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Danzig 02-26-2014 07:01 AM

bad 'history'

i saw comments on this while at the gym yesterday, which lead me to look up the vido...not sure where this fellow got his version of history, but he's so far off the mark it's not funny. hate to think of how many viewers saw this bs and took it as truth.
judge, seriously, go get educated about the topic before you blather on. ugh. next he or someone on that channel will be explaining why creationism should be taught in science class.

that channel exhibits idiocy on a grand scale.

Danzig 03-12-2014 07:14 PM

bigrun, anyone else see the judge on the daily show? he opted to double down on his revisionist history.
i hope the three professors they had on can steer the good fellow in the right direction, and show him how he's got lincoln and the civil war completely bass-ackwards.

NTamm1215 03-13-2014 10:00 AM

I thought this thread was about this gem from Sheila Jackson Lee:

Danzig 03-13-2014 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by NTamm1215 (Post 969329)
I thought this thread was about this gem from Sheila Jackson Lee:


well, it is either bad history or bad math!

Danzig 03-13-2014 12:36 PM

and now some bad science to add into the mix...thanks to wyoming.

bigrun 03-13-2014 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 969283)
bigrun, anyone else see the judge on the daily show? he opted to double down on his revisionist history.
i hope the three professors they had on can steer the good fellow in the right direction, and show him how he's got lincoln and the civil war completely bass-ackwards.

Yeah, watched the 'interview'..the judge said he lost 70 lbs, hardly recognized him..watched the extended interview on line..Stewart no pushover, made as many or more points for his side..loved the banter back and forth..and methinks the judge is all wet...

Danzig 03-13-2014 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by bigrun (Post 969360)
Yeah, watched the 'interview'..the judge said he lost 70 lbs, hardly recognized him..watched the extended interview on line..Stewart no pushover, made as many or more points for his side..loved the banter back and forth..and methinks the judge is all wet...

his hair looks awful, he should go back to grey.

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