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dellinger63 06-06-2011 08:44 PM

30% to lose Health Insurance Benis 2014
Surely at minimum the CBO needs to go back and re-do their numbers. Scarey shiat! But I guess only if you're a private sector emplyed, tax paying, healthy citizen.

Geez what's next instead of getting a break on auto insurance for safe driving you get a raise in premiums for subsidizing bad drivers and DUI's?

Riot 06-06-2011 08:52 PM

Why don't you go back, and read that article again, and change your headline to be remotely associated with the truth of what the article says?

Because "30% to lose Health Insurance Benis 2014" isn't stated anywhere in that article.

GBBob 06-06-2011 08:55 PM

Minor details..

Indeed, the Rand study released in April noted: “The percentage of employees offered insurance will not change substantially, but a small number of employees in small firms (defined as those with under 100 employees in 2016) will obtain employer-sponsored insurance through the state insurance exchanges.”

Honu 06-06-2011 10:08 PM

Thankfully I have insurance through my partners job, a very small company with about 20 employees. Even though they have had to change the policy and increase the co-pay and reduce the amount the insurance will cover for operations its more than my employeer offers or any other trainer on the the racetrack. Hopefully buisness will pick up and they wont have to reduce the coverage or increase the payments.
In the racing world trainers would rather pay the fine the government is going to give them than even consider getting health insurance for their workers all the while driving their BMW's and Benz's and living in one of their two houses.
True they have earned their cars and houses and I dont deny them that, but it would be nice if they just even considered looking into insurance, other small buisness can make it work so I dont know why they cant.

clyde 06-06-2011 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Honu (Post 782230)
Thankfully I have insurance through my partners job, a very small company with about 20 employees. Even though they have had to change the policy and increase the co-pay and reduce the amount the insurance will cover for operations its more than my employeer offers or any other trainer on the the racetrack. Hopefully buisness will pick up and they wont have to reduce the coverage or increase the payments.
In the racing world trainers would rather pay the fine the government is going to give them than even consider getting health insurance for their workers all the while driving their BMW's and Benz's and living in one of their two houses.
True they have earned their cars and houses and I dont deny them that, but it would be nice if they just even considered looking into insurance, other small buisness can make it work so I dont know why they cant.

That was swell,Honula.


joeydb 06-07-2011 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Honu (Post 782230)
Thankfully I have insurance through my partners job, a very small company with about 20 employees. Even though they have had to change the policy and increase the co-pay and reduce the amount the insurance will cover for operations its more than my employeer offers or any other trainer on the the racetrack. Hopefully buisness will pick up and they wont have to reduce the coverage or increase the payments.
In the racing world trainers would rather pay the fine the government is going to give them than even consider getting health insurance for their workers all the while driving their BMW's and Benz's and living in one of their two houses.
True they have earned their cars and houses and I dont deny them that, but it would be nice if they just even considered looking into insurance, other small buisness can make it work so I dont know why they cant.

The first rule of business: pay yourself first. That will never change, no matter how creatively they try to tax or regulate us out of our own money.

Riot 06-07-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by joeydb (Post 782258)
The first rule of business: pay yourself first. That will never change, no matter how creatively they try to tax or regulate us out of our own money.

I'm glad you realize that. That is precisely why Reaganomics, or "trickle down" economics, the goal of slashing taxes and costs for the wealthy at the top of the pile does not work to create jobs and wealth for those many below.

You nailed the entire failed economic policy of the GOP for the past 50 years in a nutshell :tro:

It accounts for the world being at the edge of a worldwide depression, unemployment being almost as high as during Ronald Reagan, while the few at the top, CEO's and businesses, take historic record profit margins.

dellinger63 06-07-2011 06:32 PM

Does taxing one more than 50% cumulative make him a worker of the State?

If not who is he a worker of? We're above that, always have been, and that's what makes us great. Self reliance, ask not what your country can do for you, we will fight rather than pay a randsom, all what we need to get back to.

Do we want to be a socialist country?

Don't think so. Or at least hope not.

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