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moses 07-20-2021 11:33 AM

Two at Toga - 2021 edition
This is basically the same thing that DaHoss does. Fictional $2 win/place on two horses each day. One is my "best bet" and the other is my "best value," typically a horse with morning line odds around 5/1 or higher. I'm getting started on this late but we'll see whether I can turn a profit for the remainder of the meet.

Wednesday, July 21

Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow so I'll check back tomorrow morning but I wanted to get this posted so that I'd actually commit myself to starting it this week.

jms62 07-20-2021 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by moses (Post 1155610)
This is basically the same thing that DaHoss does. Fictional $2 win/place on two horses each day. One is my "best bet" and the other is my "best value," typically a horse with morning line odds around 5/1 or higher. I'm getting started on this late but we'll see whether I can turn a profit for the remainder of the meet.

Wednesday, July 21

Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow so I'll check back tomorrow morning but I wanted to get this posted so that I'd actually commit myself to starting it this week.

What do you mean by "Best Bet" ?

I often get confused by this as to some "Best Bet" is their most likely to win which most times isn't a good bet at all but valuable as a single...

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 12:17 PM

Who needs a best bet ? Stupid concept. 2 price hosses is such a better way to go. Who needs a place bet on some low priced hoss ? Copying a guy who doesn’t break even is not the way to fly , Mo.

Dahoss 07-20-2021 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155621)
Who needs a best bet ? Stupid concept. 2 price hosses is such a better way to go. Who needs a place bet on some low priced hoss ? Copying a guy who doesn’t break even is not the way to fly , Mo.

Since it’s so easy, you should give it a shot. Let’s put it this way, if you’re able to show a profit doing it, I’ll leave the board forever.

moses 07-20-2021 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 1155618)
What do you mean by "Best Bet" ?

I often get confused by this as to some "Best Bet" is their most likely to win which most times isn't a good bet at all but valuable as a single...

I struggle with this honestly. Some times it is a horse that I just don’t think can lose (no value) and some times it is a horse that I think has a great chance to win but is overlooked. I’m not sure I’ve actually figured it out myself what “best bet” means.

Maybe I’ll have to give that more thought.

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 1155625)
Since it’s so easy, you should give it a shot. Let’s put it this way, if you’re able to show a profit doing it, I’ll leave the board forever.

In spyders similar contest, I walked the walk if you remember.

jms62 07-20-2021 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155628)
In spyders similar contest, I walked the walk if you remember.

I hit .629 in Little League...

Dahoss 07-20-2021 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155628)
In spyders similar contest, I walked the walk if you remember.

The contest that you got cancelled because you were so annoying? I thought past success doesn’t mean anything.…you cyberblew me for years because of all the winners I fed you. Not I’m a horrible person because I stopped.

Let’s see you do it now. You show a profit, I leave. You don’t show a profit, you make a $200 donation to the charity of my choosing.

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by jms62 (Post 1155629)
I hit .629 in Little League...

Last contest was 2018. A dynamite second place finish

Me too, but only if I was pitching, because we were gonna need to score plenty of runs to win the game.

Dahoss 07-20-2021 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155632)
Last contest was 2018. A dynamite second place finish

Me too, but only if I was pitching, because we were gonna need to score plenty of runs to win the game.

It would appear the big vagina doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to put his opinion out there and track it.

Kind of ironic, don’t ya think?

moses 07-20-2021 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155621)
Who needs a best bet ? Stupid concept. 2 price hosses is such a better way to go. Who needs a place bet on some low priced hoss ? Copying a guy who doesn’t break even is not the way to fly , Mo.

To be fair, I think both threads from last year had plenty of situations where there were two price horses picked in one day. Like I mentioned above, I know I don't follow an exact formula for what qualifies as my "best bet."

Dahoss 07-20-2021 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by moses (Post 1155638)
To be fair, I think both threads from last year had plenty of situations where there were two price horses picked in one day. Like I mentioned above, I know I don't follow an exact formula for what qualifies as my "best bet."

For me it’s the horse I like the most that day that is also a horse I could bet. Look at opening day at Saratoga, obviously Golden Pal would’ve been most peoples “best bet” but I know I’m not betting horses at 1/5 or whatever he was

Dahoss 07-20-2021 03:27 PM

By the way, the big vagina’s silence anytime he is challenged is hilarious. He knows what will happen.

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 1155625)
Since it’s so easy, you should give it a shot. Let’s put it this way, if you’re able to show a profit doing it, I’ll leave the board forever.

Promise ?

Dahoss 07-20-2021 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155653)
Promise ?

Sure. Two picks every single day for the Saratoga meet. You show a profit I’m gone. You lose you make a $200 donation to the charity of my choice.

You game?

gamblin4ever 07-20-2021 06:16 PM

Moses, Best Bet should be the horse you think is most likely to win for the day, price shouldn't matter.
Just my opinion. Good luck in your picks and may you be profitable. Also congrats on new baby.

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dahoss (Post 1155661)
Sure. Two picks every single day for the Saratoga meet. You show a profit I’m gone. You lose you make a $200 donation to the charity of my choice.

You game?

No . I lose and YOU make a $100 donation. I win I’ll make $100 donation.

Dahoss 07-20-2021 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Alabama Stakes (Post 1155663)
No . I lose and YOU make a $100 donation. I win I’ll make $100 donation.

Whatever. I’ll still leave and donate the money.

By the way, you’re welcome for helping you retire early you ungrateful scumbag.

Alabama Stakes 07-20-2021 09:43 PM

Thank you and Byk for helping me retire early. I have done this several times already. 6 years and 20 days now. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Dahoss 07-20-2021 09:49 PM

You have an interesting way of showing gratitude.

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