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Old 08-26-2021, 04:02 PM
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casp0555 casp0555 is offline
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Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
You'll have to ask Casp and Gamlin
I didn't use him

Sar R8 - $3 Pick 3

Conrad, I thought the 7th was a little wide open but my first draft eliminated 5 of the 11 (which I thought there was 12). I liked the 1 and the 7 the most, the 4 was going to take money and I probably should have included in my original bet but I decided against (added after I learned of the 1 scratch) the 8 was eliminated because of trainer stats that had no appeal. So out of those eliminations, I came up with the 1scr, 7,9,11. If I based my decisions on my opinions of whose cheating and whose not, I would have quit along time ago. Thats always an option....
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