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ElPrado 05-23-2015 07:03 PM

Holy Horseradish, Batman!
61,941.10 superfecta!!! 7,111.70 trifecta!

R 8 at Santa Anita today! :zz:

helicopter11 05-23-2015 07:53 PM

You are a recent fan of the game i take it.

ElPrado 05-23-2015 08:45 PM

Since the 60's. Is that long enough? Just not much of a bettor. More breeding. I ran a chat room on one site for several years. I'm more of a pool player for gambling. Ran pool rooms in Tampa for 25 years. Didn't have time to get to the track. I had to sleep sometime.

Alabama Stakes 05-23-2015 09:52 PM

you're talkin the 1860's right ?

ElPrado 05-24-2015 12:39 AM

What a funny child. Did your mommy let you use the computer tonight?:)

Alabama Stakes 05-24-2015 09:50 AM

you figured that out huh? so i guess you're not as dumb as your cat is ugly..
you are like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, overmatched

ElPrado 05-24-2015 02:32 PM

How old were you when Harvard offered you your scholarship?

I was very likely younger when Yale offered me one. Full 4 years, free.

somerfrost 05-24-2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by ElPrado (Post 1028492)
How old were you when Harvard offered you your scholarship?

I was very likely younger when Yale offered me one. Full 4 years, free.

Well, I used the GI bill to get my education, along with a full time job....guess I don't belong with the intellectual heavyweights..:rolleyes:

ElPrado 05-24-2015 04:36 PM

I was a month short of 10. That twerp started it.:)

Alabama Stakes 05-24-2015 04:55 PM

I paid my tuition at Northeastern, working co-op. must have been much easier for you at Yale on scholarship, and not have to work and study and bet hosses at the same time. Thurston Howell III spoke of you Yale men often. It's Sunday, shouldn't you be prayin for a happy death instead of being on the computer? have a nice summer, El Prado.

ElPrado 05-24-2015 07:02 PM

Woman, not man. I never did go to Yale. Dad was USAF. That was the year he was transferred to Okinawa, 200 miles off shore of Red China. The commute would have been a bit much.

DonGuido 05-24-2015 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by somerfrost (Post 1028517)
Well, I used the GI bill to get my education, along with a full time job....guess I don't belong with the intellectual heavyweights..:rolleyes:

This is fun, I'll join in . . . EP is always fun. I had the GI bill, scholarships and fellowships to put my 8 years together. Married with 2 kids. And a couple of loans. Helk man, nowadays I'd have to have a part time job too and sell drugs on the side to afford it. And now I work at the Great Dallas Zoo. HUH!? We actually have ponies at the zoo for kiddy rides so there's my horse forum connection. Cute ponies too!

DonGuido 05-24-2015 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by ElPrado (Post 1028550)
Woman, not man. I never did go to Yale. Dad was USAF. That was the year he was transferred to Okinawa, 200 miles off shore of Red China. The commute would have been a bit much.

EP, best to forget about AS . . . he has no clue.

Danzig 05-24-2015 07:43 PM

Going the military route can pay dividends....tony and I are both vets, as is our oldest. He works on the river now with a big towboat company out of paducah, he loves that job....and great pay and benefits. Tony has a great job as an electrician which he learned there.
Our youngest was hoping to go to Annapolis, but didn't make it. Lsu made a nice offer, but after talking with the recruiter, he joined the navy. Why pay to get a degree when they'll teach you while you get paid, and get hands on experience to boot? and he still has a shot at OCS and his real dream of being a pilot. In the meantime, he went nuclear electronic tech....and just got a massive bonus for reupping to 2019. They don't like spending all that time on training and qualifying just to have you leave, so they made it worth his while to stay.

DonGuido 05-24-2015 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Danzig (Post 1028557)
Going the military route can pay dividends....tony and I are both vets, as is our oldest. He works on the river now with a big towboat company out of paducah, he loves that job....and great pay and benefits. Tony has a great job as an electrician which he learned there.
Our youngest was hoping to go to Annapolis, but didn't make it. Lsu made a nice offer, but after talking with the recruiter, he joined the navy. Why pay to get a degree when they'll teach you while you get paid, and get hands on experience to boot? and he still has a shot at OCS and his real dream of being a pilot. In the meantime, he went nuclear electronic tech....and just got a massive bonus for reupping to 2019. They don't like spending all that time on training and qualifying just to have you leave, so they made it worth his while to stay.

I'm all about serving. My dad did two tours in WWII and Korea. He was a sailor but had to take care of those foot soldiers going over and coming back. I'm a Viet Nam era vet, lucked out and went to Stuttgart Germany for 18 months after spending 15 month at Fort Lewis. Went through Basic at Ft. Dix. Pretty lucky and awesome duty for the time. Someone up high plus my Sgt. Major, who I will never forget, was watching out for me and my wife. My son was a corpsman in the navy, spending most of his time training with the marines. Stayed in for 6 yrs and should have stayed for 20 or more. I can say I'm probably more patriotic than George M. Cohan was . . . maybe. Here's to you and yours and all the others here on Memorial Day who served their country!!!! I salute all of you. :tro::D And I agree . . . hard to beat Navy schooling and experience.

Sorry EP I got off subject, but it is Memorial Day weekend.

Danzig 05-24-2015 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by DonGuido (Post 1028567)
I'm all about serving. My dad did two tours in WWII and Korea. He was a sailor but had to take care of those foot soldiers going over and coming back. I'm a Viet Nam era vet, lucked out and went to Stuttgart Germany for 18 months after spending 15 month at Fort Lewis. Went through Basic at Ft. Dix. Pretty lucky and awesome duty for the time. Someone up high plus my Sgt. Major, who I will never forget, was watching out for me and my wife. My son was a corpsman in the navy, spending most of his time training with the marines. Stayed in for 6 yrs and should have stayed for 20 or more. I can say I'm probably more patriotic than George M. Cohan was . . . maybe. Here's to you and yours and all the others here on Memorial Day who served their country!!!! I salute all of you. :tro::D And I agree . . . hard to beat Navy schooling and experience.

Sorry EP I got off subject, but it is Memorial Day weekend.

One of the best people i ever knew was a ww2 vet. Served in the navy. His wife lost him not long ago, he was just a wonderful person. Could have listened to him for hours. Fewer and fewer left from ww2....very thankful for all that those men and women did.

ElPrado 05-24-2015 11:09 PM

Dad was Army then. Went through the Philippines, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and was scheduled to be in the force that went to Japan before they surrendered. He re-upped after the war and also served in Korea. Stayed in 21 years. Mom was English. They met in England after the war. I was born in Liverpool. You could say I'm well traveled.

ElPrado 05-24-2015 11:39 PM

I'm good friends with someone from around Paducah, Buddy Hall. One of the best pool players in history. He's living around Paducah now. Look him up on YouTube. One of the people that taught me pool.

Danzig 05-25-2015 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by ElPrado (Post 1028576)
I'm good friends with someone from around Paducah, Buddy Hall. One of the best pool players in history. He's living around Paducah now. Look him up on YouTube. One of the people that taught me pool.

It is so pretty there, all the old buildings. But the museum there....yikes. Great artifacts, but the spiel from the Not entirely accurate.

reese 05-25-2015 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by DonGuido (Post 1028556)
EP, best to forget about AS . . . he has no clue.

Isn't that ASS?:zz:

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