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Old 05-03-2021, 06:49 PM
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RolloTomasi RolloTomasi is offline
Oriental Park
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Originally Posted by freddymo View Post
We could accurately reverse engineer racing decisions from trainers that make bad decisions every day. You had 10 reasonably good animals that didn't run an 80 BSF that is a tough pill to swallow in the Pat Day Stakes on the first Saturday in May at CD. This wasn't a Feb 12th field in an NW1 Aqueduct which will have at least 3 horses will run an 80 fig.
Just to be clear, you saw the fractions of the race, right?

And you are also aware that every single 2021 route start (and nearly every sprint start, too, actually) from every single horse in the race save for Prevalence's tailored team workout second time out resulted in a running line in which ground (i.e., multiple lengths) was lost in the stretch? (This was all on paper beforehand, by the way...)

I thought I covered most of the field, but which specific horse did you think was: (1) not in declining form or (2) had shown the ability to handle further than 7f or (3) had shown the ability to survive a fast pace or (4) shown the ability to close in a route?

Was I supposed to analyze the scratched horse?
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