Originally Posted by Pants II
And not the expense of any white men?
You're indoctrinated to the core, dude.
You really believe what you just typed?
You think women and minorities can't be extremely, if not more violent, than the rich white men?
And knowing this...it blows your whole f.ucking theory out of the water.
All people can be hateful. It's not limited to white men.
Look at the crime statistics.
Use facts, not wild assumptions.
Coach you are good at putting words in the mouths of others...where did I say that women and minorities can't be violent? Within every group of folks there are those who resort to violence, that has nothing to due with the fact that the rich and powerful use knowledge of human behavior to control the masses...hell, the powerful seldom resort to violence, they simply brainwash the rest of us to do their bidding. The general doesn't get his hands bloody, he sits back and watches his troops do the fighting, the rich southern landowner didn't don a white sheet, he convinced poor white folks that blacks were responsible for their poverty....meanwhile he got rich off the backs of the poor. The rich and powerful learned long long ago that the secret to maintaining their status was to deflect blame...and while the gullible masses fought each other, they laughed all the way to the bank.