedom is not free and it's not perfect. If he had a shotgun or a handgun or a semi-automatic rifle none of that brings back anyone. They burned Jesus on a cross, they killed 10 million in WW2, humanity can be brutal
You know I love you Freddy but after the 4th or 5th sapphire step away from the computer.
Im not trying to take your guns. Im not suggesting you can’t own one or however many you want. I’m suggesting there should be some sort of background check done. I’m suggesting there should be a wait time from the time you attempt to buy a gun to when you actually obtain it. I’m suggesting you should have to register it. If you’re a law abiding citizen these should be easy. What exactly is the downside to any of these things? |
At least no one has offered thoughts and prayers. I’m thankful we’ve avoided that bumper sticker sentiment.
The sad part is that if you look at the response after incidents like this in the past, positions harden. We live in a gun culture. The second amendment folks will say you can’t blame the gun. And go buy a lot more just in case someone actually does something (they won’t). The rest of us will sputter powerlessly. Thanks, Steve for posting pictures. I appreciated those. |
America has many problems. A lack of access to arms isn’t one.
In NJ you have to purchase a firearms license. You have to go to the police station, you have to fill out a comprehensive series of documents, you have to get your fingers prints, you have to send a mental health survey to 3 NON-family members that certify your being, at which time after all the documents are received in good standing, the police chief in the jurisdiction evaluates the applications and certify's that you are eligible to own a firearm. Now after you have that card which documents who you are where you live etc. you can go to a dealer and purchase a long gun, not to be confused with a pistol...Pistols are a WAY different process. If you want a handgun you have to apply separately and only 3 permits are issued per request(for 90 days). Now if you want an "assault rifle" the definition of which I have no FN clue FYI do you really think a criminal gives a rat's ass about the laws? My handguns (I have several) can not have more than 10 rounds, do you really think a criminal gives a rat's ass about how many rounds are in his gun? I am going to stick up or carjack Jay but I better only have 10 rds in my Glock? lol
Evil sick demented people kill their grandmother and slaughter children...It's not the gun, or knife or ovens they gas you in it's just sick people... Our government drones people to death sometimes they kill the "bad" guy sometimes they kill the bad guy and a couple of innocent people that happen to be in the way. It is all demented |
Dare I say this country would be better if every state was like New Jersey?
New Jersey’s distinction as the safest state in the U.S. in our rankings is in large part due to its runaway score in the law enforcement officers per capita category, which is over 100% greater than the national average. |
Defund the Police
Like I said. These incidents don’t change attitudes. They harden them. Gun culture is endemic. |
His politics suck but he’s a really good guy. |
Strange how conservatives are so passionate about life before it’s actually born and then have such a cavalier attitude about it after it’s born.
Rational people: “We’re the only nation in the world who has school shootings, something has to change.” Conservatives: “Don’t touch my guns. Everything is fine. Thoughts and prayers.” Rational people: “We in the midst of a pandemic. Please wear a mask to do your part.” Conservatives: “This is a plandemic. I have my rights. I’d rather roll the dice on peoples lives than be a tiny bit inconvenienced by wearing a piece of fabric on my face. Thoughts and prayers.” Did I miss anything? |
I am hardly a conservative. While GOP is not the answer to all problems, we know Liberals are the cause of most situations. I voted for democrats my whole adult life. I voted for Clinton, Obama (twice), etc.
Masks are a complete lie. I speak with doc's everyday 85% of them laugh at the "science" There is none. It's about control. Fear is the coin of the realm for liberals. The left, the far left, is imploding. It eats its own, and nobody is safe. I have been raised in a family that has always supported a women's right to choose. Safe and rare, not as a means of birth control not past the first trimester save when the women's life is at risk. 4x African American abortions to white women aren't OK... And yes, you cant elect to take away any god-given rights and call it America. |
Don’t say you’re not a conservative and then give me every single Tucker Carlson talking point. First, spare me your bulls.hit about what 85% of doctors say. The point was…conservative men are hyper sensitive about abortion but can’t bother to be inconvenienced to wear a mask if it meant possibly saving some lives. It’s just like your stance on guns. You’re basically saying thoughts and prayers. You don’t want to be inconvenienced at all, even if it means saving lives. It’s cool. I know you’re a good guy. But if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. We have a gun problem in this country. We have a mental health problem in this country. Anyone who has read the Secret Oath thread can attest to that. Until as a country we care more about fixing those two problems and less about our “god given rights” we will continue to have parents burying their children. We will continue to have supermarkets shot up. We will continue to have churches shot up. Thoughts and prayers haven’t worked. Time to try something else. |
No, Freddy. *Human beings* kill their grandmother (although this shooter's grandmother is still alive) and slaughter children. Not monsters. People. People we work and go to school with. It's a cop-out to act like he's an other because 1) it dodges the point that this is a bigger problem and 2) it makes it easy to act like it's done and not anything we need to take responsibility for societally in preventing. Dehumanizing the shooter just makes it all the more likely to happen again. People can do great things and terrible things. We're not a trope, we're have choices and need to take ownership.
We CAN do something about things like this and fighting for your country doesn't only involve people in the military. Fighting for what this country stands for involves laws and words, not guns, contrary to popular conservative belief. 80% of these mass shooters have domestic violence in their backgrounds, often killing a female family member right before they go on a rampage. Anybody gonna take a stand to protect women or--- just kidding, of course they're not. They're too busy trying to throw women in jail for miscarriages. People have a right to own guns? Well I think parents have a right for their children to come home alive. Gonna protect that one? As for criminals not carrying about laws, if the laws didn't matter we wouldn't have'em in the first place meaning murder would be legal which is just dumb and you know it. Also, the guns coming into Chicago wouldn't be from states like Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, etc if gun regulation didn't work--they gotta get em from places that are lax so maybe don't be? Weird how even if drugs are a problem in this country we still somehow are able to clamp down on a lot of medications to the point that even folks with prescriptions are getting treated like drug addicts. We manage when we want to. We have a bunch of laws in place and we're not not passing them because a criminal isn't gonna consult the statutes. One person put together a sloppy shoe bomb and from then on we gotta take our shoes off forever more to get on a plane, and cars require a ton of stuff like insurance and a driver's license, but a bunch of common sense things like licensing for a gun are a step too far? A bunch of shootings should lead to change and nothing wrong with regulation. Spoiler alert, Freddy, if the gov't wanted to take you out they could do it. No gun in anybody's pocket is gonna protect them. The only people threatening anybody's sense of safety or rights right now are the people storming the Capitol or controlling a woman's body or telling trans people they don't get to be who they are or saying we can't talk about racism or being gay. Lotta overlap with the 'need m'guns' crowd. They're not the victims, they're the aggressors. A gun isn't about protecting yourself, it's about power and control. It's the same reason anybody gets upset if their position in a racial/wealth hierarchy is under threat. That's the only reason to explain the rage. |
Very nice tribute, Steve.
If one picture is worth a thousand words, I can't add anything here. |
FYI I have a trans child Dan Bongino talking points not tucker but I like tucker he hates all the politicians like me |
What kind of doctors are you talking to? Either way, you know what I'm saying Freddy. It's the attitude and hypocrisy. Conservative men can't pretend they care about an issue like abortion, if they don't give a sh.it about life once it is born. |
I know you understand the point I’m making. Being obtuse works for Vic. Don’t be like him. |
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