Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis
So left leaning Slate runs a hit piece and leaves out a whoooole bunch of pretty important details, which they were later forced to reveal by Fiorina's campaign.
For one: yeah, it's your kid, and if your religious proclivities prevent you from forceably injecting toxins into your kid, you have the liberty- under the letter of the law in the Constitution, to refuse to allow it....But the school districts have the same rights to expel and refuse admittance of said kid.
Seems completely rational to me.
Stupid only hurts when one blindly quotes "sources" with an already exposed agenda. And then have to wonder why they started to call someone, who clearly has an exponentially higher IQ than they do, stupid. Cuz then they look real stupid. And that hurts 
As for the school thing....that's all well and good. But kids don't just go to public schools...remember the measles outbreak at Disneyland? Or stores, daycare, the doctors office and so on.
What Carly, or any supposed intelligent person should say is ma'am, you're misinformed about vaccines that have prevented a variety of dangerous and deadly diseases from infecting millions of folks. Please listen to doctors instead of friends on Facebook and playboy centerfolds who cite one debunked study by a doctor who had his license stripped due to that bad study.
People use religion to not take kids to doctors, and now to let their kids flirt with disaster by not taking preventive steps.
Recently a boy died because his parents didn't get him vaccinated. They promptly got his sister caught up on her shots. Fat lot of good it did her dead sibling. I bet if they could go back in time, they wouldn't have been so careless with his health. They sure didn't risk their own! And he paid the price for it.