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LaReason 06-26-2014 03:03 PM

does anyone remember me?!
Hey guys,
It's Ryan...some of you may remember me...I used to gallop Rampillion for Chuck a few years ago. I was intrigued to see what some of you were up to, and decided to stop in...luckily remembered my password after a few tries! ;)

I'm in NC now and sadly out of the horse business...but looking for a way to hop back in. After leaving Chuck's (he technically left me!) I graduated college and moved to NC to manage an event January 2013 I left the horse industry for a try at the business world. Let's just say I miss the horses a good deal.

Anyway, I see some familiar names around and hope everyone is well! :)

Kasept 06-26-2014 05:54 PM

Like we're going to forget you Ryan...

Kasept 06-26-2014 05:54 PM

Kasept 06-26-2014 05:55 PM

LaReason 06-26-2014 06:08 PM

ahh. love you, Steve!! thanks for the awesome pics :))

Cannon Shell 06-26-2014 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kasept (Post 984212)

This is some exacta

LaReason 06-26-2014 08:01 PM

@Chuck...yes, indeed.

Alabama Stakes 06-27-2014 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kasept (Post 984210)
Like we're going to forget you Ryan...

you're a class act boss.

Danzig 06-27-2014 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kasept (Post 984210)
Like we're going to forget you Ryan...


glad to hear from you. hope you find a way to get back into horses. gotta be tough to leave it.

LaReason 06-27-2014 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 984252)

glad to hear from you. hope you find a way to get back into horses. gotta be tough to leave it.

it wasn't tough at the time, after 8 years of working 7 days a week, but now that a year and change has gone by i'm missing it like crazy. not necessarily wanting to go back to working those crazy hours, but need to find my "niche" in the industry...just not sure how to do it.

luckily i still have access to the horses...the barn i used to manage is 10 mins from my house and i can go riding's just hard to go from living and breathing horses to working in an office 9-5. :-/ trying to figure out where to go from here.

:) hope you guys don't mind me hanging around!

GBBob 06-27-2014 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by LaReason (Post 984264)
it wasn't tough at the time, after 8 years of working 7 days a week, but now that a year and change has gone by i'm missing it like crazy. not necessarily wanting to go back to working those crazy hours, but need to find my "niche" in the industry...just not sure how to do it.

luckily i still have access to the horses...the barn i used to manage is 10 mins from my house and i can go riding's just hard to go from living and breathing horses to working in an office 9-5. :-/ trying to figure out where to go from here.

:) hope you guys don't mind me hanging around!

Hey Ryan..How are you? Great to see you touch base and congrats on your "new" life and glad it still involves horses:)

LaReason 06-27-2014 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by GBBob (Post 984268)
Hey Ryan..How are you? Great to see you touch base and congrats on your "new" life and glad it still involves horses:)

hey, buddy! :) i'm doing okay. trying to figure out what the heck i'm doing, haha. thanks so much for replying. hope you are doing great, as well!

Unstable 06-28-2014 10:53 AM

Hello, Ryan... Jonathan here....

I hope you find a way to balance everything in your life. It seems to me that working with horses is an all-or-nothing proposition. I've never seen people who work harder.

Please continue to let us know how you are doing. It's always a pleasure to cheer on, or congratulate, the good people we've met along the way.

LaReason 06-30-2014 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Unstable (Post 984429)
Hello, Ryan... Jonathan here....

I hope you find a way to balance everything in your life. It seems to me that working with horses is an all-or-nothing proposition. I've never seen people who work harder.

Please continue to let us know how you are doing. It's always a pleasure to cheer on, or congratulate, the good people we've met along the way.

Hi Jonathan! I was hoping you would chime in! :) Thanks so much. It is definitely an all-or-nothing proposition. It requires 100% dedication, and with some health problems, student loan debt and a few other things hanging over my head I felt it was time to explore some other options, career-wise.

I guess we will see where this crazy Life Train takes me!

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