Thread: Baltimore riots
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Old 04-29-2015, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Pretty funny that he is pounding Danzig on capitilization and spelling yet is completely wrong on the actual facts. I guess we should await the avalanche of statistics unrelated to any topic being discussed.
I admitted my mistake.

We'll see about Danzig.

Odd that you didn't catch her response to 70% of American Africans born out of wedlock with 4 out of 10 mothers regardless of race not being married, proving in her peanut brain that it's no longer a race issue.

Then in a fall on her face moment she states "The data shows the fastest growth in the past 20 years is among white women in their 20s with some college education but no four-year degree." Yet follows that up with her own analysis of more women being self-sufficient.

So there you have it, the largest increase of children being born out of wedlock is to self-sufficient, white women with no college degrees.

She must have been slow at math as well as English as a 4rth grader could figure out, using her stats, that 3 out of 10 African American women having children are married while for all women regardless of race it's 6 out of 10.

I'm sure you'll go verify what I just typed and point out her STRAWMAN argument proves it's still a race issue.
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