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GBBob 01-18-2009 10:33 PM

My Barack Wish List
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry
* Ban the Death Penalty
* Full rights for Gays to marry
* Simplify the tax code
* No offshore drilling
* Stem Cell research at further levels
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards
* Revisit NAFTA
* NASA...what does it mean?
* Environment, Environment, Environment

This should be fun..

SCUDSBROTHER 01-19-2009 12:05 AM

How about prohibit Ashford n' Simpson from performing anymore. Their voices no longer harmonize well together (that's the nicest way I can put it.) LOL...I love watching Larry King pretend to give a damn what somebody 5 feet away from him is saying. He asks them a question, and then just ignores what they're saying. He just wants to go check the scores of the games he has bets on.

Suffolk Shippers 01-19-2009 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry
* Ban the Death Penalty
* Full rights for Gays to marry
* Simplify the tax code
* No offshore drilling
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters
* Stem Cell research at further levels
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards
* Revisit NAFTA
* NASA...what does it mean?
* Environment, Environment, Environment

This should be fun..

Well I don't think gays will have full marriage rights federally, the Supreme Court would need to outlaw the death penalty, it's still too conservative for that to happen. I do think stem cell research will be expanded.

Danzig 01-19-2009 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry
* Ban the Death Penalty
* Full rights for Gays to marry
* Simplify the tax code
* No offshore drilling
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters
* Stem Cell research at further levels
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards
* Revisit NAFTA
* NASA...what does it mean?
* Environment, Environment, Environment

This should be fun..

you may as well write to santa claus.

GPK 01-19-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked andsince Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry
* Ban the Death Penalty
* Full rights for Gays to marry
* Simplify the tax code
* No offshore drilling
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters
* Stem Cell research at further levels
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards
* Revisit NAFTA
* NASA...what does it mean?
* Environment, Environment, Environment

This should be fun..

That time of the month, Bob??:wf

GBBob 01-19-2009 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by GPK
That time of the month, Bob??:wf

Hey...just felt inspired for ridicule

dellinger63 01-19-2009 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry Disagree
* Ban the Death Penalty Disagree
* Full rights for Gays to marry Agree
* Simplify the tax code Strongly Agree
* No offshore drilling Agree if invasion of Venezuela included
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters Agree despite my priests
* Stem Cell research at further levels Strongly Agree
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented Strongly Agree See Below
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards School Vouchers
* Revisit NAFTA If we concentrate more on our neighbor to the north
* NASA...what does it mean? They gave us Teflon
* Environment, Environment, Environment Polution yes cows farting no

This should be fun..

So shockingly we're not that far apart. Let me keep and carry my guns (don't currently have an active carry permit but did and want the right to get it back if desired) Kill the killers and molesters and I can agree with the rest.

Note: There are actually lake front properties nearby that recieve farm subsidies not to plant corn and to remain wetlands. These are properties worth anywhere from $1-$10 million in land with $2-$10 million homes on them. Casa Del Sueno owned by Penny P comes immediately to mind. Like she was ever going to plant a corn field. Or needs the extra $$$$.

GBBob 01-19-2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by dellinger63
So shockingly we're not that far apart. Let me keep and carry my guns (don't currently have an active carry permit but did and want the right to get it back if desired) Kill the killers and molesters and I can agree with the rest.

Note: There are actually lake front properties nearby that recieve farm subsidies not to plant corn and to remain wetlands. These are properties worth anywhere from $1-$10 million in land with $2-$10 million homes on them. Casa Del Sueno owned by Penny P comes immediately to mind. Like she was ever going to plant a corn field. Or needs the extra $$$$.

Even I admit that my list is very left and not mainstream...especially the first two, but hey...debate is healthy.

The farm subsidies is a case of a very well intentioned bill that became abused quickly ( as if that isn't the case with many). And my Dad worked for NASA so in theory I still think they are viable, but need to be much more accountable for the end result of the billions spent.

GPK 01-19-2009 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Hey...just felt inspired for ridicule

No the part I bolded

I think you meant Iraq and not Irag

GBBob 01-19-2009 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by GPK
No the part I bolded

I think you meant Iraq and not Irag IT now...oh man..:zz:

Cannon Shell 01-19-2009 08:14 AM

Surprisingly I have no issue with most of your wishes. Though I am for off shore drilling and the death penalty and believe many environmental issues are completely overblown. NAFTA could use some adjustments also. Holy **** I may be turning lefty...

GBBob 01-19-2009 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Surprisingly I have no issue with most of your wishes. Though I am for off shore drilling and the death penalty and believe many environmental issues are completely overblown. NAFTA could use some adjustments also. Holy **** I may be turning lefty...

I thought you might have something to add on the farm subsidies since I know you are much more versed in that than I am...Do they have any merit at all anymore?

joeydb 01-19-2009 08:25 AM

My Barack wish list:

1) An early resignation.

Cannon Shell 01-19-2009 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
I thought you might have something to add on the farm subsidies since I know you are much more versed in that than I am...Do they have any merit at all anymore?

Yes but they could use tightening up.

GPK 01-19-2009 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry Disagree
* Ban the Death Penalty Disagree
* Full rights for Gays to marry Agree
* Simplify the tax code Agree
* No offshore drilling Disagree
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters Disagree
* Stem Cell research at further levels Agree
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented Not versed enough to have an opinion
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards Agree
* Revisit NAFTA Agree
* NASA...what does it mean? National Aeronautics and Space Administration:p
* Environment, Environment, Environment More important things should take precedence

This should be fun..


Antitrust32 01-19-2009 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry agree w/ semi, disagree with concealed
* Ban the Death Penalty disagree..
* Full rights for Gays to marry agree of course :p
* Simplify the tax code agree
* No offshore drilling disagree, we should be drilling
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters agree, but think there should be consequences for women who use abortion over and over as birth control
* Stem Cell research at further levels very much agree... one of the worst things Bush did IMO
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented no idea about this
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards agree
* Revisit NAFTA agree
* NASA...what does it mean? no opinion
* Environment, Environment, Environment dont use too much $$ on this but address the issues

This should be fun..

agree with you on most... but I do think we need to Drill baby Drill!! LOL

hoovesupsideyourhead 01-19-2009 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by GBBob
Well....I'll open myself up to the daggers. Before the economy tanked and since Irag was always a no brainer...Here was my wish list over the next 4-8 no particular order..

* Ban semi-automatic weapons and no concealed carry no we need to hunt :rolleyes:
* Ban the Death Penalty yes lets pay for them forever
* Full rights for Gays to marry
* Simplify the tax code yes
* No offshore drilling no we need the jobs
* Pro Choice in first and second Trimesters
* Stem Cell research at further levels
* Less farm subsidies unless warrented
* Revise "No Child Left Behind" to reasonable standards lol
if you show up all the time ..
* Revisit NAFTA
* NASA...what does it mean?
* Environment, Environment, Environment
ban the use of 22- 25 inch rims..
This should be fun..

yes long hail obama ...:rolleyes:

GBBob 01-19-2009 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead
yes long hail obama ...:rolleyes:

Hunting is fine, but only animals please

joeydb 01-19-2009 10:12 AM

When someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night, armed, just beg for your life in a very soft and tearful voice.

Yeah that gun control is a real a great idea...

Cannon Shell 01-19-2009 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by joeydb
When someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night, armed, just beg for your life in a very soft and tearful voice.

Yeah that gun control is a real a great idea...

I have 4 attack dogs that take care of intruders

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