Originally Posted by somerfrost
You are correct. Look, I don't want to see the Feds ban the rebel flag (free speech) but companies and the market place have a role here, it's time that a statement is made that bad taste (to say nothing of hatred and racism) HAS NO PLACE IN THIS COUNTRY.
i don't see a ban happening at all. nor should it.
Originally Posted by somerfrost
The rebel flag is a symbol, to many it represents the worst of human nature...I resent this writers arrogant assumption that I think removing it from our culture will end racism and bigotry, of course not but this goes beyond "political correctness" and isn't some knee-jerk reaction to the murders in SC. We don't use the "n-word" and we consider hate crime particularly vile...if we strive for a more just society we can't turn a blind eye to folks who hide behind freedom of speech to subvert the very nature of freedom. This is a message that must be sent...a necessary step in a journey far from it's end.
well said. i've always been against the states flying it-how unnerving to those not of that viewpoint who lived in those states. what message did it send to their citizens who saw that flag and wondered?
i am a history nut, and have been to just about every civil war battlefield in this country, large and small. but i know full well what that flag meant, and what it continues to mean to many. it has a place in history, in museums, as a learning point...but to have flown it with pride by state governments...simply unreal. and i'm glad i get to see that change in my lifetime, it's gone on too long already.
i hope the removal is a first step. much needs changing. it's a continual process, not a journey with one or two destinations, such as appamattox and selma.