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Kasept 02-02-2007 07:41 AM

"It's Groundhog Day.. again.."
In a rare stunner, Punxatawney Phil DID NOT see his shadow this morning "in this little tiny hamlet in Western Pennsylvania"... Early spring kids...

The film Groundhog Day is one of my absolute favorites. A brilliant Murray and deep supporting cast, handled deftly by Harold Ramis, makes it wonderful and easy to watch over and over...

"Too early for flapjacks?"

"What about the satellites? Is it snowing in space?"

"If you're going to eat steak.. get sharper teeth.."

philcski 02-02-2007 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kasept
In a rare stunner, Punxatawney Phil DID NOT see his shadow this morning "in this little tiny hamlet in Western Pennsylvania"... Early spring kids...

The film Groundhog Day is one of my absolute favorites. A brilliant Murray and deep supporting cast, handled deftly by Harold Ramis, makes it wonderful and easy to watch over and over...

"Too early for flapjacks?"

"What about the satellites? Is it snowing in space?"

"If you're going to eat steak.. get sharper teeth.."

If I had been Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, I'd be 71 years old by the end of the movie...

slotdirt 02-02-2007 08:11 AM

Ned? Ned Ryerson?

Kasept 02-02-2007 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by slotdirt
Ned? Ned Ryerson?


"Ned... Ryerson! "Needlenose Ned"? "Ned the Head"? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing. Ned Ryerson, got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson, I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple of times until you told me not to anymore? Well?"

randallscott35 02-02-2007 09:01 AM

The sooner winter is over the better. Coldest weather of the last few years is coming early next week....Global warming is bunk.

slotdirt 02-02-2007 09:05 AM

"I'd like to drink to world peace."

Dunbar 02-02-2007 09:27 AM

I love the movie, too.

Now this is kinda weird. My newspaper this morning, the Harrisburg Patriot News, ran the exact same Comics pages today as last Friday. And the Cyberquote, Jumble and Crossword puzzles were repeats, too. Is it a blunder, or is someone at the paper trying for the Grondhog Day effect?!

Worst of all, I'm not sure if the beavers are going make it in Mark Trail! Okay, I know they are going to stay, but still...


paisjpq 02-02-2007 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by randallscott35
The sooner winter is over the better. Coldest weather of the last few years is coming early next week....Global warming is bunk.

global climate change...:rolleyes: and it's not bunk.

I've always hated groundhogs least I have since I was 6 and my brother was born:o

randallscott35 02-02-2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by paisjpq
global climate change ...:rolleyes: and it's not bunk.

I've always hated groundhogs least I have since I was 6 and my brother was born:o

I actually don't believe in it. I think the earth has warmed and cooled at different rates over the past 1000 years. Right now we may be warming a bit, but it could go the other direction quite easily. I think human responsibility for the current warming might be 5%. Not much at all.

paisjpq 02-02-2007 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by randallscott35
I actually don't believe in it. I think the earth has warmed and cooled at different rates over the past 1000 years. Right now we may be warming a bit, but it could go the other direction quite easily. I think human responsibility for the current warming might be 5%. Not much at all.

i'm not going to argue with you about it...agree to disagree.

hoovesupsideyourhead 02-02-2007 09:48 AM

was filmed in woodstock friend had a bar that was loaded to the gills with movie money....bill is cool guy and also partys pretty hard.. back then..during filming half the small town were extras...very funny..

randallscott35 02-02-2007 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by paisjpq
i'm not going to argue with you about it...agree to disagree.

Even if we are warming, the good of it outweighs the bad. Plenty of penguins in zoos for the future children to visit....And a nice tan being worked on in March with a Corona in hand. The future looks bright and warm.

randallscott35 02-02-2007 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead
was filmed in woodstock friend had a bar that was loaded to the gills with movie money....bill is cool guy and also partys pretty hard.. back then..during filming half the small town were extras...very funny..

He likes the nose candy.

avance2000 02-02-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by randallscott35
I actually don't believe in it. I think the earth has warmed and cooled at different rates over the past 1000 years. Right now we may be warming a bit, but it could go the other direction quite easily. I think human responsibility for the current warming might be 5%. Not much at all.

saying you don't believe in it is like saying you don't believe in gravity or the existence of other planets. it isn't something you believe in or is something you understand or don't understand.
natural sources of CO2 occur within the carbon cycle where billions of tons of atmospheric CO2 are removed from the atmosphere by oceans and growing plants, also known as ‘sinks,’ and are emitted back into the atmosphere annually through natural processes also known as ‘sources.’ when in balance, the total carbon dioxide emissions and removals from the entire carbon cycle are roughly equal.
since the 1700’s, human activities, such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, and deforestation, have increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. in 2005, global atmospheric concentrations of CO2 were 35% higher than they were before the Industrial Revolution.
so just out of curiosity what are you basing your 5% figure on?

anyway.......great movie.

randallscott35 02-02-2007 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by avance2000
saying you don't believe in it is like saying you don't believe in gravity or the existence of other planets. it isn't something you believe in or is something you understand or don't understand.
natural sources of CO2 occur within the carbon cycle where billions of tons of atmospheric CO2 are removed from the atmosphere by oceans and growing plants, also known as ‘sinks,’ and are emitted back into the atmosphere annually through natural processes also known as ‘sources.’ when in balance, the total carbon dioxide emissions and removals from the entire carbon cycle are roughly equal.
since the 1700’s, human activities, such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, and deforestation, have increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. in 2005, global atmospheric concentrations of CO2 were 35% higher than they were before the Industrial Revolution.
so just out of curiosity what are you basing your 5% figure on?

anyway.......great movie.

Some articles I've read from non-believers who think we overestimate the ability of humans to impact warming....They cited natural events in the past which have made CO2 levels go up and down and how human impact has been less than that. Will try and find some links but this is from a long time ago.

avance2000 02-02-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by randallscott35
Some articles I've read from non-believers who think we overestimate the ability of humans to impact warming....They cited natural events in the past which have made CO2 levels go up and down and how human impact has been less than that. Will try and find some links but this is from a long time ago.

yes but there is no real debate among atmospheric scientists.
do you dispute that humans deposit a lot of CO2 into the air?
or do you dispute that high CO2 levels are a cause of global warming?

randallscott35 02-02-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by avance2000
yes but there is no real debate among atmospheric scientists.
do you dispute that humans deposit a lot of CO2 into the air?
or do you dispute that high CO2 levels are a cause of global warming?

I don't dispute the CO2 being released. I think the impact is exaggerated....Don't forget, during a cold stretch in the 70's, the prevailing wisdom was we were headed towards another ice age---many scientists believed that---and now we are going to be baking into oblivion. I don't see it.

TitanSooner 02-02-2007 10:04 AM

Don't Drive Angry

Dunbar 02-02-2007 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by randallscott35
Some articles I've read from non-believers who think we overestimate the ability of humans to impact warming....They cited natural events in the past which have made CO2 levels go up and down and how human impact has been less than that. Will try and find some links but this is from a long time ago.

Randall, I don't think you will find an article written by any leading scientist that questions the seriousness of global warming. You may find some articles by fringe people, or by "scientists" on a par with the tobacco company "scientists".


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