Originally Posted by Danzig
oh wow, that is awful. never heard that before.
whenever the topic comes up, I remember the story of typhoid mary. she eventually had to be forced into isolation, she refused to quit cooking for people even tho she knew full well she was spreading typhoid!
I know people want to be free to decide things...but my god, you're toying with your childrens lives people...because you believe a model over a doctor? baseless rumors over science?
I have no more respect for people who refuse vaccines based on bs than I do people who refuse to take their child to the doctor, because they're gonna pray to get the poor kid healed.
This is the link to the New Yorker article:
It concludes with the author talking about how, when she was pregnant, it was discovered that her rubella immunity had elapsed, but since she was pregnant, she couldn't be re-vaccinated. She spent the rest of her pregnancy terrified she'd come into contact with someone infected who didn't know they had it, or didn't feel sick enough to stay home. That's what gets me seeing red when people go, "Well, then just get yourself and your kids vaccinated and mind your own business!" Augh! That is not how vaccination works, folks!
If you can't claim religious exemptions for pooping on the sidewalk, you shouldn't be able to claim them for vaccinations. Both are about reducing threats to the public.