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Old 04-08-2018, 05:39 AM
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Steve Byk
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Greenwich, NY
Posts: 43,552
Default Weekend Stakes Beyers: Justify 107; Vino Rosso 98; Good Magic 95

SA Santa Anita Derby (G1): Justify 107 (Scat Daddy) B. Baffert/M. Smith
SA Santa Anita Oaks (G1): Midnight Bisou 90 (Midnight Lute) W. Spawr /M. Smith
SA Royal Heroine S (G2): Beau Recall-IRE 91 (Sir Prancealot-IRE) S. Callaghan/J. Rosario
SA Echo Eddie S: Heck Yeah 85 (Acclamation) B. Baffert/ M. Smith
SA Evening Jewel S: Spiced Perfection 85 (Smiling Tiger) B. Koriner/ J. Talamo
SA Providencia S (G3): Fatale Bere-FR 88 (Pedro the Great) L. Powell/J. Rosario
SA Tokyo City Cup S (G3): Hoppertunity -- (Any Given Saturday) B. Baffert/F. Prat

AQU Wood Memorial S. (G2): Vino Rosso 98 (Curlin) T. Pletcher /J. Velazquez
AQU Carter H (G1): Army Mule 114 (Friesan Fire) T. Pletcher /J. Bravo
AQU Gazelle S (G2): My Miss Lilly 92 (Tapit) M. Hennig/J. Bravo
AQU Bay Shore S (G3): National Flag 86 (Speightstown) T. Pletcher /F. Prat
AQU Excelsior S (G3): Discreet Lover 92 (Repent) U. St. Lewis/M. Franco
AQU Distaff H (G3): Holiday Disguise 89 (Harlan's Holiday) L. Rice/I. Ortiz
AQU Danger's Hour S: Fire Away 102 (War Front) C. McGaughey/M. Franco

KEE Toyota Blue Grass S (G2): Good Magic 95 (Curlin) C. Brown/J. Ortiz
KEE Ashland S (G1): Monomoy Girl 95 (Tapizar) B. Cox/F. Geroux
KEE Madison S (G1): Finley'sluckycharm 95 (Twirling Candy) W. Calhoun/B. Hernandez
KEE Commonwealth S (G3): Warrior's Club 98 (Warrior's Reward) D. Lukas/L. Contreras
KEE Shakertown S (G2): Bound for Nowhere 107 (The Factor) W. Ward/J. Garcia
KEE Transylvania S (G3): Analyze It 97 (Point of Entry) C. Brown/J. Ortiz
KEE Appalachian S. (G2): Rushing Fall 85 (More Than Ready) C. Brown/J. Castellano
KEE Beaumont S. (G3): Gas Station Sushi 79 (Into Mischief) R. Baltas/C. Nakatani

OP Carousel S: Swing and Sway 82 (Maclean's Music) R. Moquett /D. Cabrera
OP Arkansas Breeders' S: Glacken's Ghost 85 (Smoke Glacken) M. Robertson/A. Canchari
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 04-10-2018 at 05:44 AM.
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