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Old 12-16-2006, 03:48 PM
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SentToStud SentToStud is offline
Arlington Park
Join Date: May 2006
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Originally Posted by Scav
Sooner or later he will connect. It depends on your poison with him. he is pretty patient and can last the day playing a couple tickets. Me, no thank you, I am a kamakizee gambler, exacta/pick threes in every race until the account balance says 0.00.

You just have to be careful with when he likes Lemon Drop Kid horses because he likes ALL of them. He also tries to tell me that Afternoon Delites is a good turf sire, and he is far from it. Afternoon delites could sire a horse that had Danehill on the bottom and the horse would run close to last
You got that "fear of regret" thing going?
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