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timmgirvan 01-11-2009 09:21 PM

obama does the moonwalk

made all these promises but didn't have the scope of knowledge and experience to deliver them. But hey.....I'm an optimist!

hi_im_god 01-11-2009 09:40 PM

i wish he was completely rigid.

you can't imagine my disapointment he changes with conditions.

i thought he'd be more bushy.

Danzig 01-12-2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by timmgirvan

made all these promises but didn't have the scope of knowledge and experience to deliver them. But hey.....I'm an optimist!

why is this past tense? the guy isn't even president yet, but he's already failed to deliver?? how does this work exactly?

geez timmi, you sound just like some of the racist rednecks around here-they won't give him a chance either.

dellinger63 01-12-2009 07:50 AM

Give peace a chance?
Obama's at least doing his part. He freed up two spots at the local DC public school by sending his two to a private one. He did get rid of his racist minister, explained he barely knew Ayers 'the terrorist' and Rezco 'the convict', had no 'personal' conversations with Blago. hid out his illegal auntie, missed his grandmother's who raised him funeral. He did return for the memorial service on a fuel efficient jet and will charge into DC on inauguration day on a train from Philly. Not clear yet whether he plans to walk or bike to Philly to catch the train but maybe someone will tell him he's already in Wasington before he departs. The carbon emitted from the train has to be like a 100 google searches LOL. Yep he's a real Green one.

He does have a Chief of Staff who is better than Burt Campbell at disappearing though.

timmgirvan 01-12-2009 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig
why is this past tense? the guy isn't even president yet, but he's already failed to deliver?? how does this work exactly?

geez timmi, you sound just like some of the racist rednecks around here-they won't give him a chance either.

Some of his Democrat collegues aren't happy with him either!
The media which anointed him has clamored for his action since day 1.
He gets the "real" scope of the job he needs to do and he starts to backtrack
He set the bar high to start with, and in the 1st month he said he was gonna need 2 terms...that was a clue! He's been the most visible President-Elect he's gotta step up! I'm not lowering my expectations...I'm holding him to what he said he could do,period!

Danzig 01-12-2009 10:32 AM

holding him to it? you're already complaining he hasn't met expectations, and he hasn't even taken office. yeah, i'm sure you'll be as patient with him as you would with mccain had he won.

timmgirvan 01-12-2009 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig
holding him to it? you're already complaining he hasn't met expectations, and he hasn't even taken office. yeah, i'm sure you'll be as patient with him as you would with mccain had he won.'re such a cynic!

timmgirvan 01-12-2009 11:54 AM

keep drinking the Kool-Aid!

timmgirvan 01-12-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
I'm being serious Dimmy. What was the point of the article you posted? To show that Obama doesn't think he'll be able to do all of the things he said? No You're a "smart guy" and i use that term as loosely as I possibly can. Do you really expect these guys to do every single thing they promise? He hasn't even taken office yet and you've already decided his fate.

The Democrats are waffling already about the economic plans and some of his
appointments. He says he can't do what he said because didn't have a CLUE
as to what was required to complete his voluminous promises. There's plenty of people concerned about the future. As I said, I'm an optimist and I'm hoping that some of his plans work cuz the nation needs them to work.

GBBob 01-12-2009 12:17 PM

Bush called Obama "Very intelligent" today in his press conference...

Obama should be insulted...that's like Ray Charles telling you your shirt doesn't match your pants

Coach Pants 01-12-2009 12:20 PM

It'll be the same old bulls.hit until something is done about the free trade agreements.

Not all americans can be techies.

timmgirvan 01-12-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
10 minutes for this? Where does he say that? Not in that article. So again, what was the point of this thread?

You're an optimist....thanks for the laugh. You're lots of things, but optimistic about Obama is clearly not one of them.

Try reading a paper or any internet news and you'll find plenty of info.
If you don't understand the thread then I really can't help you.

hoovesupsideyourhead 01-12-2009 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Bush called Obama "Very intelligent" today in his press conference...

Obama should be insulted...that's like Ray Charles telling you your shirt doesn't match your pants

:tro: :tro:

Antitrust32 01-12-2009 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by timmgirvan
keep drinking the Kool-Aid!

timmi.... for real man... the guy isnt even the President yet, give him a chance.

How is he not keeping promises when he isnt even in the office for a few more days??

Pres elect Obama is the soon-to-become leader of the greatest country on earth.... since he had been elected, he is getting briefed just like Bush gets briefed... basically information that only the executive office knows.

When you are running for president you talk about your vision & things that you want to get done. BUT, if then presented with classified information that changes a scenerio, you have to do what is best for the country even if it isnt what you were talking about while running. That is a quality that Obama looks like he has... and I wouldnt want anything less from the President.

I think you will be surprised Timmy, so far, IMO Obama has shown wisdom and integrity. I personally think he will govern from the center, or even more from the right. He's already pissing off Dems, which I think is awesome, because for me, it makes me feel like Obama will make a decision based on what he thinks is the best thing for the country.... not just that party line bulljive.

I know I went for McCain and all, but I am proud and happy that Obama is going to be our President. I would have been proud and happy with McCain also. I didnt really trust Obama during the race, but since then he has shown a lot of great character IMO.. he put together a top class cabinet and just seems like the right man for the job.

Timmy, I think it would be best for you to drop the conspiricy theories and back Pres-elect Obama. He's going to be our leader for the next four years whether you like it or not, and during this interesting time in history, it would be nice to have a unified America.

I have no idea if my post made any sense.

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