Rioting is wrong no matter what the color of skin or reason.
In Vancouver people (mainly white) rioted over the Canucks WINNING the Stanley Cup. Still doesn't make what happened in Baltimore OK or more just.
We got a glimpse last night of what would happen if police decided to let things go unimpeded and anarchy reigned.
Again it's odd the murders of 56 black people, so far this year, in Baltimore, prior to the killing of Freddie Gray didn't seem to matter to anyone. We're less than halfway thru this year. Will the next 56 murders committed by those outside of the police department matter?
I also wonder if Mr. Gray would have been one preventing the violence or one participating in the violence?
I must ask the author of the article you cited why she left out the pumpkin and football rioters' actions of looting and attacking police.
And JMS must be busy otherwise he'd be on here typing 'straw man argument'
Too bad there isn't a Loyola Academy in every city.