Originally Posted by Honu
(Post 859833)
Im still not feelin ya on the whole bigotry thing but thats ok. How else are the people that are scamming the government and us the people out of billions of dollars to be refered to?
"billions of dollars" A figure pulled out of the story makers butt (because you'd have to actually know how many illegals claimed how many children to even remotely gauge an estimate, based upon numbers of Temp. ID numbers assigned to Mexican immigrants only)
How much money has the "secret invisible person who won't put his name to the story" personally helped scam?
What other country than Mexico has more illegal people here?
46% are estimated to be from other countries. That's roughly half. No mention of them. Why? Because it's easier to hate on brown illegal Mexicans.
There was zero evidence presented that, "the IRS knows and does nothing about it". It's all just allegation about those hateful brown people scamming "billions and billions" from hardworking white Americans.
The only factual thing in that story was the identification of an already known loophole. Should loopholes be closed? Yes. Billions of dollars? Only in Joe Arapio's worse wet dream of brown hate.
In other words: cut through the hyperbole, and bigotry, and hate towards Mexicans, and you have people - of many countries of origin - with temporary ID numbers that can possibly claim children not in this country.