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Old 06-14-2015, 10:01 PM
Merlinsky Merlinsky is offline
Santa Anita
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Originally Posted by LARHAGE View Post
RIP Danzig Moon, that was ugly, such a shame, he was a nice colt.
I haven't heard if it was primarily about blood flow or if there was an issue of support. Sometimes they know there's just no way of being able to hold up the horse. The fact that it was a compound in the hind leg made me wonder.

I mention that because when the news first broke, I had (well, chose) to talk down some crazy lady that was going off on Twitter about how she thought it was a shame they just didn't wanna spend the money to fix the broken leg. When told you can't just do that and everything's better, she'd say things like "where there's a will there's a way." She seemed to calm down when I told her to look up things like laminitis. I don't know that she will, but her freak out was obviously coming from a place of passionate ignorance. I told her it could've been more cruel to try to save Danzig Moon.

It's a common viewpoint and normally I wouldn't engage, but my instinct was to encourage education. Like a lot of people she wants the best for horses, but fails to have the knowledge to determine what that is. A consistent problem. I dunno that she's a PETA person exactly because her reaction was less principled and more visceral. She seemed like someone who'd be horrified by what PETA does if she only knew the truth of it.
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