Thread: Baltimore riots
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Old 07-30-2015, 05:45 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
Del Mar
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i have no problem with polls.
this isn't a poll. it's a bs article that supposedly uses facts to draw a conclusion.
polls have to do with opinions.
this article you used supposedly deals with facts. it does not however. and how can one conclude something regarding race, when 25% of the data is unknown??
and it's not whether someone likes or doesn't like his opinion. it's that no logical conclusion can be reached due to faulty and incomplete data.

also, take note of this from politifact:

We have not found any experts who will vouch for numbers that purport to represent annual fatal shootings by police, as there are gaping holes within each dataset.

visited, to see what i could find. based on cdc info from death certificates, they show:

The CDC database contains deaths as a result of “legal intervention,” which is defined as “injuries inflicted by the police or other law-enforcing agents, including military on duty, in the course of arresting or attempting to arrest lawbreakers, suppressing disturbances, maintaining order, and other legal actions.”
We searched the CDC database for fatal firearm shootings that occurred during legal interventions. The database provides the race of the deceased, but not the race of the law enforcement officer who fired the fatal shot or shots. Still, the CDC information is useful.
From 1999 through 2012, there were 4,819 such shooting deaths. Most of those killed — 69 percent — were white. However, the white population in the U.S. is far greater than the population of blacks, so the data also show blacks were fatally shot at more than twice the rate of whites.
During that 14-year period, there were 3,333 white people shot and killed during legal interventions, 1,270 blacks, 111 Asians and 105 native American Indians. Based on the population during that time, the CDC database shows 1 white person was shot and killed during legal intervention per million. The rate for blacks was 2.3 people for every 1 million.
There is plenty of info right there in what you just provided. It says, "During that 14-year period, there were 3,333 white people shot and killed during legal interventions, 1,270 blacks, 111 Asians and 105 Native Americans." That is more than enough data to look at. We know that far more whites are shot by police than blacks. We know that more blacks are shot percentage wise than whites, since blacks make up far less of the population. We also know that blacks commit far more crime percentage wise. When you look at the percentage of violent crime committed by all the different races and then you look at the percentages of those people that the police shoot, there is no evidence of anything unusual.

There is no evidence of any bias on the part of the police in the people they shoot. In another words, if 100 black people assault a cop and 100 white people assault a cop, there is no credible evidence that the police would shoot more black people than white people. If you have any evidence that says the opposite, I'd love to see it.
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