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Cannon Shell 06-27-2009 09:07 PM

Take the global warming test!

joeydb 06-28-2009 10:39 AM

Please send that to Pelosi!

Danzig 06-28-2009 10:44 AM

hmm, interesting.

hi_im_god 06-28-2009 03:56 PM

plant fossils of west virginia.

awesome site. great link.

i like the "we're not connected with the coal industry" name. subtle.

pgardn 06-28-2009 04:19 PM

my favorite...

Caution: This section contains sound science, not media hype, and may therefore contain material not suitable for young people trying to get a good grade in political correctness.

hi_im_god 06-28-2009 04:32 PM

i feel sorry for people who can't see the bias in the mainstream media.

and i pray for them.

JJP 07-05-2009 12:44 PM

I'm just praying they go away.

ArlJim78 07-05-2009 07:04 PM

the biggest scam in history, and they're close to pulling it off.

hi_im_god 07-05-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
the biggest scam in history, and they're close to pulling it off.

isn't a scam something where someone...say the fossil fuel lobby...wants to fool someone else for financial gain?

i'm looking forward to the explanation of how the climate scientist lobby has managed to pull this one off.

talk about david vs. goliath.

ArlJim78 07-05-2009 10:05 PM

gov is not even looking at the science, they couldn't care less.
the scam is being conducted by the gov and the green lobby.

hi_im_god 07-05-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
gov is not even looking at the science, they couldn't care less.
the scam is being conducted by the gov and the green lobby.

to what end?

the motivation for obfuscation by the poor underfunded fossil fuel lobby is fairly clear.

i'm still a little fuzzy on the payoff for all the fat cat climate scientists that have managed to buy off the government.

and please stop projecting. just because the right has a war on science doesn't mean the government still does. that ended in january.

Riot 07-06-2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
gov is not even looking at the science, they couldn't care less.the scam is being conducted by the gov and the green lobby.

Yes - most of what has been released in the past few months by the current administration was investigative science done under the eight years of the Bush administration, but squelched and ignored there.

ArlJim78 07-06-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Riot
Yes - most of what has been released in the past few months by the current administration was investigative science done under the eight years of the Bush administration, but squelched and ignored there.

sounds like a good idea. science should not be used to justify social engineering.

ArlJim78 07-06-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by hi_im_god
to what end?

the motivation for obfuscation by the poor underfunded fossil fuel lobby is fairly clear.

i'm still a little fuzzy on the payoff for all the fat cat climate scientists that have managed to buy off the government.

and please stop projecting. just because the right has a war on science doesn't mean the government still does. that ended in january.

there is no payoff for fat cat climate scientists, other than additional grants for the ones that keep on providing the right answers.

the right has a war on science? I was not aware of that. I think you're projecting.

Riot 07-06-2009 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
sounds like a good idea. science should not be used to justify social engineering.

No, religion has been most commonly used for that.

BTW, the GOP "Crashing the party train into oblivion 2009" national tour continues:

" Note to Republicans: Racist “humor,” the Internet, and political ambitions don’t mix. Audra Shay, vice chairman of the Young Republicans and the leading candidate to be elected its chairman on Saturday, is now the latest in a growing list of GOP officials learning this lesson the hard way, based on pictures of a now-deleted Facebook page obtained by The Daily Beast."

Sigh ... I may have to take back all the promising things I've said about the future of the GOP lately.

Riot 07-06-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
there is no payoff for fat cat climate scientists, other than additional grants for the ones that keep on providing the right answers.

the right has a war on science? I was not aware of that. I think you're projecting.

Probably because you are not in a scientific field. I am. Yes, the "right" -most notably the Bush administration - indeed had "a war on science". No additional grants for anyone under the Bush administration, no matter what their answers were.

And thank goodness that's over and done with now. One of the major reasons I voted for Obama.

SOREHOOF 07-06-2009 10:59 AM

Global warming alarmism is the official state sanctioned religion of the U.S.A.. I have the constitutional right to believe or not. The Govt. doesn't have the right to jam it down Americans throats. Maybe its getting warmer, maybe mankind is to blame. Maybe not. Geological time isn't measured in months, but centuries and eons. When the price of energy goes up the price of everything goes up. Does anybody remember last summer? The economy started tanking after the price of oil (and gas) skyrocketed. The left always wanted high gas prices to slow consumption. They just wanted it to be from taxes. Our tax dollars and time might be better used to adapt than to try to stop something that may be an unstoppable, natural, and cyclical phenomenon.

ArlJim78 07-06-2009 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Riot
Probably because you are not in a scientific field. I am. Yes, the "right" -most notably the Bush administration - indeed had "a war on science". No additional grants for anyone under the Bush administration, no matter what their answers were.

And thank goodness that's over and done with now. One of the major reasons I voted for Obama.

no it's probably because I have a better grip on reality than you do. there was no war on science. that's a political characterization used by the left to paint the right all as bible thumpers who don't believe in science. obviously you've fallen for it.

Riot 07-06-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by ArlJim78
no it's probably because I have a better grip on reality than you do. there was no war on science. that's a political characterization used by the left to paint the right all as bible thumpers who don't believe in science. obviously you've fallen for it.

No, I only need to look at the truth of it: the documentable lack of our governments support and funding for science, across all fields, during the past 8 years.

That has nothing at all to do with "bible thumpers", "the right", or "the left".

BTW, the sciences are objective fields. There's little to no "belief in science" involved. It exists no matter what some people "believe". Just like climate change.

Riot 07-06-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by SOREHOOF
Global warming alarmism is the official state sanctioned religion of the U.S.A.. I have the constitutional right to believe or not. The Govt. doesn't have the right to jam it down Americans throats. Maybe its getting warmer, maybe mankind is to blame. Maybe not. Geological time isn't measured in months, but centuries and eons. When the price of energy goes up the price of everything goes up. Does anybody remember last summer? The economy started tanking after the price of oil (and gas) skyrocketed. The left always wanted high gas prices to slow consumption. They just wanted it to be from taxes. Our tax dollars and time might be better used to adapt than to try to stop something that may be an unstoppable, natural, and cyclical phenomenon.

There is a complete, complex, and rather large discussion and examination of global warming that takes place completely outside of "the government".
Kind of hard to ignore that.

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