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dellinger63 08-05-2012 07:47 AM

"You didn't build it someone else did"
Now I must ask, "Mr. President, who paid for it?

Was it your Mom? Did your Dad(s) send money from abroad, your grandparents?"

We all know it wasn't your auntie or uncle.

Must be hard to realize and deal with the fact your family with the exception of Michele when she was working the sweetheart no-show job at University of Chicago added virtually nothing to this great country and to the contrary took.

Of course the Romney family and in fact the vast majority of families in this country did pay for it yet you cry for more, like a spoiled little brat!

Riot 08-05-2012 11:23 AM

When the President said, "You didn't build that", he was referring to roads and infrastructure.

Yes, that's right - business owners didn't build the roads and infrastructure that helped them, nor did they grow up without teachers, nor did they live in a country that didn't give them great opportunity - as the President said.

Your misquotes are ridiculous.

And your obvious bigotry and hate are disgusting. The presidents grandparents did indeed "pay in this country", as did his mother, as did he, and his grandfather is a World War II veteran whom you should show some respect for.

bigrun 08-05-2012 11:23 AM

Harry Reid To Continue Romney Tax Attack


The “one person who couldn’t care less” about being criticized for his attacks is Reid himself, points out Politico, noting the senator doesn’t plan on stopping the attacks. As far as Reid sees it, this is a winning issue for him because it’s keeping attention on Romney’s taxes. Besides, Reid’s aides insist the majority leader really believes his source, who is allegedly a longtime investor at Bain Capital.


On Friday, Romney insisted he pays lots of taxes every year, reports Bloomberg. “I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes–a lot of taxes,” he said. Liar,liar pants on fire.

dellinger63 08-05-2012 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 880548)
Harry Reid To Continue Romney Tax Attack

Yea who cares if it's true?

You're foolish if you don't think someone in the White House (Valerie Jarrett most likely) not to mention every left wing minded investigator has attempted to verify Reid's tantrum yet not a peep out of any of them.

I'll go further and say Romney paid more in property taxes than Reid did in income and property combined.

In fact I'd wager Romney paid more income taxes in any one of those ten years than Obama's parents paid over their entire lives!

Riot 08-05-2012 11:37 AM

Mitt Romney lied to the public in 2002 about his taxes, when he and Eric Ferhnstrom said he had filed as a Mass. resident. They lied repeatedly and often, right up until the day they were caught lying and had to walk it back, and Romney had to refile his taxes as co-resident of Utah and Mass.

Mitt Romney is a proven liar about his taxes, from 2002, and everyone knows it.

I cannot believe the GOP picked this mortally defective candidate for President.

Romney failed the tax vetting when he ran for Governor, he failed it in his first run for President, he failed it when McCain vetted him for VP, he failed it in this season's primaries when Perry attacked him (thanks to the press not doing it's job), and now the Romney camp are shocked that the most powerful Mormon in the government, Harry Reid, is publicly calling out fellow Mormon Romney for avoiding taxes, hiding his money offshore, and withholding tithe from the Mormon church.

dellinger63 08-05-2012 11:39 AM

I'd also wager Romney gave the Church of Latter Day Saints more money in ONE YEAR than Obama and his wife have given to ALL charities over their entire LIVES.

Yet he's the bad guy, part of the bad 1%ers (who pay for 70%) of everything!

bigrun 08-05-2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 880556)
I'd also wager Romney gave the Church of Latter Day Saints more money in ONE YEAR than Obama and his wife have given to ALL charities over their entire LIVES.

Yet he's the bad guy, part of the bad 1%ers (who pay for 70%) of everything!

Remember Romney is a zillionaire and Obama only a your above distribution is fair and equal...:tro:

Riot 08-05-2012 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 880561)
Remember Romney is a zillionaire and Obama only a your above distribution is fair and equal...:tro:

Obama gives a large percentage of his income to charity. Those charities are itemized on his multiple-years - 12 I think - of Obama's publicly-released income- tax returns.

