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Rupert Pupkin 11-09-2006 06:31 PM

Gates vs Rumsfeld
Here is a good article about Robert Gates that will tell you all about him and will also compare and contrast his style to Rumsfeld.

brianwspencer 11-09-2006 06:37 PM

it certainly sounds promising. we'll see how it pans out -- but he doesn't seem anything like rummy...which i am thrilled about.

thanks for the article rupert

Downthestretch55 11-10-2006 12:56 PM

Uhhh Ohhh!! Uhhh Ohhh!!!
Seems like the Gates nomination might be headed in the same direction as Harriet Meir's nom.
Remember Iran-contra? My guess is that this one will be withdrawn before that "can of worms" gets reopened.
Heck, ya never know when you're dealing with an "administration" that is this clueless.
How come all of daddy's "buddies" are being called to the rescue? Huh?

Downthestretch55 11-11-2006 12:19 PM

More on Gates, that you would rather not know about.
But if you read it, now you do.

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