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Old 02-03-2015, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
There was only 26 seconds left. If they run and get stopped, the play takes at least 5 seconds. There is no chance they could have gotten another play off without taking a time out. It takes time to get both teams lined up on the line. Even if they could have gotten another play off, it would have been with 1 or 2 seconds left and then the game would have been over.

If they run on 2nd down, they have to call time out. They could have still gotten 3 plays off if they would have then thrown on 3rd down.
If they run on second down they score. Patriots could have had 20 men on defense they weren't going to stop Lynch that close. There is no excuse on that play call. Only thing I can think of is RHT bet on Seattle.
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