Romney hasn't even released one complete year of income tax returns - what he released revealed Cayman Island tax shelters, Swiss Bank Accounts, and tax experts say the one year's 2010 return released (the 13% tax rate) is missing essential documents that were withheld.

dellinger63 08-05-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 880561)
Remember Romney is a zillionaire and Obama only a your above distribution is fair and equal...:tro:

Yea but once again the truth again shows the emperor wears no clothes

Obama's charitable donation as percentage of income.

2010 14.2%
2009 6.0%
2008 6.5%
2007 5.8%
2006 6.1%
2005 4.7%
2004 1.2%
2003 1.4%
2002 0.4% ($1,050 on $259,294)
2001 0.5% ($1,470 on $272,759)
2000 1.0%

Obviously the President believes, at least for himself, making $250K/year leaves little room in the budget for charitable donations. And BTW he's a saint compared to the vice president. who gave $195 bucks on 215K in 1998 and $120 bucks on 210K in 1999. In fact the Biden's never gave more than a grand in a year until he became VP :zz:

Wake up America and see the con-men for what they are!

Riot 08-05-2012 01:04 PM

Dell discovers that a young family, paying off two student loan debts for two professional students, buying a first house, raising two young kids, saving for college and the future - without tax shelters and paying full freight income-tax- - tend not to donate a lot to charities in the early years of their lives. Obama didn't even get their student loans paid off until he wrote books and got income from those to do so.

Still waiting for Dell to acknowledge that President Obama was raised in America by two older white Americans from the heartland of Kansas, one a World War II veteran.

Instead of concentrating on a side of the family Obama had nothing to do with. Obama only met his biological father once, when he was ten years old.

Obama himself worked for 12 years for the University of Chicago, and for 3 years for a private law firm. So, sorry, Dell - Obama has indeed "contributed" to America.

Thepaindispenser 08-07-2012 11:24 AM

So Riot, if your "genius" idol Obama meant the roads and bridges then why didn't he say, "you didn't build those"? Any five-year-old would know to use a plural there instead of the singular "that", so what is it, is Obama a filthy liar or just an idiot? I happen to think he is both.

Thepaindispenser 08-07-2012 11:28 AM

Michael Phelps didn't win all those medals. He swam in public pools and had teachers. Obama really won those medals.

GBBob 08-07-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Thepaindispenser (Post 881138)
Michael Phelps didn't win all those medals. He swam in public pools and had teachers. Obama really won those medals.

Nascar?? can at least spell

hmm...Joey, check, Arl Jim, check, Dell..Double check, who can this be??

bigrun 08-07-2012 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by GBBob (Post 881237)
Nascar?? can at least spell

hmm...Joey, check, Arl Jim, check, Dell..Double check, who can this be??

Who has been AWOL at least a month or two with no slams at riot?
I say coach panties...:tro:

GBBob 08-07-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 881243)
Who has been AWOL at least a month or two with no slams at riot?
I say coach panties...:tro:

Yeah...he did say sheep...thought Dino but that would be too smart for him. But no c.unt or f.tard yet

pointman 08-07-2012 06:33 PM

Is has not occurred to you guys that thepaindispenser could just be one of the millions of americans who are fed up with a litany of policies that have proven not to work that has not previously posted here? My are we cynical here.

GBBob 08-07-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by pointman (Post 881245)
Is has not occurred to you guys that thepaindispenser could just be one of the millions of americans who are fed up with a litany of policies that have proven not to work that has not previously posted here? My are we cynical here.

No..not possible.

And there are +1 to the righties who will re-elect our President shortly

Just sayin:D

bigrun 08-07-2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by GBBob (Post 881244)
Yeah...he did say sheep...thought Dino but that would be too smart for him. But no c.unt or f.tard yet

Right, but that would be toooooo obvious...but other brushmarks are there..
A new poster out of the blue that heads right to riot, i don't think blowing smoke that he's just a concerned American..:D...might be one of your picks, we'll see.

dellinger63 08-07-2012 07:02 PM

I think it's Spenser's long lost straight brother

GBBob 08-07-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by dellinger63 (Post 881249)
I think it's Spenser's long lost straight brother

So that would make him a Republican?


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