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Old 05-03-2017, 08:48 AM
tomm5647 tomm5647 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 220
Default Arlington fan friendly?

I know that everyone is consumed with last minute Derby capping but I had to post this. I am in IL and have been going to AP for 40+ years. Very infrequently in the last 3 or 4 years since they seemed to want to squeeze every nickel out of their customers. By the time you paid admission, program, maybe a beer and a hot dog you were already down $50+. When I saw the promotions offered at other tracks, free or reduced admission $1 dogs and beers I came to the conclusion that they really didn't look beyond the bottom line. I have been almost exclusively on-line and local OTB for years. I was surprised to see on-line that AP was offering free admission on opening day and $1 dogs and $1 beer. I looked further and they have scheduled regular reduced admission and food items all year. In the past when I questioned AP staff about the lack of fan friendly promotions I was told it was a liability issue and if a patron over imbibed and had an accident AP would be liable. I always thought that was bull since my primary focus at the track was to make money and too many beers would severely hinder my decisions. Glad to see that I may be able to visit beautiful AP this summer and not pay $8 for a draft beer if I got thirsty. Glad to see they came to their senses.
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