Originally Posted by GPK
(Post 857303)
171 when they tested me at 15. Having spent time around me, I imagine you find this hard to believe, but growing up, I was a painfully shy kid around others. Very awkward in any kind of social setting with my peers. Their conversations would hold no depth or weight with me. I was more comfortable around adults, but still tended to fall in the "seen not heard" category. It was evident, to me at least, early on I was different from others in my class. I couldn't understand why they would ask such basic questions. I would finish my tests long before anyone else would, but in an effort to draw no attention to myself, I would always act like I was still working on it. I had seen how other "smart" kids in school got treated with extra attention because they always made the all "A" honor roll and the possibility that the same recognition might be given to me, well, let's just say it terrified the sh*t out of me. In an effort to deflect any and all attention away from me, I would miss questions on purpose, just to make sure that I didn't make all A's and that no teacher would become inquisitive. Everything was fine, until my 10th grade year.
I can close my eyes and picture it like it happened last week. Mrs. Whitley's 10th grade Chemistry class. I had an enormous crush on her up until this day. She was the smartest woman I had ever been around in my life. I guess you could say she was my "Mrs. Robinson." Amazingly short and petite. Must have weighed all of 105 lbs. Blonde hair, glasses...never wore a dress any higher than 3 inches below her knees. All class and business. For this kid, she was the epitome of what sexy was. I would fantasize about working alone with her in the lab. Talking and experimenting for hours on end, just her and I. Maybe, just maybe I would let her in on my secret. I digress...
So, class begins one day and she begins to discuss the Periodic Table. A yawner of a topic for me back then, since I could have drawn the damn thing upside down with my eyes closed. As she is sharing about the PT and it origins, I'm doodling on some paper, kinda half ass listening to her. Well, she mentions Mendeleev, which catches my attention, as I'm curious to know her thoughts of this vile swine. Well, much to my surprise, she begins to praise this guy like he is some kind of hero of science. She is speaking of him almost in a tone of reverence, like he is some kind of deity. Needless to say, I was having none of that. What took place that afternoon forever changed my life. I essentially chewed her a new ******* in front of the whole class for even speaking of Mendeleev in such a manner. I told her anyone worth their weight in the field of science would never speak of him or hold him in such high regard. I ranted and raved for a good 15 minutes. After my undressing of her (figuratively, not literally) a chain of events started that changed me essentially into who I am today. After many meetings with school officials and my parents, after many meeting with doctors to run tests after tests, I finally confiding in my parents my secret. They "encouraged" me to test out for my intelligence quotient. I told them if I would do it under the strictest confidence that the results never be mentioned to any school officials or anyone remotely connected to academia. I wanted zero expectations place on me. When the results came back, I have to admit even I was a bit surprised. I wasn't kicked out of school, but I did have to publicly apologize to Mrs. Whitley. My parents were awesome and took the bullet for me and said that I had been experiencing some stressful conditions in my home life and I must have just snapped. My goal the final 2 years of high school was to blend in as much as possible and be just incredibly average. I successfully managed to accomplish that goal by graduating #150 out of a class of 300 students. Having the secret out of the closet, even if it was just to my family, was a great relief.
After taking a year off upon graduating from high school, I returned to school for 3 semesters at a local college. There, I discovered 2 things that forever and completely changed my personality 180 degrees. Alcohol and 2 semesters of Public Speaking. Alcohol gave me the courage to talk to people and public speaking forced me into looking at people when I spoke. Thankfully, I no longer need the alcohol. And, as you have seen with your own two eyes, I can talk to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. From the most beautiful woman in the world to shoulder capping over some dudes shoulder whose name I don't even know....I'm comfortable around anyone. That's saying an awful lot for a shy little genius from Virginia.