Originally Posted by geeker2
Texas A&M Study Calls Obama
5th Best President in American History
From a total of 44 U.S. Presidents, Obama has been rated as the 5th best, according to a study completed at Texas A&M University.
The Public Relations Office at A&M released this statement:
"After almost 6 years in office, American academics have rated President
Obama the 5th Best President in American History".
These are the results according to Texas A&M:
1. Lincoln and Reagan tied for first place
2. Seventeen Presidents tied for second place
3. Twenty-three other Presidents tied for third place
4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and...
5. Obama was fifth.
LMAO...That there is funny, i love Aggie jokes...here's some other old ones
Why did the Aggie get rid of his freezer?
He got tired of cutting the ice into little squares to fit into the trays.
What's the best selling underarm deodorant in College Station?
Why can't Aggie farmers raise chickens?
They plant the eggs too deep.
There was an aggie that saw a sign that said "Wet Cement". So he did.
How does an Aggie evacuate Houston in case of a hurricane?
Uses 610 Loop
How many aggies does it take to eat an armadillo?
Three. One to eat it and two to watch the road.
What do Aggies call road kill armadillo?
Possum on the half shell.
There was an aggie who wore the same pair of socks every day. His mother finally told him to put on a new pair of socks on every day. A few days later, he couldn't put his shoes on.