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Coach Pants 05-22-2011 05:17 PM

Police State Thread


In fact, Interstate 40 has become a major profit center for Tennessee law enforcement -- with officers stopping and often searching out-of-state vehicles. It's because of a state law that lets them seize money simply based on the suspicion that it's linked to drug trafficking.
If an owner does not take legal action to get the money back, the agency gets to keep it all.
"This is really highway shakedowns coming to the U.S.," said Scott Bullock, senior attorney with the Washington-based Institute for Justice.
No big deal. Stop being paranoid.

Coach Pants 05-23-2011 06:01 PM

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on PATRIOT ACT

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 09:34 AM

Caught on tape: Shocking moment police 'throw disabled man out of wheelchair and slam him to the ground'

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 09:39 AM

Senate moves to force vote on Patriot Act

Antitrust32 05-25-2011 10:46 AM

They need to change the name of the bill.

There is nothing Patriotic about police being able to bust down doors without court ordered warrants.

"I smelled weed coming from the house from a mile away and pot smokers sponsor terrorism."

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 12:54 PM


Late Friday afternoon, May 13, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously passed 138-0 H.B. 1937, which would ban "intrusive touching of persons seeking access to public buildings and transportation." According to a press release issued by the office of state Rep. David Simpson, the bill's author, H.B. 1937 is "the first bill in the country that would actively restrict the TSA's [Transportation Security Administration's] intrusive screening practices to pass a legislative vote."

DOJ letter: 'TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight ...'


Bill author Rep. David Simpson's (R-Longview) staff said this amounts to the Department of Justice having "thrown down the gauntlet."
"Either Texas backs off and continues to let government employees fondle innocent women, children and men as a condition of travel," the staff wrote, "or the TSA [Transportation Safety Administration] has the authority tocancel flights or series of flights.
"... 97 percent of people who go though the nation's airports do not go through these offensive searches. And yet, a United States Attorney warns that flights to Texas could be shut down because TSA would not be able to ensure the safety of passengers and crew if agents could not touch genitals. Someone must make a stand against the atrocities of our government agents ..."
In public statement, TSA lies about the Constitution

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 04:31 PM

Sen. Paul Agrees to Vote on USA PATRIOT Act; Sen. Reid Refuses

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 05:23 PM

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 05:30 PM

Alex Calls Upon All Texans to March on State Capital!!


Alex Jones — a man best known for claiming the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks were an inside job and hosting Charlie Sheen’s phone-in program of choice — led a group of about 100 people, initially, to the wrong chamber as they protested the failure of the anti-pat down bill Wednesday afternoon.
After discovering their error, they left the House and headed over to the Senate, the chamber the measure is stuck in. There, Jones claimed that the state senators had sold out the country to foreign banks, were “enemies of the Republic of Texas and the Republic of the United States” and had sided with “King George III.”

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 05:35 PM

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says


You may think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) says it’s worse than you’ve heard.

Coach Pants 05-25-2011 07:19 PM

Radio Host Storms Texas Capitol Over TSA Bill


Well, it’s true. There’s never a dull moment at the Texas Legislature. The House and Senate were going about their regular end-of-session business on Wednesday when loud screams could be heard coming from the rotunda. Outside the chambers, a group of mostly men and a few women were screaming, “Cri-mi-nal! Cri-mi-nal!” and “Treason! Treason!”
It didn’t take long for reporters to locate the ringleader: Alex Jones, the controversial radio host and filmmaker who describes himself as a staunch constitutionalist. He is also a supporter of the 9/11 truther movement, which has accused the government of orchestrating the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. So who's his beef with now? The federal Transportation Security Administration — and the Texas Senate.

Alex Jones Storms The Capitol

golfer 06-01-2011 06:02 AM

Interactive map of botched paramilitary police raids

Clip-Clop 06-01-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Coach Pants (Post 779047)

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar'

There's that "transparency" shining through again. :wf

Coach Pants 06-02-2011 11:04 PM


On May 25th, 2011 Alex went to the Texas capitol to protest the sabotaging and attempted sinking of the anti-TSA bill HB 1937 which the Texas house unanimously voted in favor of. Alex Jones and crowd chant from the steps of the Senate chamber, which the media reported was audible inside the chamber and temporarily halted the passage of other bills. HB 1937 would make it a felony crime for a TSA employee to reach under clothing or touch the genitals of passengers it screens. The bill presents a serious challenge to the assumed authority of the TSA agency, so it is no wonder why the establishment moved swiftly to intimidate Texas lawmakers andthreaten a flight blockade to stifle to the legislation.

Since the protest we've made progress. Supporters are trying to get the bill called to special session, as detailed by Kurt Nimmo in an article he wrote for entitled 'Texas Moves to Bring Back Anti-TSA Groping Bill'.

herkhorse 06-03-2011 05:47 AM

golfer 06-09-2011 05:43 AM

SWAT Team raid over student loan
Since when does a Deptartment of Education have armed agents?

Riot 06-09-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by golfer (Post 782854)
Since when does a Deptartment of Education have armed agents?

From the article: "Hamilton said the search was not related to student loans in default as reported in the local media".

golfer 06-13-2011 06:45 PM

George Carlin, The American Dream
Conspiracy Nut, had no idea what was really going on:

golfer 06-14-2011 05:14 AM

Law Enforcement, who serves who?

Coach Pants 06-16-2011 11:46 PM

What the f.ucking f.uck?


Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. A few weeks back, we noted that Senators Amy Klobuchar, John Cornyn and Christopher Coons had proposed a new bill that was designed to make "streaming" infringing material a felony. At the time, the actual text of the bill wasn't available, but we assumed, naturally, that it would just extend "public performance" rights to section 506a of the Copyright Act.

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