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Scav 11-05-2008 04:27 PM

What was McCain thinking?
Now I know this is kinda random but I was just reading an article about Palin and I read earlier that Obama dominated the woman for, by almost 3-1.

Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?

King Glorious 11-05-2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Scav
Now I know this is kinda random but I was just reading an article about Palin and I read earlier that Obama dominated the woman for, by almost 3-1.

Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?

They don't hate the ones they are cuter than. But Palin is better looking than most so yeah, they were bound to hate her quickly.

Danzig 11-05-2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Scav
Now I know this is kinda random but I was just reading an article about Palin and I read earlier that Obama dominated the woman for, by almost 3-1.

Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?


hillary got women votes, palin didn't. i don't care about looks, but substance. and i don't get along with a lot of women, i admit that-the ones who play games, act stupid, are stupid....

fpsoxfan 11-05-2008 05:01 PM

It didn't matter who McCain chose for a running mate. He had zero chance of winning this election and everyone knows it. I just want ole Obama to add one thing to his big CHANGE platform. Get abled bodied Americans Off welfare and put their lazy asses to work.

Hickory Hill Hoff 11-05-2008 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
It didn't matter who McCain chose for a running mate. He had zero chance of winning this election and everyone knows it. I just want ole Obama to add one thing to his big CHANGE platform. Get abled bodied Americans Off welfare and put their lazy asses to work.

I'm sure the lines down in Fonda at Social Services will disappear soon......:rolleyes:
Then maybe you (we) can take back our hometown. Funny thing, both Montgomery & Fulton county carried McCain. You wouldn't believe that if you lived here!

Hickory Hill Hoff 11-05-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
Oh yeah....the scumbags were dancing in the street. I thought I was watching scenes from Post-Katrina again. Only this time, the disaster will take four years to unfold. Yeah Man.......Let's get something for nothing!!!!!

More like your and my billfold for sure!

somerfrost 11-05-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
It's always nice to see racism rear it's ugly head after an election. You Fonda boys are a trip.

DaHoss...I hope I don't tick you off but you took the words right out of my, we agree on something! There will always be racists but the amazing thing is that Obama carried 43% of the white vote...more than Kerry, Gore and Clinton in one election (Clinton also carried 43% in reelection) no Democrat got more of the white vote since Carter (47%). I'm proud of America...folks rose above racial issues...truly an historic moment...30 years from now grandchildren will ask about this election and as long as folks write history books, this will be remembered!

Danzig 11-05-2008 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hickory Hill Hoff
I'm sure the lines down in Fonda at Social Services will disappear soon......:rolleyes:
Then maybe you (we) can take back our hometown. Funny thing, both Montgomery & Fulton county carried McCain. You wouldn't believe that if you lived here!


Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
Oh yeah....the scumbags were dancing in the street. I thought I was watching scenes from Post-Katrina again. Only this time, the disaster will take four years to unfold. Yeah Man.......Let's get something for nothing!!!!!


Scav 11-05-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
Oh yeah....the scumbags were dancing in the street. I thought I was watching scenes from Post-Katrina again. Only this time, the disaster will take four years to unfold. Yeah Man.......Let's get something for nothing!!!!!


Danzig 11-05-2008 06:38 PM

yeah, aint it tho?

somerfrost 11-05-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig
yeah, aint it tho?

Mrs Z...this kind of hate speech doesn't really surprise you does it?

fpsoxfan 11-05-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Scav
Wonderful is. Just because I make an anti-Obama post, it's implied as racist.
Unbelievable. I'm offended.

satan's twin 11-05-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Scav
Now I know this is kinda random but I was just reading an article about Palin and I read earlier that Obama dominated the woman for, by almost 3-1.

Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?

Hey, Lou Dobbs........ I thought you were sitting this election out. Again.

Cannon Shell 11-05-2008 06:56 PM

Are there any black people in Fonda?

fpsoxfan 11-05-2008 07:01 PM

I'm not saying a word for it may be perceived as racist. Geeez.

Danzig 11-05-2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost
Mrs Z...this kind of hate speech doesn't really surprise you does it?

in a way, yeah it does. but then, as i've said before-people tend to believe everyone thinks as they do, so i always feel a jolt when i see or hear something like the above...kind of like when an honest person finds they've been lied to or cheated, or when people talk trash about their spouse.

i have been on the receiving end of others narrow minded way of thinking, have been dismissed or marginalized, i cannot imagine ever being on the giving end.

Payson Dave 11-05-2008 07:06 PM

It is not inconceivable (nor necessarilly racist) to think that there are some "able bodied" individuals who are milking the social/welfare programs...and imho it is not unreasonable to desire that these programs not be used for those who don't actually need them....the Fonda, Fultonville, Amsterdam area certainly may have more than a couple of able-bodied freeloaders....

Cannon Shell 11-05-2008 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
I'm not saying a word for it may be perceived as racist. Geeez.

I'm guessing fewer than 10.

fpsoxfan 11-05-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Payson Dave
It is not inconceivable (nor necessarilly racist) to think that there are some "able bodied" individuals who are milking the social/welfare programs...and imho it is not unreasonable to desire that these programs not be used for those who don't actually need them....the Fonda, Fultonville, Amsterdam area certainly may have more than a couple of able-bodied freeloaders....

Thank you!!!!! That's all I was trying to say.............but noooooo...everyone wants to get stinking crazy....and folks that's the problem with our country. Everyone wants to tread lightly around the truth, but go crazyover how much someone spends over their wardrobe.

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