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dellinger63 03-19-2012 06:12 AM

WI Judges Sign Walker Recall Petitiion
In one of the most one-sided articles written, 29 Justices signed the petition.

In a rest of the story moment, 221 Judges did not. But why concentrate on the majority when there is a minority?

BTW 100% of Appeals and Supreme Court Justices were not on the re-call petitions including the 'alleged' victim of Judge Prosser.

Instead of re-calling Walker, the majority of Judges agree with the majority of WI citizens feeling Walker should be called not re-called and told to keep up the fine work.

Riot 03-19-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 846820)
In one of the most one-sided articles written, 29 Justices signed the petition.

In a rest of the story moment, 221 Judges did not. But why concentrate on the majority when there is a minority?

Did I miss something? Do Wisconsin Justices lose their right to vote when they become a judge?

dellinger63 03-19-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 846907)
Did I miss something? Do Wisconsin Justices lose their right to vote when they become a judge?

They have both the right to vote AND sign or not sign a petition.

29 signed
221 did not sign

Get it now?

Riot 03-19-2012 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 846911)
They have both the right to vote AND sign or not sign a petition.

29 signed
221 did not sign

Get it now?

Get what? That you are a victim? :D

dellinger63 03-19-2012 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 846920)
Get what? That you are a victim? :D

You're bat crazy!

Riot 03-19-2012 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 846923)
You're bat crazy!

Actually, I think you calling the below article, reprinted here in it's short complete entirety, "one of the most one-sided articles written!" (gasp! horror!) - when it doesn't contain even one sentence of opinion - is pretty bat crazy.

Fear those imaginary demons of attack and paranoid persecution much? :eek:


Newspaper: 29 judges sign Walker recall petition
By ASSOCIATED PRESS Sunday, March 18, 2012 - 3:19 p.m.

SHEBOYGAN—A newspaper analysis finds that 29 judges from 15 Wisconsin counties were among those who signed petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker.

An analysis by Gannett Wisconsin Media found that about 12 percent of the state’s approximately 250 county-level judges signed the petition.

The Sheboygan Press reports Sunday that the judges who agreed to be interviewed say their decisions were constitutionally protected, and are not banned by the Wisconsin Code of Judicial Conduct.

Milwaukee County had the most judges sign the petition. Eleven judges, or about one-fourth of the judges in the county, signed the recall effort.

The data shows none of the state’s 16 appeals court judges or seven Supreme Court justices signed the petitions.

dellinger63 03-22-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Riot (Post 846924)
Actually, I think you calling the below article, reprinted here in it's short complete entirety, "one of the most one-sided articles written!" (gasp! horror!) - when it doesn't contain even one sentence of opinion - is pretty bat crazy.

Fear those imaginary demons of attack and paranoid persecution much? :eek:

Wouldn't you think the article would have mentioned the fact Judge Prosser's accuser did not sign.

Isn't the 221 who didn't sign a bigger story than the 29 that did?

I guess the story is just poorly written? :)

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